14 Oracle Application Adapters for Oracle WebLogic Server

This chapter describes issues and workarounds for the following Oracle Application Adapters for Oracle WebLogic Server 11g:

This chapter includes the following topics:

14.1 Oracle Application Adapters: New Features

The following topics discuss new features that pertain to Oracle Application Adapters for Oracle WebLogic Server 11g:

14.1.1 Installation

iWay Software provides an installation program to install the Oracle Application Adapters for Oracle WebLogic Server 11g. The installation program installs the Oracle Application Adapters, J2CA Connector, J2CA Test Servlet, and BSE framework on your file system. After installation is complete, these components must be deployed and configured. For more information, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Adapters Installation Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server.

14.1.2 J2CA Log File Management

Improved management of the log files for the J2CA configuration is now provided. A configuration option is added, which allows you to specify the size and other options for the log files. A rollover facility is also available. For more information, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Adapters Installation Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server.

14.1.3 Oracle Application Adapter for SAP R/3

  • Support for SAP JCo Version 2.1.9.

  • OracleAS 11g SCA-compliant WSDL for J2CA configurations.

14.1.4 Oracle Application Adapter for Siebel

  • Support for RSA encryption provided by the JDB APIs.

  • A PreParser tab is available in Application Explorer when configuring a channel (inbound) for the Siebel adapter. This allows the namespace of the Siebel inbound XML document to match the schema.

  • Support for the JDB connection pool facility.

  • OracleAS 11g SCA-compliant WSDL for J2CA configurations.

14.1.5 Oracle Application Adapter for PeopleSoft

  • The HTTP listener is supported for the PeopleTools 8.1 series. This is in addition to the TCP listener.

  • OracleAS 11g SCA-compliant WSDL for J2CA configurations.

14.1.6 Oracle Application Adapter for J.D. Edwards OneWorld

  • The HTTP listener is supported for the J.D. Edwards OneWorld adapter. This is in addition to the TCP listener.

  • A PreParser tab is available in Application Explorer when configuring a channel (inbound) for the J.D. Edwards OneWorld adapter. This allows the namespace of the J.D. Edwards OneWorld inbound XML document to match the schema.

  • OracleAS 11g SCA-compliant WSDL for J2CA configurations.

14.2 Oracle Application Adapters: General Issues and Workarounds

The following topics discuss general issues that pertain to Oracle Application Server Application Adapters, Oracle WebLogic Server Adapter J2CA, and Oracle WebLogic Server Adapter Business Services Engine (BSE):

14.2.1 Testing Outbound BPEL and Mediator Processes

When testing an outbound BPEL process from the BPEL console or an outbound Mediator process from the Enterprise Manager (EM) console, do not use the XML envelopes that are generated by these consoles. Instead, remove them and use the XML payloads that are generated from the schemas, which conform to the WSDLs for namespace qualifications.

The Mediator data flows can be tested using the EM console. When creating a Mediator data flow and interactions, the Web services are created and registered with the Oracle Application Server. For more information about testing Web services, see your Oracle Application Server administrator and the following documentation:

14.2.2 HTTP Repository Connection

HTTP repository connections are not supported for 11g Release 1 (11.1.1), which prevents you from connecting to the Oracle Application Adapters instance from a remote machine. As a workaround, you must install Application Explorer on every platform where integration with Oracle Application Adapters using Application Explorer is required.

14.2.3 File Repository Usage

Do not use a File repository in development, testing, and production environments. As a workaround, use a database repository (for example, Oracle).

14.2.4 Using Business Services Engine for Inbound Processing

Using Business Services Engine (BSE) for inbound processing is not supported. BSE only supports services.

14.2.5 Using Business Services Engine with a File Repository

If you are using Business Services Engine (BSE) on IBM-AIX platforms, do not use the File repository since there are limitations present. As a workaround, use a database repository.

14.2.6 Synchronous Events

Synchronous event handling is not supported for the Oracle Application Adapter for Siebel, Oracle Application Adapter PeopleSoft, and Oracle Application Adapter J.D. Edwards OneWorld.

