Oracle WebCenter Interaction Administrator Guide

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Introduction to the Administrator Guide for Oracle WebCenter Interaction


Oracle Documentation and Resources

Completing Portal Initial Set-Up Tasks

Overview of Oracle WebCenter Interaction

Portal Installer Components

Additional Oracle WebCenter Interaction Components

Overview of the Browsing User Interface and Features

Navigating the Portal

Portal Banner Features

Portal Menus

Portal Interface Types

Editing Locale Settings

About My Pages

Personalizing Your View of the Portal with My Pages

Personalizing Your View of the Portal with My Pages

Creating a My Page with One Click

Viewing and Managing Communities and Community Membership

Editing a Page in the Flyout Editor

Editing a Page in the Page Editor

Managing a Portlet Through the Portlet's Title Bar

Browsing Documents in the Portal Knowledge Directory

Directing Users to Portal Areas with Friendly URLs

Searching for Documents or Objects

Searching for Objects or Documents Using Advanced Search

Searching Other Content, Portals, or Web Search Engines with Federated Search

Viewing Search Results from a Banner Search

Saving a Search

Linking to a Best Bet Search

Overview of the Administrative User Interface, Features, and Tools

Portal Objects

Portal Objects Created Upon Installation

Portal Utilities

Administration Utilities in the Portal Installation

Overview of Portal Security

About Access Privileges

About Activity Rights

Activity Rights Required to Create Portal Objects

Activity Rights and Group Membership Required to Access Portal Utilities

Overview of Web Service Architecture

About Remote Servers

Specifying the Location and Authentication Settings for a Remote Server

About User Interface Customization

About Customizing the User Interface with Adaptive Layouts

Customizing the User Interface with Adaptive Layouts

Creating a Remote Portlet Web Service for an Adaptive Layout

Creating an Experience Definition to Display Adaptive Page Layouts

Reverting to a Legacy User Interface

About Controlling the User Interface with Experience Definitions and Experience Rules

Creating an Experience Definition to Control the User Interface

Specifying a User Experience for Users in a Folder

Associating Folders with an Experience Definition
Applying an Experience Definition to a Folder

Selecting the Portal Menus and Home Page for an Experience Definition

Branding Experience Definitions with Headers and Footers

Selecting a Navigation Scheme for an Experience Definition

Defining Mandatory Links to Display in an Experience Definition

Defining the Guest User Experience for an Experience Definition

Disabling Single Sign-On (SSO) for an Experience Definition

Applying Adaptive Page Layouts

About Branding with Header and Footer Portlets

About Header and Footer Portlet Precedence

About Navigation Options

About Controlling the Initial Portal Experience

Managing Portal Users and Groups

About Users

Creating Default Profiles to Customize a Users Initial Portal Experience

Customizing a Default Profile Experience

Locking and Unlocking User Accounts

Automatically Locking User Accounts

Manually Locking User Accounts

Unlocking User Accounts

Deleting a User

About Groups

Example Roles

Creating and Adding Members to a Group

Configuring Dynamic Group Membership

Assigning Activity Rights to a Group

About Importing and Authenticating Users with Authentication Sources

Creating an Authentication Web Service

Mapping External Document Security to Imported Portal Users with the Global ACL Sync Map

Creating an Authentication Source to Import and Authenticate Users

Importing Users with a Synchronization-Only Authentication Source

Authenticating Users with an Authentication-Only Authentication Source

Importing Users for Single Sign-On (SSO)

Setting an Authentication Source Category to Distinguish Users and Groups Imported from a Particular Domain

Setting Default Profiles and Target Folders for Imported Users

Setting a Target Folder for Imported Groups

Specifying Which Users and Groups to Synchronize

Selecting Groups from Which to Import Users

Specifying What to Do with Users and Groups Deleted from the Source User Repository

Editing an Authentication Source

About Importing User Information with Profile Sources

Viewing User Profiles

Adding Headers and Footers to User Profiles

Editing Your User Profile

Associating User Information with Properties Using the User Information — Property Map

Creating a Profile Web Service

Importing User Information from External Repositories with Remote Profile Sources

Selecting a Unique Key for a Profile Source

Selecting the Users and Groups for Which to Import Profile Information

Clearing User Information Imported by a Profile Source

About Invitations

Inviting Users to Your Portal

Sending Invitations

Auditing User Accounts and Actions

Configuring User Activity Auditing

Querying User Activity Audit Information

User Activity Audit Query Results

Archiving Audit Messages

Deleting Audit Messages and Archives

Managing Portal Content

About the Portal Knowledge Directory

Browsing Documents in the Portal Knowledge Directory

Editing Documents in the Portal Knowledge Directory

Folder Toolbar

Setting Knowledge Directory Preferences

Troubleshooting Knowledge Directory Issues

About Portal Content

Permissions Required for Accessing, Crawling, and Submitting Documents

Using Simple Submission to Submit or Upload Documents to the Portal Knowledge Directory

