WebLogic 4.5.1 Service Pack 15

Installation and removal instructions
JMS and CRs 33289, 33794
Release notes for service pack 15
Resolved CRs
Additional details on new plugin parameters
Additional details on CRs 5670 & 6602
Additional details on CR 7526
Additional details on CR 7599
Additional details on CR 8322
Additional details on CR 30648
Additional details on CR 39171
Additional details on CR 45620
Known Issues


This service pack contains files that resolve CRs pertaining to the released product. A detailed list of these CRs is provided in this document.

The service pack download is shipped as a .zip file (weblogic451sp15.zip) and contains:

  • SERVICEPACK_README.html (this file)
  • images/bea_logo_small.gif
  • bin/iisproxy.dll
  • bin/iisforward.dll
  • bin/proxy30.dll
  • bin/proxy35.dll
  • bin/proxy36.dll
  • bin/stackdump.dll
  • bin/stackdump_g.dll
  • bin/win32_12/WLService.exe
  • bin/win32_12/install.exe
  • bin/win32_12/remove.exe
  • bin/win32_12/t3config.exe
  • bin/win32_12/t3server.exe
  • bin/win32_12/wlstartup.dll
  • bin/wlntio.dll
  • bin/wlntio_jni1_1.dll
  • bin/wlntio_jdk12.dll
  • examples/security/rdbmsrealm/RdbmsRealm.java
  • examples/security/rdbmsrealm/weblogic.realm_properties
  • lib/aix/libproxy36.so
  • lib/aix/libproxy40.so
  • lib/aix/libweblogicoci34.so
  • lib/hpux10/libproxy.sl
  • lib/hpux11/libmuxer.sl
  • lib/hpux11/libproxy.sl
  • lib/hpux11/libweblogicunix1.sl
  • lib/hpux11/mod_wl.so
  • lib/hpux11/mod_wl_ssl.so
  • lib/hpux11/mod_wl_ssl_raven.so
  • lib/linux/mod_wl.so
  • lib/linux/mod_wl_ssl.so
  • lib/linux/mod_wl_ssl_raven.so
  • lib/solaris/libmuxer.so
  • lib/solaris/libproxy.so
  • lib/solaris/libstackdump.so
  • lib/solaris/libweblogicunix1.so
  • lib/solaris/mod_wl.so
  • lib/solaris/mod_wl_ssl.so
  • lib/solaris/mod_wl_ssl_raven.so
  • myserver/ca.pem
  • myserver/democert.pem
  • myserver/demokey.pem
  • weblogic451sp15.jar
  • weblogic451sp15boot.jar

Installation and removal instructions


  1. Read this document and the release notes.

  2. Unzip the contents of the service pack into a temporary directory, such as /temp.

  3. Copy weblogic451sp15.jar and weblogic451sp15boot.jar from /temp to a location where it can be referenced by your WebLogic Server installation. If you have installed WebLogic Server in its default location of /weblogic, then an appropriate place to copy the .jar file would be to the directory /weblogic/lib.

    If you are running the installation from a drive that is not writable, then you will need to copy the service pack jar to a directory outside of the installation, but whose path is accessible. The directory of the weblogic.properties file that you are using to start WebLogic Server is an alternative. Also, if the server is running under Java 2, the jar must be in a directory that has been made accessible in the security policy file.

    If you are using VisualAge, you must first remove the file weblogic.rmi.internal.OIDManager$ServerIdentityWrapper.class from your workspace. Then, import both jars to your workspace, first weblogic451sp15.jar and then weblogic451sp15boot.jar.

  4. Add the path weblogic451sp15boot.jar to the start of the Java system classpath and weblogic451sp15.jar to the start of the WebLogic classpath before you start the WebLogic Server:
      $ java ... 
          -classpath c:\weblogic\lib\weblogic451sp15boot.jar;
          ... weblogic.Server

    You can do this by editing the command line script that you use to start the WebLogic Server, as described in the Installation Guide, Setting up and Starting WebLogic Server 4.5. If you do not require the fix related to CR 7554, then adding weblogic451sp15boot.jar to the front of the Java system classpath is optional.

  5. If you are running on NT and are using either the Start Menu commands or running as an NT Service, you need to use t3config.exe to set values for classpath, weblogic.class.path and JAVA_HOME.

