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Supported Configurations: IBM AIX

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WebLogic Platform 10.2 on IBM AIX 6.1 pSeries

This section provides the following information:

Related Information


Configuration Requirements

The following section provides requirements for BEA products supported on this configuration:

Table 3-1 Requirements for IBM AIX 6.1 (32-bit JDK)

Operating System Version and Patches

IBM AIX 6.1 Gold ( AIX 6.1 TL0+)

Note: IBM Technology Level (TL) replaces Maintenance Level (ML).

Note: "+" after the TL version number indicates that this and higher versions of Technology Levels and latest Service Packs are supported.

Chip Architecture



  • 10.2: IBM Java 5 32-bit JDK (Service Refresh 7)—Java version 1.5.0, JavaTM 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build pap32dev-20080315 (SR7)) IBM J9 VM (build 2.3, J2RE 1.5.0 IBM J9 2.3 AIX ppc-32 j9vmap3223-20080315 (JIT enabled)

  • 10.2 MP1: IBM Java 5 32-bit JDK (Service Refresh 8a)—Java version 1.5.0, JavaTM 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build pap32devifx-20080811c) IBM J9 VM (build 2.3, J2RE 1.5.0 IBM J9 2.3 AIX ppc-32 j9vmap3223ifx-20080811 (JIT enabled)

  • 10.2 MP1: IBM Java 5 32-bit JDK (Service Refresh 9)—Java version 1.5.0, JavaTM 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build pap32devfix-20081129) IBM J9 VM (build 2.3, J2RE 1.5.0 IBM J9 2.3 AIX ppc-32 j9vmap3223-20081129 (JIT enabled)

  • 10.2 MP1: IBM Java 5 32-bit JDK (Service Refresh 10+)—Java version 1.5.0, JavaTM 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build pap32dev-20090707 (SR10)) IBM J9 VM (build 2.3, J2RE 1.5.0 IBM J9 2.3 AIX ppc-32 j9vmap3223-20090707 (JIT enabled)

For information on the minimum JRE version that is supported for POWER7, please refer to the IBM SDK POWER7 support information page.


512 MB required; 1 GB recommended

Performance Pack


Product Support

  • WebLogic Server 10.0 MP1, 10.0 MP2

  • WebLogic Portal 10.2, 10.2 MP1

  • WebLogic Integration 10.2, 10.2 MP1

  • WebLogic Platform 10.2 MP1


Table 3-2 Requirements for IBM AIX 6.1 (64-bit JDK)

Operating System Version and Patches

IBM AIX 6.1 Gold ( AIX 6.1 TL0+)

Note: IBM Technology Level (TL) replaces Maintenance Level (ML).

Note: "+" after the TL version number indicates that this and higher versions of Technology Levels and latest Service Packs are supported.

Chip Architecture



  • 10.2: IBM Java 5 64-bit JDK (Service Refresh 7)—Java version 1.5.0, JavaTM 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build pap64dev-20080315 (SR7)) IBM J9 VM (build 2.3, J2RE 1.5.0 IBM J9 2.3 AIX ppc64-64 j9vmap6423-20080315 (JIT enabled))

  • 10.2 MP1: IBM Java 5 64-bit JDK (Service Refresh 8a)—Java version 1.5.0, JavaTM 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build pap64devifx-20080811b (SR8a)) IBM J9 VM (build 2.3, J2RE 1.5.0 IBM J9 2.3 AIX ppc64-64 j9vmap6423ifx-20080811 (JIT enabled))

  • 10.2 MP1: IBM Java 5 64-bit JDK (Service Refresh 9)—Java version 1.5.0, JavaTM 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build pap64dev-20081129 (SR9-0)) IBM J9 VM (build 2.3, J2RE 1.5.0 IBM J9 2.3 AIX ppc64-64 j9vmap6423-20081129 (JIT enabled))

  • 10.2 MP1: IBM Java 5 64-bit JDK (Service Refresh 10+)—Java version 1.5.0, JavaTM 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build pap64dev-20090707 (SR10)) IBM J9 VM (build 2.3, J2RE 1.5.0 IBM J9 2.3 AIX ppc64-64 j9vmap6423-20090707 (JIT enabled))

For information on the minimum JRE version that is supported for POWER7, please refer to the IBM SDK POWER7 support information page.


