BEA Systems, Inc.

Interface SingletonService

public interface SingletonService

This interface defines a stateless lightweight singeton service that has the following contract:

  • Activate is invoked on one and only one server in a cluster
  • Deactivate can be called anytime after activate is called. The sequence of operations is : activate -> deactivate -> activate on another server in the cluster.
  • Any exceptions thrown during deactivate will be ignored and the service will be activated elsewhere

  • Method Summary
     void activate()
              Activate the service in this server.
     void deactivate()
              Deactivate the service on this server.

    Method Detail


    void activate()
    Activate the service in this server. Perform setup operations needed for this service to function on this server. If activate throws any RuntimeException, the service will be activated in another server if possible.


    void deactivate()
    Deactivate the service on this server. Relinquish ownership over resources so that it can be claimed by another server where activate will be called. Any RuntimeExceptions thrown by deactivate will be ignored and activate will be attempted elsewhere.

    Documentation is available at
    Copyright 2006 BEA Systems Inc.