14.2.7 Ports Option for Inbound Processing

The ports option for inbound processing is not supported for J2CA events. Only the no-ports option is supported.

14.2.8 Supported Custom Objects

iWay continues to support the custom objects of an EIS. However, iWay cannot guarantee the support for all custom objects at the customer environment. Support to the custom object will be considered on a case by case option. Custom objects could fall under any of the following category:

  • SAP

    BAPIs, RFCs, and ALE/IDocs

  • Siebel

    Business Objects, Business Services, and Integration Objects

  • PeopleSoft

    Component Interfaces and Messages

  • J.D. Edwards OneWorld

    Business Functions and Transaction Types

It is recommended that customers who wish to troubleshoot an issue with the custom objects of an EIS, provide the following to iWay:

  1. Data and definition of custom objects.

  2. Request and response XML documents for the custom objects.

  3. Reproduction steps for the custom object.

14.2.9 Adapter Compatibility

You cannot have multiple versions of the client library files in the same lib directory. Therefore, you cannot have one instance of the adapter configured to connect to different EIS versions at the same time by using different versions of the client library files.

14.2.10 Unsupported Configuration

Installing the Oracle Application Adapters and iWay 55 (iWay Service Manager and the iWay adapters) on the same machine is currently not a supported configuration. As a workaround, use a separate machine for each version.

14.2.11 Encoding Support

The Oracle Application Adapters support only UTF-8 encoding.

14.2.12 J2CA Components

If you are working with a J2CA configuration and you create, update, or delete an adapter target or channel using Application Explorer, you must restart Oracle WebLogic Server. This is required to refresh the repository and recognize the new/updated target or channel in the J2CA Test Servlet, BPEL Process, and Mediator Process. The default URL for the J2CA Test Servlet is:


This applies to J2CA targets and channels only, not BSE targets. This also applies when a target or a channel parameter is modified using Application Explorer.

14.2.13 Invoking a Run-Time Message When BSE Is Unavailable

When invoking a run-time message while BSE is unavailable, a "Whitespace required" exception error occurs.

The error message "unable to connect to URL http://host:port/ibse..." appears.

14.2.14 Invoking Outbound BPEL Process at Run Time Using BSE

When invoking an outbound BPEL process at run time using BSE, a "Not able to find SoapRouter" message appears.

Workaround: Add the following element in the respective XML file:

<property name "optSoapShortcut">false</property>

14.2.15 Java Command Error in iwae.sh

When the iwae.sh file is executed, the "Java command is not found" error is generated.

As a workaround, you must set the JAVACMD path in the iwae.sh file to OracleAS_home/jdk/bin/.

For example:


14.2.16 Using the J2CA Test Tool for Outbound Only

The J2CA Test Tool must be used only for outbound (services). Inbound (events) activity options available in the tool are not supported.

14.2.17 BSE Web Services Browser Pages Do Not Support DBCS Input

When using a BSE configuration, the browser-based test tools add encodings to the content being sent. The BSE test tool causes characters to become garbled due to these added encodings. Therefore, you cannot perform a test using input that contains Japanese characters. A possible workaround is to use a tool that can send pure SOAP requests.

14.2.18 Adapter Language Certification

iWay Adapters are certified with the English language. However, on specific release levels, some iWay Adapters are also certified with the Japanese language. If you have encountered issues with other languages, please contact iWay Customer Support for a workaround.

14.2.19 File Channel

The File channel for events is not supported in production environments for the Oracle Application Adapter for PeopleSoft, Oracle Application Adapter for J.D. Edwards OneWorld, and Oracle Application Adapter for Siebel. The File channel is available only for testing purposes in a non-network environment. As a best practice, it is not recommended to use the File channel.

14.2.20 JDK Version Support for Application Explorer

Application Explorer only supports JDK version 1.6.x. Application Explorer will generate a java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError exception, if the Java version that is being used is not JDK version 1.6.x. As a workaround, verify that you have the the correct Java version installed when using Application Explorer. For example, your PATH environment variable should be configured as follows:


In this example, wls_home is the location where Oracle WebLogic Server is installed.