512 MB required; 1 GB recommended

Performance Pack


Product Support

  • WebLogic Server 10.0 MP1, 10.0 MP2

  • WebLogic Portal 10.2, 10.2 MP1

  • WebLogic Integration 10.2, 10.2 MP1

  • WebLogic Platform 10.2 MP1



Known Issues

TransformException When Using WebLogic Integration and IBM JDK 1.5 SR9

If you are using IBM JDK 1.5 SR9, you may get com.bea.transform.TransformException for operations involving transformation of Non-XML to XML elements. This problem was not seen in IBM JDK 1.5 SR8a.

IBM JVM Updates For DST

IBM has released a Timezone Update Utility to update DST data without the need to upgrade Java. See IBM Time Zone Update Utility for JavaTM.

WebLogic Server Known Issues

The following sections provide information on known issues in WebLogic Server on AIX:

IIOP Thin Client Not Supported

The IIOP thin client is not supported on AIX due to dependencies on the JVM. Only thin-client applications are affected by this issue.

Workaround: Run WebLogic Server on AIX and your thin client on another operating system.

Serial Version UID Mismatch

A Serial Version UID Mismatch Issue is encountered if you deploy an application on a latest JVM, but compiled with previous Service Refresh of IBM Java 5 JDK.

Workaround: To be compatible with the serialization of previously compiled applications, modify the <BEA_HOME>/Wlserver_10.0/common/bin/ file to include the following command:

JAVA_OPTIONS="$JAVA_OPTIONS  -Dcom.sun.xml.namespace.QName.useCompatibleSerialVersionUID=1.0"

Alternatively, you can use the command line option:

export IBM_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Dcom.sun.xml.namespace.QName.useCompatibleSerialVersionUID=1.0" 

Note: If you intend to deploy new applications with previously compiled applications, they must be recompiled as necessary to have the same Serial Version UID.

AspectJClassLoader Not Supported

The weblogic.aspects.AspectJClassLoader is not supported on AIX using IBM Java 5.

Workaround: You are advised not to use this class loader.

JVM Debug Mode Impact

Using the JVM debug mode with the IBM JVM significantly degrades application performance. Therefore, whenever you run WebLogic Portal on an AIX configuration, BEA strongly recommends that you disable the JVM debug mode (default setting for WebLogic Platform). Disabling debug mode is recommended for all domains, including existing domains and those domains created using the Configuration Wizard.

To disable JVM debug mode, do one of the following:

XML Schema Validation Error

An xml schema factory validation error is encountered when IBM JDK fails to return the platform default schema factory because of a preconfigured property file format.

Workaround: Modify the <BEA_HOME>/wlserver_10.0/common/bin/ file to include the following command:

JAVA_OPTIONS="$JAVA_OPTIONS -Djavax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory:"

WebLogic Portal Known Issues

The following sections provide information on known issues in WebLogic Portal on AIX:

DB2 Considerations

To ensure that portal applications run correctly on DB2, you must set some minimum configuration parameters. If you do not, heavy portal activity may exceed database capacity.

Use the following settings as guidelines to configure your DB2 database:

For additional information, see Configuring DB2 Databases in the BEA WebLogic Portal 10.0 Database Administration Guide.

Known Issues for Other BEA Products

For more information about known issues with BEA products supported on this configuration, including available workarounds, see the appropriate Release Notes document.

Issues related to...

Are described in...

WebLogic Server

WebLogic Server Known and Resolved Issues:

WebLogic Portal

WebLogic Portal 10.2 Release Notes:

Installation and Configuration

Products Installation and Configuration Release Notes:

Workshop for WebLogic

Workshop for WebLogic Release Notes:



Download and Installation Instructions for WebLogic Platform 10.2 MP1

Complete the following procedure:

Download and Install Instructions for IBM SDK Java 5

WebLogic Platform 10.2 MP1 supports IBM SDK Java 5 Service Refresh (SR) 8a and IBM SDK Java 5 Service Refresh (SR) 9.