    Save the current values of your configuration to a file before making changes in case you need to revert your changes:

      C:\> t3config > config.txt

    Include the weblogic451sp15boot.jar file at the start of classpath (to be entered on one line):

      C:\> t3config -classpath=c:\weblogic\lib\weblogic451sp15boot.jar;

    Include the weblogic451sp15.jar file at the start ofweblogic.class.path (to be entered on one line):

      C:\> t3config -Dweblogic.class.path=c:\weblogic\lib\weblogic451sp15.jar;

    Next, set JAVA_HOME to point to a JDK that you have installed, as the JREs that were shipped with the distribution do not support multi-byte character sets:

      C:\> t3config -JAVA_HOME c:\java117

    If you are using a 1.2 JDK, do the following:

      C:\> t3config -JAVA_HOME c:\java\java122\jre

    Make sure that the $JAVA_HOME/bin (%JAVA_HOME%\bin) contains java.dll, as this is needed for all JDK 1.2.x versions.

  6. The following files included in the service pack and are not Java class files. Therefore you need to manually copy them into their appropriate locations to use them. This is completely optional and files should only be copied if you are interested in resolving the corresponding CR.

    bin/iisforward.dll (CR 33909 31389)
    bin/iisproxy.dll (CR 7399)
    bin/proxy30.dll (CR 7398)
    bin/proxy35.dll (CR 7398)
    bin/proxy36.dll (CR 7398)
    bin/stackdump.dll (CR 7398 36076 )
    bin/stackdump_g.dll (CR 7398 36076 )
    bin/wlntio.dll (CR 35012)
    bin/wlntio_jni1_1.dll (CR 35012)
    bin/wlntio_jdk12.dll (CR 35012)
    examples/security/rdbmsrealm/RdbmsRealm.java (CR 8322)
    examples/security/rdbmsrealm/weblogic.realm_properties (CR 8322)
    lib/aix/libproxy36.so (CR 7366)
    lib/aix/libproxy40.so (CR 7366)
    lib/aix/libweblogicoci34.so (CR 7224)
    lib/hpux10/libproxy.sl (CR 10005)
    lib/hpux11/libmuxer.sl (CR 5653)
    lib/hpux11/libproxy.sl (CR 7353)
    lib/hpux11/libweblogicunix1.sl (CR 9517)
    lib/hpux11/mod_wl.so(CR 32614 34596 34833 35240)
    lib/hpux11/mod_wl_ssl.so (CR 32614 34596 34833)
    lib/hpux11/mod_wl_ssl_raven.so (CR 32614 34596 34833)
    lib/linux/mod_wl.so (CR 32614 34596 34833)
    lib/linux/mod_wl_ssl.so (CR 32614 34596 34833)
    lib/linux/mod_wl_ssl_raven.so (CR 32614 34596 34833)
    lib/solaris/libmuxer.so (CR 34596)
    lib/solaris/libproxy.so (CR 7398)
    lib/solaris/libweblogicunix1.so (CR 8559)
    lib/solaris/mod_wl.so (CR 8836)
    lib/solaris/mod_wl_ssl.so (CR 32614 34596 34833)
    lib/solaris/mod_wl_ssl_raven.so (CR 32614 34596 34833)
    lib/stackdump.so (CR 36076 )
    myserver/ca.pem (This file is a new demo certification, use it if your certification has expired)
    myserver/democert.pem(This file is a new demo certification, use it if your certification has expired)
    myserver/demokey.pem(This file is a new demo certification, use it if your certification has expired)

    For each of these files you can follow the same procedure for deployment.

    As an example, here are the steps for deploying /weblogic/lib/aix/libproxy.so. You would deploy this shared library if you are interested in resolving CR 7366, otherwise you would not need to use this file at all.

    To deploy the libproxy.so, make a copy of the original to a safe location and then copy libproxy.so from the service pack to replace the original file that you backed up in another location. For instance, if you installed WebLogic in /weblogic and want to use the NSAPI plugin on AIX (/aix/libproxy.so), then these commands will backup the original library and copy in the new one:

      $ cp /weblogic/lib/aix/libproxy.so /weblogic/lib/aix/libproxy.so.451
      $ cd /tmp
      $ jar xvf weblogic451sp15.zip
      $ cp /tmp/lib/aix/libproxy.so /weblogic/lib/aix/libproxy.so

  7. Once you have made these changes and started the Server, you can check that installation was successful by checking the server version:
      java weblogic.Admin t3://Host:Port VERSION
    should return
      WebLogic Build: 4.5.1 Service Pack 15 ...

