Oracle WebCenter Portlet Toolkit for .NET Development Guide

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About the .NET Web Control Consumer (WCC)

The .NET Web Control Consumer provides support for using standard .NET Web Controls in portlet development.

Two problems arise with using .NET Web Controls out of the box for portlet development:
  • Client-side scripting problems due to naming collisions: .NET assumes it occupies the whole page, and all specific functions are always named the same. These problems occur primarily with validator controls. Validator controls define a page scope variable (Page_Validators), a page scope function (ValidatorOnSubmit()), and also write some inline JavaScript code.
  • Postback problems cause naming collisions in addition to posting back to the incorrect page: The preferred behavior for Web Control is generally an in-place refresh. For example, when a user selects the next month in the Calendar control, it posts back to the originating aspx page. Even though the post goes through the gateway, it is not sent to the portal page that hosted it, and the user loses the portal experience.

The .NET Web Control Consumer package overcomes these problems and provides a simplified experience for portlet developers. The core of the package is a .NET HttpModule that modifies the outgoing HTML before it reaches the portal server. The module solves the problems described above by: a) individuating all .NET provided function names to avoid collisions, and b) modifying all postback functions to use JavaScript instead of posting directly to the server.

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