AquaLogic User Interaction Development Guide

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Configuring IDK Logging

To enable and configure IDK logging, first determine how the IDK is deployed.

IDK logging is disabled by default. If logging is enabled, it is sent only to the local machine by default, requiring direct access to the machine to view the logs. These default settings were chosen to secure potentially sensitive information present in log messages.

  • If the IDK is deployed as a web application to support Integration Service implementations, edit the distributed web application configuration file (web.xml or Web.config). For details, see Configuring Java IDK Logging (web.xml) or Configuring .NET IDK Logging (Web.config)
  • If the IDK is deployed as a library supporting a web application (for example, a portlet), copy and paste the configuration parameters from the IDK's distributed web.xml/Web.config into your web application configuration file. For details, see Configuring Java IDK Logging (web.xml) or Configuring .NET IDK Logging (Web.config).
  • If the IDK is deployed as a stand-alone application outside a web application context, such as report-generating or data loading and dumping applications using the PRC, use programmatic configuration to initialize logging parameters. Programmatic logging configuration can be done at startup, or by using a static initialization call on a façade class that the Web application runtime code uses to obtain IDK logging components or logger instances. For details, see About the IDK Logging API.

To use the IDK Logging API, you must configure the logging receiver to read logs from the IDK. To configure the log receiver, you must know the logging application name. The IDK logging application name is configured in the web application configuration file or set via the initialize() method in the IDK Logging API.

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