AquaLogic User Interaction Development Guide

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Implementing Localized Stylesheets for Adaptive Page Layouts

To provide language-specific stylesheets for internationalized portal implementations, create a localized version of the ALI stylesheet and map the language to the each style sheet in the CustomStyles.xml file.

The CustomStyles.xml file is located in the %PT_HOME%\settings\portal\ folder on the portal server. This file also contains default mappings to legacy stylesheets to support any products that do not use adaptive page layouts.
Note: The language-specific stylesheet mappings in CustomStyles.xml only apply to pages that use adaptive page layouts.
  1. Create a localized version of the ALI stylesheet for each language. For example, mystyle-ar.css for Arabic.
  2. Modify CustomStyles.xml to specify stylesheets for each supported language. For example, to use mystyle-ar.css for Arabic, add the following mapping to CustomStyles.xml:
  3. Include the pt://styles adaptive tag in the head element of any page that should use a localized stylesheet. The head element must also include the pt.standard.stylesheets tag to reference the legacy stylesheet, which contains the legacy portlet styles required by any preexisting portlets and by the admin UI.
    <link href="pt://styles" type="text/css" rel="styleSheet"></link>
    ... </head>
    Note: The pt://styles tag can only be used to implement localized stylesheets in pages that use adaptive page layouts.

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