AquaLogic User Interaction Development Guide

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Pagelet/Portlet Cache Key

The cache key for a pagelet/portlet entry in ALI consists of these values.

Type Value
Portlet ID The unique ID for the portlet, defined by the portal.
Content Mode The content mode of the portlet.
Portal Settings All seven types of settings stored in the ALI database: Portlet settings, User settings, Community settings, CommunityPortlet settings, Administrative settings, Session preferences, and User Information.
User Interface The type of device used to access the portlet.
CanSet values All three values for the CanSet header: CanSetPersonal, CanSetCommunity, CanSetAdmin
LocaleID The ID for the portal-defined locale associated with the current user.
UserID The unique ID for the current user. Included only if private caching is used.
URI The URL to the portlet page on the remote server.
Community ID Included only if the portlet is displayed on a community page.
Last-modified date The last modified date of the portlet.

The data below can be added to the cache key by setting options in the Web Service editor on the Advanced Settings page.

Type Value
Community ACL The ACL for the community in which the portlet is displayed.
Page ID The ID for the portal page on which the portlet is displayed.
TimeZone The time zone for the portal in which the portlet is displayed.
Experience Definition ID The ID for the Experience Definition in which the portlet is displayed.
Portlet Alignment The alignment of the portlet in the current page.
Activity Rights Only the Activity Rights configured in the Web Service editor are included in the cache key.

The data below is deliberately not included in the cache key:

Type Value
StyleSheetURI Portal stylesheets are applied at runtime, depending on the user preference. Portlet content does not depend on the particular stylesheet that the user has selected.
HostpageURI All parts of the Hostpage URI value are covered separately. The cache key includes Community ID, so it already distinguishes between My Pages and Community pages. The User ID is added if private caching is used.

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