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Upgrade Guide

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Upgrading WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP3 or SP4 to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP5

This section provides information on upgrading to BEA WebLogic Integration 8.1 Service Pack 5 (SP5).


Topics Included in this Section

Ways to Upgrade WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP3 or SP4 to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP5

Describes the different upgrades paths available.

Upgrading Domains to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP5

Describes the process of upgrading domains created in WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP3 or SP4 to SP5.

Manually Upgrading WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP3 or SP4 Databases to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP5

Describes the process of manually upgrading databases created in WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP3 or SP4 to SP5.

Upgrading PointBase

Describes the process of manually upgrading the PointBase database.


Ways to Upgrade WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP3 or SP4 to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP5

WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP5 is installed as part of WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP5. You can upgrade from WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP3 or SP4 to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP5 using one of the following ways:


Upgrading Domains to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP5

Domains created for WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP3 or SP4 must be upgraded to run with WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP5.

To help you upgrade your WebLogic Integration domains, upgrade scripts are included in WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP5. These scripts facilitate upgrading domains, including those domains created with the BEA WebLogic 8.1 SP5 Configuration Wizard.

This section includes information on the following topics:

Prerequisites for Upgrading to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP5

This section contains information you should be aware of before upgrading WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP3 or SP4 to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP5. To learn more about upgrading your WebLogic Platform installation, see "Before You Upgrade Your Systems" in Upgrade Planning Guide at the following URL:

Note: If your WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP3 or SP4 domain contains both WebLogic Integration and WebLogic Portal® resources, please review the information in the "Upgrading WebLogic Platform Domains and Applications to the Latest Service Pack" section in the Upgrade Planning Guide available at the following URL:

Domains Running In Production Mode Without PointBase

For WebLogic Integration 8.1 domains running in production mode without the PointBase database, the nopointbase option must be passed to startWebLogic.cmd or Otherwise, the server will not start correctly; WebLogic Integration 8.1 enables PointBase even when it is not used by the configuration.

Upgrading an Application That Uses an Application Integration Control

For an application using an Application Integration control that was originally deployed using the WebLogic Workshop auto-deploy feature, you must first undeploy the application and then redeploy it using the WebLogic Integration Administration Console or the command line deployer.

Upgrading an Existing WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP3 or SP4 Domain to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP5

This section provides the steps for upgrading either an existing single node or clustered domain generated for WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP3 or SP4 to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP5. Another way to update to a WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP5 domain is to create a new WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP5 domain and move your existing WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP3 or SP4 applications to the new domain. To learn more see "Creating a New Domain and Deploying Applications Into It" in Roadmap for Upgrading WebLogic Platform available at the following URL:

To upgrade a domain generated for WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP3 or SP4 to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP5, complete the following steps:

  1. Set the correct environment and paths:
    1. Go to BEA_HOME_815/weblogic81/common/bin directory.
    2. In the preceding line, BEA_HOME_815 represents the directory where WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP5 is installed.

    3. Execute the environment script by entering the following:
    4. UNIX using sh or ksh: . ./

      Windows: commEnv.cmd

  2. Shut down any instances of WebLogic Server® running on the domain being upgraded.
  3. Set the ANT_OPTS environment variable on your machine to -Xmx256m, to ensure that Ant has enough memory available to complete the domain upgrade procedure. To set the ANT_OPTS variable, enter the command appropriate for your operating system:
  4. Windows: set ANT_OPTS=-Xmx256m

    UNIX: setenv ANT_OPTS -Xmx256m

  5. If you are using PointBase as your database, follow the procedure in Upgrading PointBase, then continue with the next step.
  6. Locate the file in the following directory:
  7. BEA_HOME_815/weblogic81/integration/upgrade

    In the preceding line, BEA_HOME_815 represents the directory where WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP5 is installed.

  8. Using the file as a template, create a file named, and specify the following values in it:
  9. Note: Use "/" as a file separator.

    Table 3-1 Values for the file




    The version of WebLogic Platform from which you want to upgrade. For example, sp3 or sp4


    The absolute path of the domain to upgrade. For example:



    The absolute path to the WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP3 or SP4 installation. For example:



    Absolute path to the WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP5 installation. For example:



    Specify the platform on which the software is being upgraded, ideally use the default value both.

    Note: Note: If you specify the property os=unix, substitutions may be skipped when executing the upgrade Ant script target as described in step 10. in Upgrading an Existing WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP3 or SP4 Domain to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP5 Therefore, we recommend that you use the default property os=both; this ensures that all paths are properly upgraded.

    If you choose run the upgrade script using the os=unix property, you should run the update_paths target manually.


    Name of the directory in which WebLogic Integration SP3 or SP4 is installed. Default value is weblogic81.


    Name of the directory in which WebLogic Integration SP5 is installed. Default value is weblogic81.


    Ideally use the default value false, which indicates the platform is not HP-UX. Set the value to true if the platform is HP-UX.


    Set the value as true for any supported database except PointBase. If the domain is configured to use PointBase, set the value to false. See step 8. in Upgrading an Existing WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP3 or SP4 Domain to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP5 for more information on the database upgrade process.


    Note: If you have upgraded to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP5 using Smart Update, beahome.path and beahome.latest.path should specify the same directory path. For example, on Windows if you installed WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP4 in the c:/bea directory and then used the Smart Update to upgrade that installation to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP5, both beahome.path and beahome.latest.path should point to the c:/bea directory.

    Note: BEA recommends that you use the option backup=true. Setting this option to true in your file means that the domain specified in the domain.path is backed up to domain.path_BK_timestamp.

  10. Locate the upgrade scripts in the following directory:
  11. BEA_HOME_815/weblogic81/integration/upgrade

    In the preceding line, BEA_HOME_815 represents the directory where WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP5 is installed.

  12. Determine if you need or want to manually upgrade the database or use the upgrade script.
  13. Upgrading the database structure is implicit in the upgrade process. If you are using PointBase or prefer to do this as a separate step, you must invoke the upgrade script with the database flag set to false as follows: -Ddb_upgrade=false and then upgrade the database manually.

    To learn more about upgrading the database manually, see Upgrading PointBase or Manually Upgrading WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP3 or SP4 Databases to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP5.

    Note: The databases must be upgraded before you start the WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP5 server in the upgraded domain.

  14. Run the following ant target to upgrade the JDK version reference:
  15. ant -f domain_upgrade.xml update_paths
  16. Run the upgrade script for the domain that you have created:
  17. ant -f domain_upgrade.xml upgrade[<your options file>]    -Dcurrent.version=[sp3|sp4]
       -Ddb_password=[<password>] -Ddb_server=[<server>:<port>]

    The your_options_file is usually called the The user_name and password are the valid username and password for the database. For help on the ant syntax, type ant on the command line.

    Note: If you are upgrading your database using the script, the data source must be connected to an active database.

    Warning: Do not upgrade your domain more than once. If you do, the domain upgrade process will fail with an error.

  18. Remove the domain server's .wlnotdelete subdirectory and all its contents. This subdirectory, which contains the server's cache, is located in the domain's server directory. For example:
  19. c:\bea\user_projects\domains\mydomain\examplesServer\.wlnotdelete

    Removing the .wlnotdelete subdirectory ensures that all domain upgrade changes become effective when the server is restarted.

    Note: Note: To see the available Ant targets and a description of each, enter the following command from the WL_HOME/integration/upgrade directory:

    ant -f domain_upgrade.xml usage

  20. If you are upgrading a clustered domain, delete the staging directories for the administration and managed servers in the upgraded domain.
  21. This ensures that all the servers get the upgraded WebLogic Integration applications from the WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP5 installation rather than the local staging directories, which may be outdated.

    For example, if your domain contains an administration server named cgServer and two managed servers named new_managedServer_1 and new_managedServer_2, go to the directory that contains the domain and delete the directories (including the contents) named cgServer, new_managedServer_1, and new_managedServer_2.

    Note: To learn more about domains, see "System Administration" in the WebLogic Server documentation at the following URL:


Manually Upgrading WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP3 or SP4 Databases to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP5

If you suppressed the automatic upgrading of the databases when you upgraded the domain, you must upgrade the database manually before you can start the WebLogic Server 8.1 SP5 server. If you did not suppress the database upgrade during the domain upgrade process, you can skip this section.

The database schemas in WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP5 have changed from WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP3 or SP4. To update your databases manually, you need to run the script for the databases that you use. Scripts are provided for Oracle®, PointBase®, Sybase®, DB2® and Microsoft® SQL ServerTM databases.

To manually upgrade databases from WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP3 or SP4 to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP5, complete the following steps:

Note: If you are using the PointBase database, see Upgrading PointBase.

  1. Locate the database upgrade scripts in the following directory:
  2. On Windows:


    On UNIX:


    In the previous paragraphs, BEA_HOME_815 represents the directory in which you installed WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP5, and db_directory represents oracle, pointbase, sybase, db2, or mssql.

  3. Execute the following database upgrade command and depending on values in the file, the respective upgrade scripts will be executed.
  4. ant -f domain_upgrade.xml upgrade_dbs 

    Note: Ensure the db_upgrade property is set to true in order to successfully execute the command.

  5. Start the WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP5 server from the upgraded domain.


Upgrading PointBase

If you are using the PointBase database, you must upgrade it manually.

To manually upgrade the PointBase database from WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP3 or SP4 to WebLogic Integration 8.1 SP5, complete the following steps:

  1. Start the PointBase server:
    1. Open either a UNIX shell or a Windows command prompt window and navigate to the domain root for the domain you just upgraded.
    2. Run the setdomainenv script.
    3. Start the PointBase server:
    4. On Windows:

      WL_HOME\common\bin\startPointBase.cmd -port=9093 -debug=0 -console=false -background=true -ini=DOMAIN_HOME\pointbase.ini > DOMAIN_HOME/pointbase.log 2>&1

      On UNIX:

      WL_HOME/common/bin/ -port=9093 -debug=0 -console=false -background=true -ini=DOMAIN_HOME\pointbase.ini > DOMAIN_HOME/pointbase.log 2>&1

      In the preceding line, WL_HOME is the weblogic81 directory of the WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP5.

      Note: This is a generic PointBase startup command. You may need to customize this command if you are not using the default directories.

  2. To upgrade the database, execute the following command:
  3. ant -f domain_upgrade.xml upgrade_dbs 

    Note: Ensure the db_upgrade property is set to false in order to successfully execute the command.


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