When JDK version 1.4.2_x is used, the following error is generated:

----------------------------------------------- starting java ----------------------------------------------- 
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: 
com/ibi/bse/gui/BseFlashScreen (Unsupported major.minor version 50.0) 
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method) 
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source) 
        at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source) 
        at java.net.URLClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
        at java.net.URLClassLoader.access$100(Unknown Source)
        at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
        at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) 
        at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) 
        at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) 
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) 
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown Source)

When JDK version 1.5.0_x is used, the following error is generated:

----------------------------------------------- starting java ----------------------------------------------- 
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Bad 
version number in .class file 
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method) 
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source) 
        at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source) 
        at java.net.URLClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
        at java.net.URLClassLoader.access$100(Unknown Source)
        at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
        at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) 
        at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) 
        at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) 
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) 
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown Source)

14.2.21 Unsupported Adapter Functionality

The Oracle Application Adapter for SAP R/3, Oracle Application Adapter for PeopleSoft, Oracle Application Adapter for Siebel, and Oracle Application Adapter for J.D. Edwards OneWorld does not support functionality such as Transaction, XA, and two-phase commit.

14.3 Application Explorer

The following topics discuss issues that pertain to Application Explorer:

14.3.1 Environment Variable and Permission Settings

When starting Application Explorer, add the executable permission as follows:

chmod u+x $ORACLE_HOME/soa/thirdparty/ApplicationAdapters/tools/iwae/bin/iwae.sh

14.3.2 Unable to Connect to Remote Machines Using File or DB Repositories for J2CA Configurations

Application Explorer cannot be used to connect to remote machines for a J2CA configuration when using a File or DB repository. When using a J2CA configuration, SOA Suite must be installed on the same machine that is being used as the container for the adapters. If you need to use Application Explorer to connect to the SOA Suite on a remote machine, configure an HTTP repository instead. For more information on how to create a connection using an HTTP repository, see Section 14.2.2, "HTTP Repository Connection".

14.4 Oracle Application Adapter for PeopleSoft: Issues and Workarounds

The following topics discuss issues that pertain to Oracle Application Adapter for PeopleSoft:

14.4.1 PeopleSoft LDAP Authentication Incompatible

PeopleSoft LDAP authentication relies on sign-on PeopleCode. However, the authentication services that PeopleSoft provides with Component Interfaces do not invoke sign-on PeopleCode, so you cannot use PeopleSoft LDAP authentication with Oracle Application Adapter for PeopleSoft.



14.4.2 Automatic Reconnect to PeopleSoft

Oracle Application Adapter for PeopleSoft does not automatically reconnect when a connection to PeopleSoft becomes unavailable.



14.4.3 HTTPS Protocol

Oracle Application Adapter for PeopleSoft does not support the HTTPS protocol for events.



14.4.4 PeopleSoft Messages

Oracle Application Adapter for PeopleSoft uses messages only for events and not for services.



14.4.5 Limitation with Level 2 Scrolls

PeopleSoft has acknowledged a limitation with Component Interfaces that contain level 2 scrolls. If you try to insert a new row on a level 2 scroll, then a Null Pointer Exception error occurs.

If you receive this error, then you must upgrade your PeopleSoft release level.

This limitation is fixed in PeopleTools Version 8.16.08, and PeopleTools Version 8.17.02 in the 8.1x code line. It is tracked by PeopleSoft Incident T-MZYGAR-2C5YS.

In the 8.4x code line, this limitation is tracked by PeopleSoft Incident T-TCHURY-YZ9FR and is fixed in PeopleSoft 8.41.



14.4.6 Limitation with Level 3 Scrolls

PeopleSoft has acknowledged a limitation with Component Interfaces that contain level 3 scrolls. If you try to insert a new row on a level 3 scroll, then a Null Pointer Exception error occurs.