Download and Install Instructions for IBM Java 5 (32-bit, 64-bit)

Complete the following procedure to download and install IBM Java 5 SDK base image. The SDK base image needs to be installed prior to the installation of the Service Refresh.

  1. Go to the IBM AIX download site:

  3. Select the SDK base image:
  4. For 32-bit JDK, select Java 5 32-bit to download.

    For 64-bit JDK. select Java 5 64-bit to download.

  5. Install the IBM Java 5 on your system.
  6. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the directory in which IBM Java5 is installed, and export JAVA_HOME. For example:
  7. export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java5

  8. Set the PATH variable to include $JAVA_HOME/bin. For example:
  9. export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

Download and Install Instructions for IBM Java 5 with Service Refresh 8a (32-bit, 64-bit) and Service Refresh 9 (32-bit, 64-bit).

Complete the following procedure to download and install IBM SDK Java 5 with Service Refresh.

  1. Go to the IBM Support: Fix Center download site at the following URL:

  3. Click the Fix Info link for your JDK version:
  4. Select your APAR/SR number from the table and follow the instructions and/or prompts displayed on the screen to download and install the fix package on your system.
  5. For 32-bit JDK,

    For 64-bit JDK,

  6. Select your APAR from the list and follow the instructions and/or prompts displayed on the screen to download and install the specified APAR on your system.
  7. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the directory in which IBM Java5 is installed, and export JAVA_HOME. For example:
  8. export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java5

  9. Set the PATH variable to include $JAVA_HOME/bin. For example:
  10. export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

Download and Install WebLogic Media Pack for AIX Based Systems (64-bit)

  1. Go to Oracle E-Delivery and use the following information to select the WebLogic Media Pack and Part Numbers for download:
  2. Install the WebLogic Products using the directions provided in the BEA Products Installation Guide.
  3. Refer to for instructions on how to start the .jar or .bin or.exe installer files. Note, that generic installers are those filenames that end in .jar.

  4. Set the BEA_HOME to point to the directory in which WebLogic Server is installed and export BEA_HOME. For example:
  5.    export BEA_HOME=<your_WebLogic_Server_installation_directory>
  6. In a text editor, open the $BEA_HOME/wlserver_10.0/common/bin/ and search for the following case statement:
  7. AIX)
          if [ -n "${LIBPATH}" ]; then
    export LIBPATH

    Replace with the following:

          if [ -n "${LIBPATH}" ]; then
       export LIBPATH


Download and Installation Instructions for WebLogic Platform 10.2

Complete the following procedures:

  1. Download and install the SDK Service Refresh for your environment:
  2. Depending on your requirement:

Downloading and Installing IBM Java 5

Complete the following procedure to download and install IBM Java 5.

  1. Go to the IBM AIX download site:

  3. Download the IBM Java 5 32-bit (GA version).
  4. Install the IBM Java 5 on your system.

Downloading and Installing IBM SDK Java 5 with Service Refresh 7 (32-bit JDK)

Complete the following procedure to download and install IBM SDK Java 5 with Service Refresh.

  1. Go to the IBM Support: Fix Center download site at the following URL:

  3. Click the Fix Info link for your JDK version:
  4. Select your APAR/SR number from the table and follow the instructions and/or prompts displayed on the screen to download and install the fix package on your system.
  5. For SR7, use IZ18002

  6. Select your APAR from the list and follow the instructions and/or prompts displayed on the screen to download and install the specified APAR on your system.
  7. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the directory in which IBM Java5 is installed, and export JAVA_HOME. For example:
  8. export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java5

  9. Set the PATH variable to include $JAVA_HOME/bin. For example:
  10. export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

Downloading and Installing IBM SDK Java 5 with Service Refresh 7 (64-bit JDK)

Complete the following procedure to download and install IBM SDK Java 5 with Service Refresh.

