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BEA WebLogic Enterprise Release 5.0

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The idltojava compiler is a tool that converts IDL files to Java stub and skeleton files. To build Java applications that can access CORBA objects in a WebLogic Enterprise (WLE) environment, you need the BEA idltojava compiler. The idltojava compiler concepts presented here explain what enhancements are included on the BEA idltojava compiler, the relationship of Java IDL to CORBA, and how you can use Java IDL to create Java applications that interoperate with CORBA objects. Also included is information about the idltojava command (syntax, options and flags), code examples, CORBA IDL to Java mappings that the idltojava tool implements, and links to relevant Javadoc API pages.


All idltojava Compiler Topics

Contains a comprehensive, hyperlinked list of idltojava compiler topics.

Overview of CORBA Java Programming

Explains the relationship of Java IDL to CORBA, provides an overview of distributed application concepts and CORBA, and explains how you can use Java IDL to create Java applications that interoperate with CORBA objects. This topic also explains where to get the BEA idltojava compiler, and how the BEA idltojava compiler differs from the idltojava compiler available from Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Using the idltojava Command

Explains how to run the idltojava compiler and explains all the options and flags on the idltojava command.

Java IDL Examples

Provides several code examples to illustrate the use of the idltojava compiler. The code examples include the Java Simpapp sample application to get you started. Other examples illustrate use of Persistent State and User Exceptions, Callback Objects, and Implementation Inheritance.

Java IDL Programming Concepts

Discusses some relavant programming concepts, such as exceptions, initialization, and use of the Factory Finder.

IDL to Java Mappings Used By the idltojava Compiler

Explains the CORBA IDL to Java mappings that the idltojava tool implements.

The Java IDL API

Provides links to the Javadoc API reference pages that relate to Java IDL and the idltojava compiler.

Related Topics

Commands Reference

Describes the syntax, options, and flags for WLE commands. This reference includes information about the idltojava, idl2ir, and ir2idl commands.

CORBA Java Programming Reference

Describes the Java classes and interfaces in the WebLogic Enterprise system. Shows the class structure for each system component, provides detailed programmer information on using the API, and describes each of the commands used for developing WebLogic Enterprise server applications.

Or go directly to these topics:


FactoryFinder Interface

CORBA Server-to-Server Communication

Describes the Java sample applications provided with the BEA WebLogic Enterprise software.

Or go directly to this topic:

Developing Java Joint Client Server Applications

Guide to the Java Sample Applications

Describes the Java sample applications provided with the BEA WebLogic Enterprise software.

Or go directly to this topic:

The Java Simpapp Sample Application

WebLogic Enterprise API Javadoc

Or go directly to Javadoc for these packages:








