Part 2. Java Persistence API

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1.1. Intended Audience
1.2. Lightweight Persistence
2. Why JPA?
3. EJB Persistence Architecture
3.1. EJB Exceptions
4. Entity
4.1. Restrictions on Persistent Classes
4.2. Entity Identity
4.3. Lifecycle Callbacks
4.4. Conclusions
5. Metadata
5.1. Class Metadata
5.2. Field and Property Metadata
5.3. XML Schema
5.4. Conclusion
6. Persistence
6.1. persistence.xml
6.2. Non-EE Use
7. EntityManagerFactory
7.1. Obtaining an EntityManagerFactory
7.2. Obtaining EntityManagers
7.3. Persistence Context
7.4. Closing the EntityManagerFactory
8. EntityManager
8.1. Transaction Association
8.2. Entity Lifecycle Management
8.3. Lifecycle Examples
8.4. Entity Identity Management
8.5. Cache Management
8.6. Query Factory
8.7. Closing
9. Transaction
9.1. Transaction Types
9.2. The EntityTransaction Interface
10. JPA Query
10.1. JPQL API
10.2. JPQL Language Reference
11. SQL Queries
11.1. Creating SQL Queries
11.2. Retrieving Persistent Objects with SQL
12. Mapping Metadata
12.1. Table
12.2. Unique Constraints
12.3. Column
12.4. Identity Mapping
12.5. Generators
12.6. Inheritance
12.7. Discriminator
12.8. Field Mapping
12.9. The Complete Mappings
13. Conclusion


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