Resolved JMS problems and CRs 33289, 33794

In order to fix the CRs listed below, it is necessary to upgrade the client. To do this the Service Pack jar has to be prepended to the CLASSPATH of the client (i.e. $CLASSPATH="weblogic451sp15.jar:$CLASSPATH"). User's should install this client jar if they wish to resolve one or more of the following CRs, although, in general, having the Service Pack on the client may solve potential CRs.

        27890 (JMS)
        30485 (JMS)
        30527 (JMS)
        33244 (JMS)

Removing the Service Pack

  1. Shut down the WebLogic Server.

  2. Remove weblogic451sp15boot.jar from the start of the Java system classpath and weblogic451sp15.jar from the start of the WebLogic classpath used to start the WebLogic Server.

  3. Delete weblogic451sp15boot.jar, weblogic451sp15.jar and any other files unzipped from the service pack download.

  4. If you used t3config.exe to make changes to your installation configuration as described under Installation, change your configuration back to the previous values: reset the JAVA_HOME if you changed it, remove the weblogic451sp15boot.jar from the start of the classpath and remove the weblogic451sp15.jar from the start of the weblogic.class.path.

  5. Restore any non-java class files that you replaced in the installation process.

  6. You can then start the WebLogic Server without the service pack.

  7. Once you have made these changes and started the Server, you can check that the service pack is no longer in use by checking the server version, as shown below:
      java weblogic.Admin t3://Host:Port VERSION

Release notes for service pack 15

Resolved CRs

Below are the CRs resolved in each of the Service Pack releases. Service Packs are cumulative, so all of the CRs listed below are included in the latest Service Pack.
Service Pack 1
Service Pack 2
Service Pack 3
Service Pack 4
Service Pack 5
Service Pack 6
Service Pack 7
Service Pack 8
Service Pack 9
Service Pack 10
Service Pack 11
Service Pack 12
Service Pack 13
Service Pack 14
Service Pack 15

Service Pack 1

  • CRs 5670 & 6602: International character set encoding (multibyte charsets) is now supported in servlets, including HTTP, JSP and JHTML (additional details)

    Service Pack 2

  • CR 5018: Fixed a problem where stateless session beans were still created even when an exception was thrown by ejbCreate().
  • CR 6714: Fixed a problem with an AssertionError in the EJB LRUCache
  • CR 6862: Fixed a problem with recovering from a MalformedCookieHeaderException
  • CR 6956: Fixed a problem where a nullPointerException was thrown while creating a stateless sesison bean marked either TX_REQUIRED or TX_REQUIRES_NEW and ejbCreate() throws an exception
  • CR 7139: Fixed a problem in JSP with relative URL specifications (page relative paths)
  • CR 7167: Fixed a problem with failover of weight-based load balancing
  • CR 7179: Fixed a problem with failover of the CallRouter interface
  • CR 7201: Fixed a problem with running ejbc on EJBeans with clustered options
  • CR 7224: Fixed a problem with a startup error when using the type 2 Oracle driver for AIX; you will need to install the copy of lib/aix/libweblogicoci34.so included in the service pack
  • CR 7332: Fixed a problem with the display of EJB deployed beans in the WebLogic Console
  • CR 7340: Fixed a problem that threw a java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException
  • CR 7343: Removed a harmless, but potentially confusing strack trace related to the loading of certain classes
  • CR 7346: Fixed a memory leak in SSL when using a SSL connection
  • CR 7353: Fixed a multithreading problem in the HP-UX NSAPI plugin
  • CR 7366: Fixed a multithreading problem in the AIX NSAPI plugin
  • CR 7374: Fixed a problem with spurious error messages when building EJBeans with ejbc
  • CR 7386: Fixed a problem with the construction of JMS QueueRequestor occasionally throwing a nullPointerException
  • CR 7395: Fixed a problem with cluster servers hanging
  • CR 7447: Fixed a problem with static initializers in generated code
  • CR 7455: Fixed a problem with SQLException ErrorCode and SQLState not reaching the client when using JDBC T3
  • CR 7547: Fixed a problem with expired queue messages not being properly cleaned up from the JMS tables
  • CR 7591: Fixed a problem with unreferenced() not being called
  • CR 7592: Fixed a problem with binding java.rmi.server.RemoteStub into the JNDI tree
  • CR 7616: DGC client logging has been turned off

