AquaLogic .NET Portlet Toolkit AquaLogic Interaction (ALI) Development Guide

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Configuring .NET Framework Support for the Web Control Consumer

To add support for any .NET Framework version that uses JavaScript WebUIValidation, use the JSGenerator application.

The .NET Web Control Consumer is shipped with support for a few explicit versions of the .NET Framework. You can add support for any .NET Framework version that uses JavaScript.WebUIValidation (version 125) using the JSGenerator application. To generate a new version of JavaScript files, follow the steps below:
  1. Start the JSGenerator application by running JSGenerator.exe located in the \bin directory of the WCC installation directory.
  2. Select the new Framework version from the list, or enter the version in the format X.X.X.X. (The list includes all versions available on the local machine.)
  3. Click Generate.
  4. Copy the generated files. (Once generation is complete, the application will provide instructions on where to copy the new files to the Image Service.)
Once you have copied the files, the new version of the .NET Framework will be supported.

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