Interface SmartHome

All Known Subinterfaces:
CatalogManagerHome, CatalogQueryManagerHome, CatalogServiceHome, CatalogWSHome, CategoryManagerHome, CustomDataManagerHome, DecryptorHome, EncryptorHome, EpmCustomDataManagerHome, JdbcCatalogQueryManagerHome, JdbcCatalogServiceHome, JdbcCategoryManagerHome, JdbcProductItemManagerHome, OrderHome, OrderManagerHome, PaymentTransactionHome, ProductItemManagerHome, ShippingHelperHome, ShippingMethodHome, SmartEJBHome
All Known Implementing Classes:
BelongingHome, BusinessPolicyHome, DescribedMoneyHome, DescribedPriceHome, EntityHome, ImageInfoHome, InventoryInfoHome, JspInfoHome, MoneyHome, OrderLineHome, PriceHome, QualityHome, QuantityHome, ResultHome, SessionHome, ShoppingCartHome, ShoppingCartLineHome, StateHome, TaxInformationHome, TaxLineHome, TaxLineListHome, TaxLineResultHome, TaxParametersHome, TaxResultHome, TransactionEntryHome, TransitionHome, TransitionPolicyHome, UnitHome, UnitPriceHome, WorkflowHome


public interface SmartHome

The SmartHome interface is extended by all Business Smart Component home interfaces. A SmartHome interface is a factory for BSCs and defines the methods that allow creation, finding, and removal. The purpose of the Home is to provide a level of abstraction by which object that implement specific interfaces can be retrieved while hiding the the details of implementation. It has no methods or attributes and serves only to indentify the semantics of being a Smart Home.

See Also

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