  1. Go to the IBM Support: Fix Center download site at the following URL:

  3. Click the Fix Info link for your JDK version:
  4. Select your APAR/SR number from the table and follow the instructions and/or prompts displayed on the screen to download and install the fix package on your system.
  5. For SR7 (64-bit), use IZ18003

  6. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the directory in which IBM Java5 is installed, and export JAVA_HOME. For example:
  7. export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java5

  8. Set the PATH variable to include $JAVA_HOME/bin. For example:
  9. export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

Downloading and Installing WebLogic Portal 10.2 on IBM AIX (32-bit)

To install WebLogic Portal on IBM AIX 5.2:

Complete the following procedure:

  1. Go to Oracle Technology Network or Oracle E-Delivery and download WebLogic Portal for IBM AIX.
  2. Note: For important information on how to download BEA products refer to My Oracle Support Note 762254.1 and My Oracle Support Note 763603.1.

  3. Install WebLogic Portal using the instructions in Using Installers with Filenames Ending in .jar in the BEA Products Installation Guide. This section describes the process of installing .jar files in the Graphical mode.

Downloading and Installing WebLogic Integration 10.2 MPs on IBM AIX (32-bit)

To install WebLogic Integration on IBM AIX 5.2:

Complete the following procedure:

  1. Go to Oracle Technology Network or Oracle E-Delivery and download WebLogic Integration for IBM AIX.
  2. Note: For important information on how to download BEA products refer to My Oracle Support Note 762254.1 and My Oracle Support Note 763603.1.

  3. Install WebLogic Integration using the instructions in Using Installers with Filenames Ending in .jar in the BEA Products Installation Guide. This section describes the process of installing .jar files in the Graphical mode.

Downloading and Installing WebLogic Portal 10.2 on IBM AIX (64-bit)

To install WebLogic Portal on IBM AIX 5.2:

Complete the following procedure:

  1. Go to Oracle Technology Network or Oracle E-Delivery and download WebLogic Portal for IBM AIX.
  2. Note: For important information on how to download BEA products refer to My Oracle Support Note 762254.1 and My Oracle Support Note 763603.1.

  3. Install WebLogic Portal using the instructions in Using Installers with Filenames Ending in .jar in the BEA Products Installation Guide. This section describes the process of installing .jar files in the Graphical mode.
  4. Set the BEA_HOME to point to the directory in which WebLogic Server is installed and export BEA_HOME. For example:
  5.    export BEA_HOME=<your_WebLogic_Server_installation_directory>
  6. In a text editor, open the $BEA_HOME/wlserver_10.0/common/bin/ and search for the following case statement:
  7. AIX)
          if [ -n "${LIBPATH}" ]; then
       export LIBPATH

    Replace with the following:

          if [ -n "${LIBPATH}" ]; then
       export LIBPATH

Downloading and Installing WebLogic Integration 10.2 on IBM AIX (64-bit)

To install WebLogic Integration on IBM AIX 5.2:

Complete the following procedure:

  1. Go to Oracle Technology Network or Oracle E-Delivery and download WebLogic Integration for IBM AIX.
  2. Note: For important information on how to download BEA products refer to My Oracle Support Note 762254.1 and My Oracle Support Note 763603.1.

    Note: The BEA Download Center (i.e. will be decommissioned on February 2, 2009. After this time, customers will be able to download the BEA software from Oracle's E-delivery portal ( or Oracle Technology Network (

  3. Install WebLogicIntegration using the instructions in Using Installers with Filenames Ending in .jar in the BEA Products Installation Guide. This section describes the process of installing .jar files in the Graphical mode.
  4. Set the BEA_HOME to point to the directory in which WebLogic Server is installed and export BEA_HOME. For example:
  5.    export BEA_HOME=<your_WebLogic_Server_installation_directory>
  6. In a text editor, open the $BEA_HOME/wlserver_10.0/common/bin/ and search for the following case statement:
  7. AIX)
          if [ -n "${LIBPATH}" ]; then
       export LIBPATH

    Replace with the following:

          if [ -n "${LIBPATH}" ]; then
       export LIBPATH


Download and Apply BEA Patches

Download and install the following patches for AIX using the BEA Smart Update tool:

WLP 10.2

WLI 10.2

WLS 10.0 MP2 (32-bit JDK and 64-bit JDK)

For more information on the BEA Smart Update tool, refer to


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