BEA Systems, Inc.

Package com.beasys.commerce.user.jsp.tags

Interface Summary
UserManagerTagConstants Constants that represent the success/failure codes for most tag operations.

Class Summary
AddGroupToGroupTag Corresponds to <um:addGroupToGroup>.
AddUserToGroupTag Corresponds to <um:addUserToGroup>.
ChangeGroupNameTag Corresponds to <um:changeGroupName>.
CreateGroupExtraInfo Sets JSP page-scoped variables as a result of the <um:createGroup> tag.
CreateGroupTag Corresponds to <um:createGroup>.
CreateUserExtraInfo Sets JSP page-scoped variables as a result of the <um:createUser> tag.
CreateUserTag Corresponds to <um:createUser>.
GetChildGroupNamesExtraInfo Sets JSP page-scoped variables as a result of the <um:getChildGroupNames> tag.
GetChildGroupNamesTag Corresponds to <um:getChildGroupNames>.
GetChildGroupsExtraInfo Sets JSP page-scoped variables as a result of the <um:getChildGroups> tag.
GetChildGroupsTag Corresponds to <um:getChildGroups>.
GetGroupNamesForUserExtraInfo Sets JSP page-scoped variables as a result of the <um:getGroupNamesForUser> tag.
GetGroupNamesForUserTag Corresponds to <um:getGroupNamesForUser>.
GetParentGroupNameExtraInfo Sets JSP page-scoped variables as a result of the <um:getParentGroupName> tag.
GetParentGroupNameTag Corresponds to <um:getParentGroupName>.
GetProfileExtraInfo Sets JSP page-scoped variables as a result of the <um:getProfile> tag.
GetProfileTag Corresponds to <um:getProfile>.
GetPropertyAsStringExtraInfo Sets JSP page-scoped variables as a result of the <um:getPropertyAsString> tag.
GetPropertyAsStringTag Corresponds to <um:getPropertyAsString>.
GetPropertyExtraInfo Sets JSP page-scoped variables as a result of the <um:getProperty> tag.
GetPropertyTag Corresponds to <um:getProperty>.
GetTopLevelGroupsExtraInfo Sets JSP page-scoped variables as a result of the <um:getTopLevelGroups> tag.
GetTopLevelGroupsTag Corresponds to <um:getTopLevelGroups>.
GetUserNamesExtraInfo Sets JSP page-scoped variables as a result of the <um:getUserNames> tag.
GetUserNamesForGroupExtraInfo Sets JSP page-scoped variables as a result of the <um:getUserNamesForGroup> tag.
GetUserNamesForGroupTag Corresponds to <um:getUsernamesForGroup>.
GetUserNamesTag Corresponds to <um:getUsernames>.
LoginTag Corresponds to <um:login>.
LogoutTag Corresponds to <um:logout>.
PropertyTag Base class for get/set property tags, provides access to cached profile and anonymous profile, as well as common attributes.
RemoveGroupFromGroupTag Corresponds to <um:removeGroupFromGroup>.
RemoveGroupTag Corresponds to <um:removeGroup>.
RemovePropertyTag Corresponds to <um:removeProperty>.
RemoveUserFromGroupTag Corresponds to <um:removeUserFromGroup>.
RemoveUserTag Corresponds to <um:removeUser>.
ResultTag Base class for tags that can take the name of a variable to assign a result to.
ResultTagExtraInfo TagExtraInfo implementation that just sets a result id variable for the jsp.
SetPasswordTag Corresponds to <um:setPassword>.
SetPropertyTag Corresponds to <um:setProperty>.
UserManagerTag Base class for all user managment tags.
UserManagerTagExtraInfo Base class for User Management extra info tag classes.

BEA Systems, Inc.

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