    Service Pack 3

  • CR 5653: Included a performance pack for HP-UX
  • CR 6927: Fixed a problem where if ejbCreate() in a stateless bean threw an Exception, the client received an InvocationTargetException
  • CR 7103: Fixed a problem where sendRedirect() used with SSL resulted in a "no 1st line" error
  • CR 7105: Fixed a problem in applets over an SSL connection with Internet Explorer version 5
  • CR 7139: Fixed a problem in JSP with relative URL specifications (page relative paths)
  • CR 7254: Fixed a problem where a warning appeared on the server each time an applet class was loaded.
  • CR 7398: Fixed a problem with performance of the NSAPI plugin
  • CR 7448: Fixed a problem with setUID throwing a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
  • CR 7526: Provided a method for specifying either JMS tablenames or a prefix (with database name) in JMS (additional details)
  • CR 7587: Fixed a problem where JSP flushing option broke JSP includes
  • CR 7640: Fixed a problem with the timeout being too short on the socket when a servlet reads POST data
  • CR 7670: Fixed a problem where JMS transaction operations throw a NullPointerException
  • CR 7680: Fixed a problem with receiving JSP compilation errors when there are concurrent requests for the same uncompiled or stale .jsp
  • CR 7681: Fixed a problem with error handling in JSP when the URL is a directory and does not end in a "/"
  • CR 7775: Fixed a problem with Cert Generator Tool only working for three-level domain names
  • CR 7812: Fixed a problem with the EJB compiler (ejbc) failing when using primary key classes of bean-managed persistence that do not directly define hashCode() and equals()
  • CR 7827: Fixed a problem where JSP includes failed if nested in different directories and debug filenames were incorrect
  • CR 7846: Fixed a problem with JMS persistent store operations failing when the account guest is disabled
  • CR 7956: Fixed a problem with Microsoft SDK for Java (JView) and Throwable replacements
  • CR 7977: Fixed a problem with encountering an exception when re-registering a JSP taglib

    Service Pack 4

  • CR 5288: Fixed a problem with ClassCastExceptions thrown by stubs in 1.2 JVM EJB use
  • CR 7974: Fixed an NullPointerException thrown when using JSP includes

    Service Pack 5

  • CR 6232: Fixed a problem with distributed transactions in a cluster
  • CR 7389: Fixed a problem with distributed transactions in a cluster
  • CR 7399: Fixed a problem with accessing jsp pages through the ISAPI plugin, where the wrong remote address and host information was shown
  • CR 7404: Fixed a problem with rmic generated stub code not compiling correctly
  • CR 7413: Fixed a problem with ejbLoad() not being called with dbIsShared set to true
  • CR 7438: Fixed a problem with bean-managed transactions not maintaining across multiple method calls in a stateful session bean
  • CR 7454: Fixed a problem with dbIsShared not being set consistently for CMP and BMP beans by default
  • CR 7524: Fixed an NullPointerException in weblogic.servlet.internal.session.ClusteredSession.ejbLoad
  • CR 7554: Fixed a problem with a ClassNotFound Exception being thrown with EJB and normal classes
  • CR 7674: Included files related to OS/390 certification
  • CR 7770: Fixed a problem with receiving a BadMACException when using https and t3s
  • CR 7908: Fixed a problem with JMS message timeouts leading to a NullPointerException in the server
  • CR 7946: Fixed a problem with relative links when a directory has no slash and is a JSP
  • CR 7952: When request.getSession(new) returns null, we no longer swallow the exception
  • CR 7999: Fixed a problem with JTS Driver not being able to pass user information to the T3 Driver
  • CR 8008: Fixed a problem with BootServicesImpl unconditionally accepting AuthenticatedUser from a client
  • CR 8010: Fixed a problem with the JTS driver needing to implement OracleCallableStatement
  • CR 8016: Fixed a problem with an IllegalArgumentException being thrown on the version name cookie
  • CR 8256: Fixed a problem where pools can deadlock while refreshing connections
  • CR 8334: Fixed a problem where included pages could not include multiple pages
  • CR 8395: Fixed a problem where WebLogic Logging was incorrectly throwing exceptions

    Service Pack 6

  • CR 6295: Fixed HttpSessions not cleaning on Server shutdown
  • CR 6784: Fixed a problem where the <jsp:include> where file was not getting query parameters
  • CR 7161: Fixed cookies being set multiple times
  • CR 7438: Fixed not being able to maintain bean-managed tx across multiple method calls in a stateful session bean
  • CR 7500: Fixed fixed a problem with the POST method through HttpClusterServlet
  • CR 7599: Fixed a problem with large IIS proxy uploads (see additional notes)
  • CR 7661: Fixed problem where compiling jsp throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsExcepiton when tags have similar length
  • CR 7894: Fixed request.getServletPath jsp tag being broken
  • CR 7902: Fixed a problem where JSP Compiler running in the Server failed to pass the directory name to the javac, if there were spaces in the directory name
  • CR 8092:Decreased the reload time for static html pages with images using HTTPClusterServlet
  • CR 8119: Fixed NPE in JspWriterImpl
  • CR 8215: Fixed FileNotFoundException from JSP Include directive being swallowed
  • CR 8337: Fixed JMS console items not being cleaned up when client is killed
  • CR 8339: Fixed problem with closing connections affecting the rollback of transactions
  • CR 8396: Fixed weblogic.httpd.indexDirectories so that it returns 403 forbidden vs 404
  • CR 8413: Fixed NPE when compiling JSPs with old-style taglibs from command line
  • CR 8482: Fixed weblogic.net.http.HttpClient and HttpsClient to initalize proxy settings correctly
  • CR 8500: Fixed problem with extraneous ./ chars in URL for JSP URLs
  • CR 8521: Fixed NSAPI plugin to work with NES 4.0
  • CR 8559: Fixed problem with starting up WL as a web server on a priviledged port
  • CR 8630: Fixed a problem where URLs of the form - prot://host/?foo=bar were not working correctly
  • CR 8666: Changes necessary for certification on OpenVMS v7.1
  • CR 8706: Fixed problem with IIS pluging not passing the remote user through
  • CR 8713: Fixed syntax error in JSP causing an OutOfMemoryException on Solaris
  • CR 8719: Fixed <jsp:include> not working when the previous page sent a POST
  • CR 8751: Fixed problem with referencing a .jsp file in a directory that contains a space
  • CR 8765: Fixed HTTPS connection problems occuring due to multiple registrations of SSLFilter with performance pack
  • CR 8766: Fixed SSLSocket not closing completely with asynchronous IO

    Service Pack 7

  • CR 6699: Fixed a problem with JSP parameter forwarding
  • CR 7573: Added NSAPI debug information
  • CR 7576: Fixed an assertion error in ThreadStorage.popPreferredHost
  • CR 7729: Fixed a problem with JSP/Servlets ignoring pageCheckSeconds=-1
  • CR 7763: Fixed a problem with memmove in plugin
  • CR 8296: Fixed a problem with plugin timing out for certain requests if there are more than one ppath and one of the ppath's is pointing to WebLogicCluster
  • CR 8414: Fixed a potential server communication deadlock
  • CR 8462: Fixed a problem with iPlanet and port 80 being recognized as the default port
  • CR 8833: Fixed a problem with realms
  • CR 8898: Fixed a problem NSAPI failover and firewalls
  • CR 8940: Fixed the jts driver bombing on commit if the connection isn't actually used
  • CR 8945: Fixed JMS runtime exception catching
  • CR 8973: Fixed a problem with socket reader thread acknowledgements

