AquaLogic User Interaction Development Guide

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Deploying a Federated Search Service (.NET)

After implementing a federated search service, you must deploy your code.

To deploy a .NET federated search service, add a line to the deployment file (web.config) that specifies the fully qualified name of the class used to implement federated search. For a federated search service, you must enter values for the following parameters, as shown in the code that follows.

  • SearchImpl
  • SearchAssembly
For a list of keys, see Web Service Class Names (*Impl).
<add key='SearchAssembly' value='CompanyStoreSWS'/>
<add key='SearchImpl' value='Plumtree.CompanyStore.SWS.CompanyStoreSWS'/>

If the federated search service uses a SCI page to define settings, you must also deploy the SCI code. For details on using SCI pages, see Creating Service Configuration Pages for Content Crawlers.

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