AquaLogic Pages 1.0 contains a number of unsupported technical preview features that a product reviewer might want to enable in a demonstration environment. These features are not officially released and are disabled by default. BEA Systems does not support these features and does not guarantee that they will be supported in future releases. The design and implementation of these features may change, and upgrade of these features is not guaranteed.

Embedded Derby Database
Pages includes an embedded Derby database that a reviewer can use in a demo environment. It is not supported in a production environment. To use Derby, use the Configuration Manager to set Derby as your database type. YOU MUST DO THIS BEFORE STARTING THE BEA AQUALOGIC PAGES SERVICE FOR THE FIRST TIME.

  1. If you have previously started the Pages service, delete the install_dir\pages\1.0\cxrepository folder (for example, C:\bea\alui\pages\1.0\cxrepository).
  2. Log in to the Configuration Manager at https://localhost:12345/cm/ui/cm.jsf (replace localhost with the name of the computer that hosts Pages and 12345 with the port you specified during installation).
  3. Click the Repository page.
  4. Under Database Type, in the Type drop-down list, select DERBY_EMBEDDED.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Close the Configuration Manager.
  7. Start the BEA AquaLogic Pages service.
Pages Standalone
By default, if you access a standalone Pages deployment (that is without integration with AquaLogic Interaction or AquaLogic Ensemble) you only have guest access to the application. If you want to explore the Pages application or want to create LiveSpaces and DataSpaces in standalone mode, you must change a setting in the file. Open install_dir\pages\1.0\webapp\pages\WEB-INF\classes\ in a text editor and change the value for com.bea.alui.pages.allowAnonymousAccess from "false" to "true." Then restart the BEA AquaLogic Pages service.

Beta Features
There are a number of beta features built into the product. Those features are:

To enable all of these features, follow these steps:

  1. Open install_dir\pages\1.0\webapp\pages\WEB-INF\classes\applicationContext-web.xml in a text editor.
  2. Change the following properties from “false” to “true”:
  3. Restart the Pages service.
Google Maps
If you deploy Pages on anything but localhost, you need to apply for a Google Maps API key. It is your responsibility to abide by the Google Maps terms and conditions.

  1. Go to
  2. In the Web site URL input box, type in the actual URL through which you will be accessing Pages. If you are accessing Pages directly, this will most likely be http://localhost:11990.
  3. Submit the API key request, and copy the API key from the Web page. You will need to paste this into a Pages file.
  4. Open install_dir\pages\1.0\components\map\settings\config\component.xml (for example, C:\bea\alui\pages\1.0\components\map\settings\config\component.xml) in a text editor.
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the file, and replace the apiKey.
  6. Restart the BEA AquaLogic Pages service.

Your Map is now ready for use whenever browsing Pages through the given URL.