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Configuring Message Queues and Global Memory


BEA MessageQ stores messages in global sections and stores pointers to the messages in queues. Developers are primarily concerned with queue configuration. BEA MessageQ system managers configure the global sections where the messages are stored.

This chapter describes how to configure message queues and global sections. See the BEA MessageQ Introduction to Message Queuing for a description of message queues.

The following topics are covered in this chapter:

Configuring Message Queues

You can configure your message queues using the queue configuration table section of the DMQ$INIT.TXT file. Listing 4-1 is a sample of the queue configuration table section. You can access this table using the CUSTOMIZE option on the BEA MessageQ main menu. For more information on the main menu options, refer to BEA MessageQ Main Menu and Utilities.

Use this table to configure your message queues following the configuration guidelines discussed in the section Queue Configuration Table Rules.

Listing 4-1 Queue Configuration Table Section

%QCT         ***** Queue Configuration Table ****** 
* ---Pool Quota--- UCB Q Q Confrm Perm Name Chk
* Queue Name Num Bytes Msgs Ctrl Send Type Own Style Act Scope ACL
*------------------- ---- ------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- ---- ----- ----
* Sample Queues
QUEUE_1 1 64000 100 All . . . II Y L N
QUEUE_2 2 64000 100 Msg . . . EI Y L N
QUEUE_3 3 64000 100 Byte . . . EO Y L N
QUEUE_4 4 64000 100 None . . . . Y L N
QUEUE_5 5 64000 100 . . . . . Y L N
QUEUE_6 6 64000 100 . . . . . Y L N
QUEUE_7 7 64000 100 . . . . . Y L N
QUEUE_8 8 64000 100 . . . . . Y L N
QUEUE_9 9 64000 100 . . . . . Y L N
QUEUE_10 10 64000 100 . . . . . Y L N
* SBS Server uses the following UCB numbers for Optimized Delivery
SBS_ETH_CONTROL 74 0 0 . E . . . . L N
SBS_ETH_CHAN1 75 0 0 . E . . . . L N
SBS_ETH_CHAN2 76 0 0 . E . . . . L N
* Queues 90-100 & 150-199 are reserved for MessageQ utilities
TEMPORARY_Q 0 64000 100 . . . . . . L N
SPARE1 90 100000 100 . . . . . Y L N
ALL_UCBS 91 0 0 . . . . . . L N
TIMER_QUEUE 92 0 0 . . . . . . L N
NULL 93 0 0 . . . . . . L N
NA_SERVER 94 1000000 1000 None . . . . N L N
QTRANSFER_SERVER 95 1000000 1000 None . . . . N L N
DEAD_LETTER_QUEUE 96 64000 100 . . . . . Y L N
MRS_SERVER 98 1000000 1000 None . . . . N L N
SBS_SERVER 99 1000000 1000 None . . . . N L N
COM_SERVER 100 1000000 1000 None . . . . N L N
DCL_BY_Q_NAME 151 0 0 . . . . . . L N
TCPIP_LD 152 1000000 1000 None . . . . N L N
DECNET_LD 153 1000000 1000 None . . . . N L N
RESERVED_LD 154 1000000 1000 None . . . . N L N
JRN_SERVER 156 1000000 1000 None . . . . N L N
DMQ_FULLTEST_PQ 191 250000 100 . . . . . N L N
DMQ_FULLTEST_PQ 192 250000 100 . . S 191 . N L N
EXAMPLE_Q_1 193 64000 100 . . . . . N L N
EXAMPLE_Q_2 194 64000 100 . . . . . N L N
IVP_unowned_sq 195 250000 100 . . S . . N L N

Queue Configuration Table Parameters

The following table explains the parameters (fields) in the queue configuration table.

Table 4-1 Queue Configuration Table Fields

Field Name


Queue Name

The BEA MessageQ internal name of the message queue. The queue name is 1 to 255 characters long and is stored as uppercase. The name is stored in the group's name table available for run-time translation by the queue location services.

If the CUSTOMIZE procedure is run and you request that language specific files be created, the queue names are added to p_proces.h and are prefixed with PAMS_.


The BEA MessageQ internal queue number that ranges from 0 to 3949 and 4000 to 6000, inclusive. The queue number must be below the value defined by FIRST_TEMP_QUEUE in the %PROFILE section. Multipoint outbound target (MOT) queue values are not allowed in the Queue Configuration Table.

Pool Quota

Contains three parameters: Bytes, Msgs, and Ctrl

  • Bytes-The maximum number of data bytes sent to a message queue. The range is from 0 to 2 31-1 (2147483647). A period (.) specifies the default which is 64000.

  • Msgs-The maximum number of messages that can be pending to a queue. The range is from 0 to 2 31-1 (2147483647). A period (.) specifies the default which is 100.

  • Ctrl-Controls the enabling and disabling of queue quotas. Valid settings are (case insensitive):

    A or All-All queue quotas enabled

    N or None- All queue quotas disabled

    B or Byte-Only Byte quota enabled; Msgs quota disabled

    M or Msgs-Only Msgs quota enabled; Byte quota disabled

    " . "- A period (.) specifies the default which is All

    The quotas for the queue may need to be changed to accomodate large messages (up to 4MB) as described in Chapter 11, "Sizing and Tuning the BEA MessageQ Environment" under Queue Quota.