    Service Pack 8

  • CR 6352: Fixed a problem with http HEAD request generating an error
  • CR 7408: Fixed a problem with T3AdminRealm and null enumerations
  • CR 7729: Fixed a problem with JSP/Servlets ignoring pageCheckSeconds=-1
  • CR 8022: Fixed another problem with parameter forwarding
  • CR 8322: Fixed a problem with the RDBMS security example and dynamic recognition of changes to groups
  • CR 8585: Fixed a problem with the init method of a servlet implementing SingleThreadModel, which was being called repeatedly
  • CR 8602: Fixed a problem with JSPC complaining about charset option and while doing an include
  • CR 8676: Fixed a problem with getParameter() returning only the first found value for a specified name
  • CR 8705: Fixed a problem with broken pipes on Solaris
  • CR 8747: Fixed a problem with clusters running on different multicast addresses interacting incorrectly
  • CR 8791: Fixed a problem with getRepMan being unable to obtain ReplicationManager for jvmid of second server in the cluster
  • CR 8814: Added a property for classloading
  • CR 8842: Fixed a problem with falling into a loop when including a JSP which throws an exception
  • CR 8997: Fixed a problem with HttpSessionBindingListener not working in a cluster using in-memory replication
  • CR 9148: Fixed a problem with sessions not timing out on Solaris 2.7 using file persistence
  • CR 9181: Fixed a problem with plugins where HTTP requests would fail when the server hangs
  • CR 9231: Fixed a problem when using weblogic.jms.tableNamePrefix, the original tables couldn't be deleted
  • CR 9260: Fixed jspc parser bug related to usebean tag split problem - statement not reached
  • CR 9317: Fixed a problem with a trigger scheduled from ScheduledTriggerDef being missed at the scheduled time
  • CR 9342: Fixed a problem with displaying Japanese characters
  • CR 9356: Fixed a regression with jhtmlc
  • CR 9377: Fixed a problem with FileServlet being wrong when registered as *.ext
  • CR 9382: Fixed a problem with JMS queue cursors being corrupted with multiple subscribers
  • CR 9412: Fixed a problem with Cookie values not updating or sent back to the client browser
  • CR 9460: Fixed a problem in clustering where HttpSessionBindingListener was not called when session.putValue is called
  • CR 9517: Fixed a problem with setUID not working with HotSpot
  • CR 9536: Fixed a problem with NSAPI load balancing over firewalls
  • CR 9597: Fixed a problem where only the first servlet's output is displayed when the JSP includes two servlets
  • CR 9599: Fixed a problem with removing rmi objects that share similar subcontexts
  • CR 9685: Fixed a problem with IIS plugin not sending weblogic.system.DNSName properly
  • CR 9792: Make JMS table scavenger configurable via properties file
  • CR 9889: Fixed a performance issue with JSP's
  • CR 9900: Fixed a problem with secure proxy and weblogic.net.http.HttpURLConnection
  • CR 9920: Fixed a problem with request.getParameterValues() when the URI contains no name/value pair
  • CR 10005: Fixed a problem with encoded arguments

    Service Pack 9

  • CR 4495: Fixed a problem with secure proxy and weblogic.net.http.HttpURLConnection
  • CR 4495: Fixed a problem with getScheme() when using https
  • CR 5832: Fixed a problem with applets hanging in getInitialContext() on reload with Java 1.2 plugin
  • CR 6116: Provide applet Embed-ability to workaround the java plugin
  • CR 7411: Introduced new property, weblogic.system.responseTimeout, which is used for failover and recovery
  • CR 7657: Fixed a problem with reading bytes when using HTTP tunneling
  • CR 8009: Fixed a problem with the Deployment Wizard failing to find home and remote interface when
  • CR 8836: Introduce the proxy plugin for Apache on Solaris
  • CR 9342: Fixed a problem with Japanese character recognition
  • CR 9536: Fixed a problem with NSAPI plugin load balancing when a firewall is being used
  • CR 9595: Fixed a problem with the weblogic.RMIC Compiler not accepting compiler arguments
  • CR 9817: Fixed a problem with JSP and using Jview, blank spaces are not allowed
  • CR 9913: Fixed a problem with IIS plugin not failing over correctly
  • CR 10024: Fixed a problem with JMS message selector throwing a javax.jms.InvalidSelectorException
  • CR 10095: Fixed a problem when proxying from WebLogic to Apache using the proxy servlet, the HOST information was not being passed
  • CR 10117: Fixed a problem with verisign's global server id not working properly
  • CR 10134: Fixed a problem with client using https trying to load stub classes from the server using http
  • CR 10140: Fixed a problem with PosixSocketMuxer logging spurious error messages when closing an already closed socket
  • CR 10181: Fixed a problem with content type not being set for directory listings
  • CR 10214: Fixed a problem with not taking into account encoding when checking to see whether post data is a form
  • CR 10224: Introduced new property, weblogic.system.sendAcksInSeparateThread, which is used for server tuning
  • CR 10238: Fixed a problem with JMS only using the JDBC 1.0 driver
  • CR 10255: Fixed a problem with debuggers not being notified when a dynamic class is loaded
  • CR 10273: Fixed a regression with JDBC persisitence
  • CR 10330: Fixed a problem with the HTTP proxy servlet not redirecting unfulfillable HTTP requests to an alternate HTTP server
  • CR 10363: Fixed a problem with getScheme() when using https
  • CR 10381: Fixed a problem with incorrect headers sent to the browser from NSAPI plug-in causing problems with IE5
  • CR 10401: Fixed a problem with post request sent to the server not returning if there is a space character after the content-length header
  • CR 10493: Provided an option to disable dynamic updating of the ISAPI cluster list
  • CR 10586: Fixed a problem with the listen thread swallowing SSL handshake messages
  • CR 10610: Fixed a problem with plugin so that it now has ability to disable failover with "connection reset"

