BEA Systems, Inc.

Package com.beasys.commerce.user.jsp.beans

Class Summary
AnonymousProfileBean This bean is used behind the <um:getProperty> and <um:setProperty> tags when no profile is currently active to support the Anonymous profile functionality.
CachedProfileBean JSP Bean to support the <um:getProfile>, <um:getProperty>, and <um:setProperty> tags.
FunctionAccessBean Bean to determine what should be available in a jsp page based on configuration settings.
GroupUserManagementBean Jsp Bean to manage storing/updating users for a particular group.
HierarchyManagementBean Jsp Bean to manage the state of group hierarchies so that they can be rendered correctly.
LdapConfigBean Jsp bean class to help with LDAP configuration tools
LocalProfileBean Bean used to hold the local user profile.
ProfileTypeBean Jsp bean class to help with Profile type management tools
PropertyBean Jsp bean class to help with Property management tools.
PropertySetBean Jsp bean class to help with PropertySet management tools
RealmConfigBean Class for managing Realm configuration.
UserBean Jsp Bean used to support the addition of system users.

BEA Systems, Inc.

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