Using Advanced Submission to Submit or Upload Documents to the Portal Knowledge Directory

Using Advanced Submission to Submit Web Documents to the Portal Knowledge Directory

About Document and Object Properties

Creating a Property to Store Object Metadata

Mapping Source Document Attributes to Portal Properties Using the Global Document Property Map

HTML Metadata Handling

Associating Properties with Portal Objects Using the Global Object Property Map

Associating User Information with Properties Using the User Information — Property Map

Managing Object Properties

About Controlling Document Placement with Filters

Creating Filters to Control the Placement of Documents

Defining Filter Conditions

Testing Filters

Applying a Filter to a Folder

About Content Types

Mapping Document Metadata to Portal Properties with Content Types

Mapping Content Types to Imported Content Using the Global Content Type Map

Prioritizing a List of Objects

About Content Sources

Creating a Content Web Service

Providing Access to External Content with Remote Content Sources

Providing Access to Web Content with Web Content Sources

Providing Access to Web Content Through a Proxy Server

Selecting a Web Service for Gatewayed Content

Providing Access to Web Content by Impersonating a User

Providing Access to Web Content Through a Login Form

Providing Access to Web Content Through Cookies

Providing Access to Web Content Through Header Information

Gatewaying Imported Content

About Importing Content with Content Crawlers

Importing Content from External Document Repositories with Remote Content Crawlers

Importing Web Content with Web Content Crawlers

Refreshing Content from Content Crawlers

Testing a Content Crawler

Troubleshooting the Results of a Crawl

Example of Importing Security

Destination Folder Flow Chart

Metadata Imported by Content Crawlers

Creating a Snapshot Query to Display the Results of a Search in a Portlet or an E-mail Message

Defining Snapshot Query Conditions

Limiting a Snapshot Query

Formatting the Results of a Snapshot Query

Previewing the Results of a Snapshot Query

E-mailing the Results of a Snapshot Query

Creating a Snapshot Portlets to Display the Results of a Snapshot Query

Managing Administrative Objects and Portal Utilities

Creating or Editing an Administrative Folder

Editing an Administrative Folder

Viewing Objects

Searching for Objects in the Administrative Objects Directory

Searching for Objects or Documents Using Advanced Search

Opening an Object Editor

Creating an Object

Editing an Object from Administration

Action Toolbar

Naming and Describing an Object

Localizing the Name and Description for an Object

Viewing Top Best Bets for an Object

Managing Object Properties

Associating an Object with a Job

Changing the Owner of an Object

Setting Security on an Object

Viewing Import History for an Object

Requesting That an Object Be Migrated

Approving an Object for Migration

Creating Remote Servers

About Extending Portal Services with Portlets

Providing Access to Existing Web Applications with Portlets

Creating an Intrinsic Portlet Web Service

Creating a Remote Portlet Web Service

Providing Custom Tools and Services with Portlets

Specifying the Size, Type, and Orientation for a Portlet

Caching Portlet Content

Setting Security for a Portlet

Portlet Preferences

Editing the Administrative Preferences for a Portlet

Managing User Credentials for External Applications Through the Credential Vault Manager

Creating or Editing a Lockbox to Store User Credentials for External Applications