If you receive this error, then you must upgrade your PeopleSoft release level.

This limitation is fixed in PeopleTools Version 8.18 and is tracked by PeopleSoft Incident T-MZYGAR-D2529. However, this is still a limitation in PeopleSoft 8.41 and 8.42 (PeopleSoft Incident T-MZYGAR-3F72X). PeopleSoft has reported that this will be fixed in 8.43 (PeopleSoft incident report, 562734000).



14.4.7 Limitation with Effective Dated Scrolls

PeopleSoft has acknowledged that there is a limitation with effective dating and multiple transactions. If you want to insert multiple effective dated rows for the same primary keys, then you must use two separate transactions. This limitation is tracked by PeopleSoft Incident T-ACESAR-BS362.



14.4.8 Limitation When Inserting a Second Row for Level 1, 2, or 3 Scrolls

If you are trying to insert a level 1, 2, or 3 scroll and the following conditions exist:

  • There is exactly one row for the level 1, 2, or 3 scroll.

  • There are required field names that end in a numeric value.

An error message appears, in the following format:

This is an invalid property {ADDRESS_1} (91,15)

This example was created using the VNDR_ID Component Interface from the Financials application. Note that the actual property name is ADDRESS1.


As a workaround, perform the following steps:

  1. In the PeopleSoft Application Designer, open the Component Interface with which you are working.

  2. Select the property that ends in a numeric value.

  3. Right-click and select Edit Name from the context menu.

  4. Change the name of the property.

    You can select a name that does not end in a number (for example, ADDRESSA), or you can add an underscore (for example, ADDRESS_1).

  5. Save the Component Interface.

  6. Regenerate the Java APIs for the Component Interface.

  7. Use the revised property name in your XML transaction.

14.4.9 Limitation when Creating a Schema for Multilevel Component Interfaces

In later releases of the 8.1x series, if you try to create a schema for a multilevel Component Interface, then the following error occurs:

Index: -1, Size: 0 

This is a result of a change in the back-end PeopleSoft interface in later versions of the 8.1 series.


Use the iwpsci84.jar file and delete the iwpsci81.jar file from the wls_home \erp-adapters\lib directory.

See Also:

14.4.10 PeopleTools Date Format

The YYYY-MM-DD date format does not work for a Component Interface key.

PeopleSoft has acknowledged this limitation for most releases of PeopleTools and has addressed it in the newest releases. For more information, see PeopleSoft Resolution ID 200730918.


Use the MM/DD/YYYY format. Alternatively, you can write a PeopleSoft method that takes a date format of YYYY-MM-DD, changes the date to a string, reformats it to DD/MM/YYYY, and passes it to the Component Interface date.

14.4.11 Generating Java APIs

It is possible to create Component Interfaces within PeopleSoft that are internally inconsistent. Inconsistencies have been found in some Component Interface templates that have been delivered by PeopleSoft. Indicators of this problem include errors when generating the Java APIs in the PeopleSoft Application Designer.

If you encounter errors while generating the Java APIs, then the Component Interface is likely to malfunction and can possibly corrupt your database. The correct operation of Component Interfaces when errors appear during API generation cannot be guaranteed. In addition, it is strongly recommended that the source of the errors is fixed before continuing.


Fix the Component Interface using PeopleTools.

14.4.12 Differences Between Component Interface Functionality and Adapter Functionality

The differences between Component Interfaces and standard application functionality relating to panel processing have been observed. Among the possible symptoms of these differences are messages such as, "First Operand of . is NULL." Oracle Application Adapter for PeopleSoft should replicate the functionality of a PeopleSoft Component Interface, but only when the Component Interface is run through the PeopleSoft application server in three-tier mode.

If you notice differences between expected Component Interface functionality and adapter functionality, then you must verify that the differences are real by running the Component Interface with the PeopleTools Component Interface test tool in three-tier mode.


Test the Component Interface using the PeopleTools Component Interface testing tool in three-tier mode only.

