Platform Development Studio - Developer’s Guide

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For most installations of WebLogic Network Gatekeeper, the ability rapidly and accurately to evaluate the status of requests in terms of Policy, or rules governing a variety of service characteristics, is one of the most important features that the system offers.

Note: Some evaluations, such as enforcement of SLAs, are performed by the Interceptor Stack. See Service Interceptors for more details. The Policy system described in this chapter allows you to add additional types of evaluation to the request flow, including adding rules to be used for the Callable Policy Web Service.

If you extend the Network Gatekeeper, particularly if you add a new Communication Service, you may also need to make changes in the Policy system to cover new functionality that you have added. This chapter provides a very high level description of the process by which policy requests are processed and though which new rules can be added. It covers:



When an application service request arrives at the service interceptor CreatePolicyRequestData, its parameters are put in a PolicyRequest object. The service interceptor EvaluateILOGPolicy evaluates these custom policy rules The rules themselves are written in the ILOG IRL language.


Policy Request Data

A PolicyRequest object has a standard form. The values in the object must be mapped to the variables in the Policy Rule that will be used to evaluate them. The Policy Request object can contain subsets of this standard data:

All of the above are Strings.

All of these are Longs.

In addition to these standard values, Policy Request objects contain all the parameters passed in from the application in its initial request, as AdditionalParameters, an array of AdditionalDataValue. An AdditionalDataValue consist of a name-value pair. The following data types can be defined in an AdditionalDataValue object.

The name of the name-value pair is defined in the dataName member variable in the AdditionalData object. See Listing 15-1

Listing 15-1 Defining AdditionalData
AdditionalData adArray[] = new AdditionalData[1];
AdditionalDataValue targetAddressValue = new AdditionalDataValue();
AdditionalData adTargetAddressString = new AdditionalData();
adTargetAddressString.dataName = "targetAddress";
adTargetAddressString.dataValue = targetAddressValue;
adArray[0] = adTargetAddressString;
policyRequest.additionalParameters = adArray;

If any of the incoming parameters from the application are complex types, the objects are automatically examined and broken down into simple Java types. So, for example, the Parlay X 2.1 complex type ChargingInformation can contain a description, which is a string, a currency kind, which is also a string, an amount, which is a decimal number, and a code, which is a string. When the data is sent to the Policy Engine, it is broken down into a string value called parameters.charging.currency, another string value called parameters.charging.code, and so forth.


Adding a New Rule

New rules can be added to the Policy Service. The rule must have a name and a priority.

High priority rules are evaluated before low priority rules.There are a set of pre-defined priority levels, which are mapped to a numerical value:

Listing 15-2 shows the basic structure of a rule:

Listing 15-2 Skeleton of a rule
rule DenySubscriberNotExists
priority = high;
   // fetch the policy request data and perform evaluations.
      // Take action on 

Mapping PolicyRequest Data

In order to perform an evaluation, the data in the PolicyRequest object must be fetched by the rule in the Policy Engine and mapped to the equivalent variable name in the rule. The standard types of request data in the Policy Request are associated with variables of the same name in the rules. Below is an example of a rule assigning the PolicyRequest member variable serviceName to the rule variable sname via the Policy Request object. The rule object pr is assigned to the PolicyRequest object.

Listing 15-3 Policy Request data is fetched
?pr: event PolicyRequest(?sname: serviceName);

If the Policy Engine has evaluated the request and made the decision to deny it, the Policy Engine’s representation of the PolicyRequest object (pr) must be retracted. Retracting the PolicyRequest object aborts further rule enforcement.

Listing 15-4 Retract a request
retract (?pr);

If the Policy Engine has evaluated the request and made the decision to allow it, the Policy Engine’s representation of the request (pr) must still be retracted, but in the last rule of the execution flow. For example, this could be achieved by adding a general finalizing allow rule that retracts the request. This rule should have priority minimum.

Listing 15-5 General finalizing allow rule that retracts a request
rule AllowServiceRequest
  priority = minimum;
	?pr: event PolicyRequest();
	retract (?pr);

Data that is defined as AdditionalValues must fetched as shown in Listing 15-6. The Additional Value named targetAddress is stored in the variable addDataValue. The PolicyRequest object is pr.

Listing 15-6 Fetching AdditionalValue data
bind ?addDataValue = ?pr.getAdditionalDataStringValue("targetAddress");

The particular signature of the fetching method depends on the type of data:

If the data type is unknown, it can be determined by invoking the discriminator method on the AdditionalDataValue object.

Listing 15-7 Determine the type of an AdditionalDatavalue
bind ?type = ?pr.getAdditionalData.dataValue.discriminator().value();

Where type is one of the following:

Creating a New Rule File by Extending an Existing File: an Example

The following shows an example of extending an existing rule file:

  1. List the Current Services’ Rule Files
  2. Select the Service Whose Rule File You Wish to Extend
  3. Add a New Extended Rule
  4. Load the New Rule File.

Use the operations in the PolicyService to manage the rule files, see Managing the PolicyService in the System Administrator’s Guide.


Using RequestContext Parameters Defined in Service Level Agreements

It is possible to use generic data specified in service provider and application-level SLAs in a plug-in. This is useful when the choice of the action or behavior a plug-in should make is based on which service provider or application originates the request originates. For example, this can be used for information about parameters that corresponds to a certain group of applications. For instance a certain group might get the priority on their SMS set to LOW because they pay less. The priority might be a parameter that is sent down to the network which handles this.

In an SLA, a <contextAttribute> is defined as a name/value pair, where the name is defined in the tag <attributeName> and the value is specified in <attributeValue>.

A plug-in can retrieve the value specified in <attributeValue> using the name specified in <attributeName>. The value is retrieved using the RequestContext for the request:

String attributeValue = (String)RequestContextManager.getCurrent().get("<attributeName>");

For example, the value associated with the contextAttribute with the attributeName com.bea.wlcp.wlng.plugin.sms.testName1 is retrieved using:

String value1 = (String)RequestContextManager.getCurrent().get("com.bea.wlcp.wlng.plugin.sms.testName1");

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