UCB Send

Specifies special message processing by using user-writable subroutines. Send user callback points (send UCB) are designated by the uppercase letters A through J. A period (.) means that there are no send UCBs for this queue.

Q Type

Designates the queue type. It can be a primary (P), secondary (S), or multi-reader (M). A period (.) specifies the default which is primary (P ). Configure any queue with a send UCB as a primary queue.

Q Own

Identifies queue owner. Used for preallocated, permanent secondary queues, and defines the primary queue with which this queue is to be associated.

Confirm Style

Controls the method by which messages can be confirmed. Valid settings are (case insensitive):

  • II-Implicit, in-order confirmations

  • EI-Explicit, in-order confirmations

  • EO-Explicit, out-of-order confirmations

  • " . "-A period (.) specifies the default, which is EO.

    For more information on this parameter, refer to Configuring Message Recovery.

Perm Act

Indicates whether a permanent queue can accept messages when no process has currently attached to the queue. The queue is activated when a process attaches to BEA MessageQ . This applies to only primary and secondary queues. Multi-reader queues are always active, and temporary queues are only active when a process has attached to the temporary queue. Valid settings are:

  • Y for always active

  • N for active on attach

  • period (.) for the default setting (Y for always active)

Name Scope

Indicates the scope in which the DMQ$LOADER utility advertises the association between names and addresses. Name scope must contain the letter L or G. L indicates that the name is available for lookup only within the message queuing group. G indicates that the name is available to the entire message queuing bus. When the DMQ$LOADER utility encounters a name scope of G, it advertises the address setting through the BEA MessageQ Naming Agent.


Indicates whether the queue has controlled read access. When Chk ACL is enabled, any attempt to read from the queue results in an access check against a corresponding file that has limited read access. Valid settings are Y for enable and N for disable. See BEA MessageQ Security, for more information.

Queue Configuration Table Rules

When assembling the queue configuration table, follow these rules:

Configuring Global Memory

The BEA MessageQ global memory provides storage for queue names and addresses and allocates memory space for message queuing groups and message buffers.

The following topics are covered in this section:

How BEA MessageQ Uses Global Memory

BEA MessageQ creates seven global sections for each message queuing group that is running on a node. The four sections for message control are listed in Table 4-2 and the three sections describing the buffer pool configuration are listed in Table 4-3. In the following tables, bbbb corresponds to the bus ID and ggggg corresponds to the group ID of the message queuing group.

Table 4-2 Message Control Section


Use it to store ...


General control information


Cross-group link control information


Multireader queue (MRQ) control information


Group Name Table (GNT) information

Messages are stored in one of the buffer pool global sections listed in Table 4-3.

Table 4-3 Buffer Pool Global Sections

Global Section

Stored Message Size







Using the Buffer Pool Configuration Table

To change BEA MessageQ memory allocation, configure the buffer pool in the buffer pool configuration table of the DMQ$INIT.TXT file (see Defining the Message Queuing Environment, and BEA MessageQ Main Menu and Utilities, for more information on working with the DMQ$INIT.TXT file).

This table controls the size of the buffer pool where messages are stored. A buffer pool consists of fixed-size memory buffers that hold one message each. The buffer pool is created during COM Server startup.

The buffer pool contains space for all messages on a system. It must be sized to contain all messages active in memory at any given time. When this pool is fully allocated, attempts to send a message cause PAMS__REMQUEFAIL to be returned to the sending application. This return code can also indicate that insufficient global memory buffers were found to contain a particular message request. If GROUP_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE is larger than a LARGE buffer, then multiple buffers are chained together to contain such a message. The maximum LARGE buffer size is 65K. However, the default LARGE buffer size is 64K.

Listing 4-2 shows the buffer pool configuration table section of DMQ$INIT.TXT.

Listing 4-2 Buffer Pool Configuration Table Section

%BUFFER ***** Buffer Pool Configuration Table *******
* Reserve
*Msg-Block-Type Byte-Size Number Warning-level Count
*-------------- --------- ------ ------------- -------
SMALL 256 50 10 2
MEDIUM 5000 10 2 1
LARGE 64000 3 1 0

Table 4-4 describes the fields (parameters) in the buffer pool configuration table.

Table 4-4 Buffer Pool Configuration Table Fields

Field Name



Indicates whether the buffer pool being specified is for small, medium, or large messages.


Indicates the size of the largest message that can be stored in the specified buffer pool. The minimum byte size required to boot is 1500. The minimum byte size to support all BEA MessageQ services is 8192. The maximum value is 64000.


Indicates the maximum number of messages desired of this size. The maximum number is 50000.


Indicates the threshold number of buffers remaining before a warning message is sent to the console. The minimum number is zero, and the maximum number must be less than the number of messages.

Reserve Count

Allocates the last n messages in the buffer pool for BEA MessageQ internal use. This allocation allows BEA MessageQ internal messaging to occur when the buffer pool is full. The reserve count space, set at 5% to 10% of the buffer pool capacity, would be a good starting point when allocating the space. By reserving messages, the unblocking messages used by PDEL_MODE_WF_xxx and PAMS_CONFIRM_MSG messages have a higher tolerance to the buffer pool capacity overflow.