14.4.13 Missing Field Errors When Using a Component Interface

When using a Component Interface, it is difficult to determine which of the required fields are missing when you receive a PeopleSoft error message that states, "The highlighted field is required."


You can edit the message in the PeopleSoft message catalog to pass a variable for the field name. For more information, see PeopleSoft Resolution 200731449.

14.4.14 Support for Related Display Fields

Related display fields are not supported by Component Interfaces.


For more information, see PeopleSoft Resolution 200731974, which offers several workarounds.

14.4.15 Differences Between Component Interface Functionality and Adapter Functionality

PeopleSoft has acknowledged problems in the Component Interface back-end processor, which will cause the adapter to act differently than the Component Interface test tool in three-tier mode for certain Component Interfaces.

PeopleSoft Case 1965239 describes a problem with the CI_JOB_DATA_HIRE Component Interface in HR 8.1x. In this situation, the NAME field is not populated by PeopleCode correctly. The workaround is to manually populate the NAME field through the XML.

PeopleSoft Resolution ID 200728981 describes a problem with the JOBCODE Component Interface, which does not allow the REG_TEMP field to be changed to empty. As a workaround, customers must upgrade to a later release of PeopleTools.


The workaround is dependent on the Component Interface.

14.4.16 Multiple Effective Dated Scrolls

A failure occurs when inserting multiple effective dated rows.


If you want to insert multiple effective dated rows for the same primary keys, then you must use two separate transactions. This limitation is tracked by PeopleSoft Incident T-ACESAR-BS362.

14.4.17 Debug Message

For certain releases of PeopleTools 8.4x, you may receive the following message in your debug window:

PSProperties not yet initialized!

This is a PeopleSoft warning message you can ignore.



14.4.18 LOCATION Component Interface

When you attempt to access the LOCATION Component Interface using the Human Resources application, release 8.80.000, a failure occurs during runtime and the following message is displayed:

Component Interface Not Found

This is due to a problem in the way the PeopleSoft application has been delivered and is not related to the PeopleTools release.


Perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Component Interface in the PeopleTools Application Designer.

  2. Make a small change to the Component Interface.

  3. Undo the change.

  4. Save the Component Interface.

This procedure resets certain internal PeopleSoft data structures, which enables Oracle Application Adapter for PeopleSoft to find the Component Interface. This has been observed in the LOCATION Component Interface running on the Human Resource applications release 8.8.000 on several different releases of PeopleTools, but it may occur in other Component Interfaces as well.

14.4.19 Component Interface Names

Although PeopleSoft permits Component Interface names that begin with certain special characters (such as an underscore), Application Explorer does not recognize such names.


Begin Component Interface names with the letters A-Z or the integers 0-9.

14.4.20 Component Interface Java API Compilation Errors (People Tools 8.46)

When you compile all Java APIs for the Component Interfaces using People Tools 8.46, you may encounter compilation errors with some of the Component Interfaces.


You can manually correct the Java source code of the failing Component Interfaces. Alternatively, if the failing Component Interfaces are not going to be used, then remove them from the API build process and do not include them in the build.

14.5 Oracle Application Adapter for SAP R/3: Issues and Workarounds

The following topics discuss issues that pertain to Oracle Application Adapter for SAP R/3.

14.5.1 Native IDoc Format Support

The native IDoc format for inbound processing is not currently supported for 11g Release 1 (11.1.1). This issue will be resolved by applying a patch in a future release.

14.5.2 SAP Java Connector (SAP JCo) Version Support

SAP JCo Version 2.1.8 is no longer supported by SAP. SAP recommends using SAP JCo Version 2.1.9. For more information, see SAP Note #1257539 in the SAP Service Marketplace.

For 11g Release 1 (11.1.1), the Oracle Application Adapter for SAP R/3 supports SAP JCo Version 2.1.8 and 2.1.9.