About Providing Content and Services to a Group of Users through Communities

Creating a Community Template

Adding Page Templates to a Community Template

Adding Headers and Footers to Community Templates

Providing Content and Services to a Group of Users through a Community

Applying a Community Template to a Community

Setting the Community Home Page and Ordering Community Pages

Adding Headers and Footers to Communities

Setting Security on a Community

Creating a Community Page Template

Creating a Community Page

Creating a Community Page with One Click

Creating a Community Page From the Community Editor

Creating a Community Page From the Administrative Objects Directory

Editing a Page in the Flyout Editor

Deleting a Page from a Community

Managing Search

Customizing Search Service Behavior

Search Result Types

Search Results Sorting Options

About Best Bets and Top Best Bets

Creating Best Bets

How Banner Field Settings Affect Search Results

Controlling Search Results with Banner Fields and Weighting

About Spell Correction for Searches

Enabling and Disabling Spell Correction for Searches

About the Search Thesaurus

About the Thesaurus File

Creating and Implementing the Synonym List for the Thesaurus

Enabling the Search Thesaurus

Reverting to the Default Thesaurus Mappings

Customizing Categorization of Search Results

Enabling Custom Search Results Sorting

About Grid Search

About Checkpoints

About Search Cluster Topology

About Search Logs

About the Command Line Admin Utility

Requesting Search Cluster Status

Requesting Search Cluster Status for a Particular Node

Changing the Run Level of the Cluster

Initiating a Cluster Checkpoint

Reloading from a Checkpoint

Changing Cluster Topology

Aborting a Checkpoint or Reconfiguration Operation

Purging and Rebuilding the Search Collection

Purging the Search Collection

Rebuilding the Search Collection

Rebuilding the Oracle WebCenter Collaboration Search Collection

About the Search Update Job

How the Search Index is Updated

About Providing Search Access to External Repositories with Federated Searches

Building a Composite Portal with Federated Searches

Creating a Search Web Service

Allowing Other Portals to Search Your Portal

Providing Search Access to External Repositories with Outgoing Federated Searches

Example of Impersonating Serving Portal Users

Automating Administrative Tasks

About Jobs

About Portal Agents

About Running Scripts Through the Portal

Creating External Operations to Run Scripts Through the Portal

Registering Automation Services

Registering Job Folders to Run Jobs

Starting the BEA ALI Automation Service

Creating Jobs

Associating an Object with a Job

Viewing Job Status and Job Logs

Job History Information

Deleting Job Histories

Aborting In-Process Jobs

Migrating Portal Objects

About Object Migration

Requesting That an Object Be Migrated

Approving Objects for Migration

Approving an Object for Migration

Approving Objects for Migration Through the Administrative Utility

Creating a Migration Package in the Portal

Specifying a Name, Description, and Contact for a Migration Package

Selecting Objects to Export in a Migration Package

Adding Resources from Another Migration Package

Creating a Migration Package Using the Command Line Tool

Importing Objects in the Portal

Specifying the Location and Import Settings for the Migration Package

Selecting Objects to Import from a Migration Package

Resolving Import Dependencies

Importing Objects Using a Command Line Tool

Backing Up the Portal

Restoring the Portal

Rebuilding the Search Collection

Configuring Advanced Properties in the Portal Configuration Files

Oracle WebCenter Configuration Manager

Configuring Portal Settings Using the Portal Utility

Modifying the portalconfig.xml File















Customizing the Tokens in Friendly URLs

Disabling Friendly URLs

Friendly Gateway URLs

About Fine-Tuning the Search Service Configuration

Default Search Service Parameters

Optional Search Service Parameters

Using the Counter Monitoring System

About Counter Monitoring

Key Performance Counters

Setting up Counter Log Files

Running the Counter Monitoring Console

Using Windows Perfmon to View Counter Data

Localizing Your Portal

Localizing Object Names and Descriptions

Localizing the Name and Description for an Object

Localizing All Object Names and Descriptions

Localization Manager XML

About Search Service Internationalization Support

Deploying Single Sign-On

Common SSO Questions

Why Doesn't SSO Work for a Particular User?

Why Isn't the SSO Cookie Forwarded to Remote Servers or Portlets?

Does the Portal with SSO Support Guest User Sessions?

How Can I Change Login Credentials From an SSO Session?

Why Can’t I Access the Portal Through SSOLogin.aspx or the SSOServlet?

Why Do Users Get JavaScript Errors and Portal Menus Fail to Load if I Configure the SSO Authentication Server to Protect the Image Service Virtual Directory?

How Can I Debug My SSO Deployment?

How Do I Configure Reverse Proxy with My SSO Deployment Using Oblix Netpoint Access Server (versions 6.1.1 or 6.5) with an Apache WebGate?

How Do I Configure Reverse Proxy with My SSO Deployment Using Apache HTTP Server?

How Do I Configure Reverse Proxy with My SSO Deployment Using a Java Application Server?

Default Behavior of Search Service

About the Different Types of Search

Elements of Search Syntax

About Operator Modes

Search String Operators

Precedence and Parentheses


Case Sensitivity



Quoted Phrases

Thesaurus Expansion

How Language Settings Apply to Search

Search Service Language Support

Using Text Search Rules

Search Examples

How Search Results Are Ranked

How Term Frequency Factors in Relevance

About Metadata (Field) Weighting

How Phrases and Proximity Factor in Relevance

About Basic Search Behavior

About Advanced Search Behavior

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