AquaLogic User Interaction Development Guide

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About Remote Knowledge Directory Operations

The PRC IDocument* interfaces in the IDK allow you to query for documents and document properties, create new documents, and edit the properties for existing documents.

The ALI Knowledge Directory displays links to documents in a hierarchical structure of folders and subfolders. These documents can be external or internal web pages, Office documents, or essentially any file of interest. In ALI , documents are referenced by document ID. File metadata is interpreted based on the Content Type. For details on Content Types, see the Administrator Guide for AquaLogic Interaction or the ALI online help.

The documents displayed in the Knowledge Directory are not stored in the portal; the ALI database contains only the file properties, including a link to the source file.

Note: The folders in the Knowledge Directory are different from the folders in portal Administration. For information on manipulating the portal objects found in administrative folders, see About Remote ALI Object Management.

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