SAP JCo Version 2.1.8 is not supported on the Windows 64-bit platform. The JCo API does not support this platform.

iWay Software will fix any adapter issues that are encountered while using SAP JCo Version 2.1.8. However, if there are any SAP JCo issues, then migrating to SAP JCo Version 2.1.9 is recommended.

14.5.3 Date and Time Field Mapping

Many remotely callable functions have a field that has a DATE format. The DATE field object of an adapter is equivalent to the ABAP DATE object as an 8 byte string with the format YYMMDD. In the SAP GUI, other profiles may be executed that transform the data display in the SAP GUI environment. However, the data is always stored in the DATE object format. For ease of use, the SAP Java Connector (JCo) converts data for DATE objects that also have the format YYYY-MM-DD to YYYYMMDD. A field must have format DATE (ABAP type D) to enable these transformations. RFC and BAPI functions employ fields with type D objects. All data for IDocs is type C (Character) by definition of the EDI_DD40 structure in the ABAP dictionary. Therefore, IDocs only accept the YYYYMMDD format as no conversions are performed on the field.

The TIME field object of an adapter is equivalent to the ABAP TIME object as a 6 byte string with the format HHMMSS. In the SAP GUI, other profiles may be executed that transform the time display in the SAP GUI environment. However, the data is always stored in the TIME object format. For ease of use, the SAP Java Connector (JCo) converts data for TIME objects that also have the format HH:MM:SS to HHMMSS. A field must have format TIME (ABAP type T) to enable these transformations. RFC and BAPI functions employ fields with type T objects. All data for IDocs is type C (Character) by definition of the EDI_DD40 structure in the ABAP dictionary. Therefore, IDocs will only accept HHMMSS as no conversions are performed on the field.

14.5.4 Intermediate Documents (IDocs) During Inbound Processing

When using collected IDocs during inbound processing (service mode) where one XML file contains multiple IDocs, if a unique sequence number is not provided, SAP R/3 will correctly identify each header as a new IDoc. However, since SAP R/3 cannot determine a correct sequence, data from the first IDoc is taken and added (duplicated) to each subsequent IDoc. Any data segments that may follow are ignored.

You must provide a unique sequence number when passing collected IDocs to SAP R/3, so SAP R/3 can correctly interpret them as a sequence and determine the order of processing.

14.5.5 SAP IDoc Data with Japanese DBCS Characters Overflows and Truncates Characters

SAP IDoc data with Japanese DBCS characters overflows and truncates characters in all BSE and J2CA events and services.


This will be fixed in a future release.

14.5.6 No Values Set for Code and Details in Binding Fault

If you use the wrong request XML to invoke a SAP outbound process in Oracle BPEL Console, then the instance will be faulted and a binding fault will be thrown. Log in to the Oracle BPEL Console, select the faulted instance, and then click Audit. No values are set for Code and Details in the binding fault.



14.5.7 SAP R/3 Adapter Exceptions

During outbound processing, the following type of exception from the BPEL or Mediator layer may occur in certain situations:

failed due to: Error in processing the input document.; nested exception is:
javax.resource.ResourceException: Error in processing the input document.

At the same time, the JCA log file that is generated by the adapter shows the exact error message. For example, if you use the GetDetail method for the CompanyCode SAP BAPI in your outbound processing, the following error message is shown in the JCA log file:

MySAP response error: BapiError: Company code 1010 does not exist


Perform the following steps:

  1. Open Application Explorer and connect to a configuration.

  2. Expand the MySAP adapter node to view the available targets.

  3. Right-click an available MySAP target node and select Edit.

    The Application Server dialog displays the target connection information.

