AquaLogic User Interaction Development Guide

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Profile Service Internals

The following interfaces must be implemented when creating a profile service.

The AquaLogic Interaction Development Kit (IDK) allows you to create remote profile services and related configuration pages without parsing SOAP or accessing the portal API. The IDK Profile API provides an abstraction from the necessary SOAP calls; you simply implement an object interface. For a complete listing of interfaces, classes, and methods, see the IDK API documentation.

Note: The differences between the Java and .NET versions of the IDK are platform-specific. In this guide, method names are listed using the .NET standard of initial capitalization. Java methods are identical, except begin with a lowercase letter. The IProfileProvider.Initialize method in the .NET IDK provides the same functionality as the IProfileProvider.initialize method in the Java IDK.


The Plumtree.Remote.Profile namespace (plumtree.remote.profile package in Java) provides the following interfaces:

  • IProfileProvider
  • IUser

To import information from an external source into portal user properties, you must implement both interfaces.

Profile Synchronization

The portal accesses a remote profile service when the associated job is run by the portal Automation Service. The portal calls the methods of the profile service interfaces in the following order:

  1. IProfileProvider.Initialize()
  2. IProfileProvider.GetGlobalSignature()
  3. IProfileProvider.AttachToUser()
    1. IUser.GetUserSignature()
    2. IUser.GetUserProperties()
  4. IProfileProvider.Shutdown()

Step 3 is called by the portal once for every user in the group or groups to be synchronized. Step 4, the IProfileProvider.Shutdown() method is optional. It can be used to clean up resources used by the profile service; however, it may or may not be called by the portal, so it should not be relied upon.

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