  4. Click the Advanced tab.

  5. From the Error Handling list, select Creates Error Document.

  6. Click the User tab.

  7. In the Password field, type a valid password for the SAP R/3 application.

  8. Click OK.

  9. Close Application Explorer.

    Oracle BPEL or Mediator generates the error message in the response XML document. For example, if you use the GetDetail method for the CompanyCode SAP BAPI in your outbound processing, the following error message is shown in the XML response:

    <MESSAGE>Company code 1010 does not exist</MESSAGE>

14.5.8 Inconsistent Behavior With Multiple Channels

When different channels are created using the same ProgramID, inconsistent behavior results. If JCO.Server is registered for every channel, then SAP R/3 should load balance across different registered JCO servers. For example:

PROGRAMID1--->Channel1-->DEBMAS01--->Proxy1 PROGRAMID1--->Channel1-->DEBMAS01--->Proxy2 PROGRAMID1--->Channel2-->DEBMAS01--->Proxy3

14.6 Oracle Application Adapter for Siebel: Issues and Workarounds

The following topics discuss issues that pertain to Oracle Application Adapter for Siebel.

14.6.1 Additional Configuration in the Siebel Environment

Some out-of-the-box Siebel business services may require additional setup steps in the Siebel environment before they can be run successfully. For example:

  • When using a business service such as EAI XML Converter, before generating the XSD for the integration object, you should use Siebel tools to remove the 'xml container element' tag in the integration components you plan to use.

  • When building a solution with the EAI dispatch service business service, you may need to set up a named subsystem to handle HTTP requests.

14.6.2 Automatic Reconnect to Siebel

When connecting to Siebel using the Java Data Bean Interface, you cannot reconnect after initial connection loss. This might occur when Application Explorer experiences a brief loss of network connection or if the Siebel Server or Gateway Service is restarted while Application Explorer is logged into the Siebel application.


To log in successfully to the Siebel application, restart your application server and Application Explorer. This is a known Siebel API issue. For more information, see Siebel Alert 984.

14.6.3 Updating or Deleting Siebel Records Using Oracle Application Adapter for Siebel

If you are logged in as a Siebel user that does not belong to the team that owns the record being updated or deleted, then you cannot perform the action. By default, the adapter is set to 'My' view. However, in Siebel Access Control there are other views, such as 'All' view and 'Organization' view. Therefore, even if the user does not belong to the team and the record is not visible in 'My' view, the user may be able to update or delete the record through another view in the Siebel front end. This is not possible through the adapter. The adapter requires that the user is part of the team of the record being updated or deleted.


There are two possible workarounds:

  • Log in through the Siebel adapter as a user that is already part of the team that owns the record you need to update or delete.

  • Add the user to the team that owns the record you need to update or delete.

14.6.4 Adapter Exception Error If Siebel Request Document Contains Japanese Characters

An adapter exception error is returned if the Siebel request document contains Japanese characters in J2CA. The same request works in BSE.


This will be fixed in a future release.

14.6.5 HTTPS Protocol

Oracle Application Adapter for Siebel does not support the HTTPS protocol for services and events.



14.6.6 Multi-Value Groups

Oracle Application Adapter for Siebel does not support Multi-Value Groups (MVG) with join specifications.



14.7 Oracle Application Adapter for J.D. Edwards OneWorld: Issues and Workarounds

The following topic discusses issues that pertain to Oracle Application Adapter for J.D. Edwards OneWorld.

14.7.1 J.D. Edwards OneWorld Unit Of Work (UOW)

The following section provides information on the J.D. Edwards OneWorld Unit of Work (UOW).

  1. iWay recommends you to generate individual business functions of J.D. Edwards OneWorld and then group them together.

  2. Generating the individual business functions and grouping them together is completely based on the experience and knowledge related to the business functions of J.D. Edwards OneWorld. There is no documentation on generating the UOW.

  3. To create the XML Schema Document (XSD) files that can be used for UOW, perform the following steps:

    1. Trigger the appropriate event from the J.D. Edwards OneWorld GUI and generate an XML output file based on the event.

    2. Using the XML file, create an XSD file using an XML editor, such as XMLSPY.

    3. When creating the XSD, make sure that the XSD satisfies the SOA 11g namespace requirements. Manually add the namespace, target namespace, and other items that are required for SOA 11g.

  4. Once generated, copy the XSD files for the UOW into the repository folder. This repository folder is automatically configured on your file system when a J.D. Edwards OneWorld target is created using Application Explorer.