    Service Pack 10

  • CR 8322: Fixed a problem with RDBMS example when a user is changed in a group, it's not recognized by WebLogic
  • CR 8961: Fixed bug in Servlets with HttpSession.getLastAccessedTime()
  • CR 9161: Fixed a problem with Server where JVMID.toPrettyString results in reverseDNSLookup
  • CR 9994: Fixed a problem in JMS where Message.setJMSDeliveryMode (DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT) wasn't persisting a message
  • CR 10001: Fixed a problem in EJB where an EJB client to stateful session bean was giving different results if a java application client was used versus a servlet client
  • CR 10154: Fixed a problem in JMS where there was a race condition in JMSMessageConsumer.receive
  • CR 10169: Fixed a problem in EJB with receiving an assertion error when creating bean managed entity beans
  • CR 10322: Fixed a problem in Classloading where enable-call-by-reference was causing a classcastException when a Client is registered as a startup
  • CR 10368: Fixed a problem in the Server with exception handling by the socket readers
  • CR 10465: Fixed a problem in ClusterServlet having some failover problems
  • CR 10642: Fixed a problem in ClusterServlet with an infinite loop tying up a thread.
  • CR 10695: Fixed a problem in ClusterServlet adding use of ?__WeblogicBridgeConfig
  • CR 10705: Fixed a problem in Plugins where we should revert back to static list if the dynamic list is dead
  • CR 10724: Fixed bug in Plugins where we increased the max limit on ConnectRetrySecs from 10 to ConnectTimeoutSecs
  • CR 10853: Fixed a problem in JSP where PageContext.include() should be able to take only 1 argument. Also used PageContextImpl instead of PageContext in getPageContextCode()
  • CR 31317: Fixed a problem in the Apache Plugin to add virtual host support
  • CR 31397: Fixed a problem with NSAPI Plugin sending one extra host header to WebLogic
  • CR 31532: Added new features to ClusterServlet like pathtrim, trim extension, connection timeouts and changes for performance
  • CR 31575: Fixed a problem in clustering where large amounts of multicast traffic are now more efficiently handled

    Service Pack 11

  • CR 10198: Fixed a problem in JMS where we were getting a weblogic.rmi.NoSuchObjectException
  • CR 10787: Fixed a problem with WAP and UTF-8 support where parameter values were not being read in UTF8
  • CR 28364: Fixed a problem in Clustering where we were failing to create new sessions on Solaris after running servers for a while with session replication
  • CR 29968: Fixed a problem in Clustering where JDBC persisted sessions were not getting cleaned if we threw an exception while finding keys
  • CR 30429: Fixed a problem in the Server where it was failing in the ListenThread
  • CR 30707: Fixed a problem in Servlets where modifiying the virtual binding of FileServlet was causing problems
  • CR 30925: Fixed a problem in the Server where it will no longer have any dependencies on AWT
  • CR 31213: Fixed a problem in Servlets where if the header is not formed correctly, a 400 error code should be sent
  • CR 31360: Fixed a problem in JTS where when one phase commit failed, the transaction rolled back but the lock to the entity was not being released
  • CR 31492: Fixed a problem in Jolt where session pool's did not provide a mechanism to set RECVTIMEOUT
  • CR 31551: Fixed a problem in HTTP where spaces in filenames were not handled properly
  • CR 31738: Fixed a problem with Classloader where is was throwing an NPE when the service pack jar was put in the clients classpath
  • CR 31758: Fixed regression in SP8 that had to do with the RequestDispatcher and how request parameters are forwarded to other servlets/JSP's
  • CR 31775: Fixed a problem in Servlets where we made PathTrim and trimExt optional
  • CR 31843: Fixed a problem in JMS where an NPE was being thrown when durableSubscribers were being used
  • CR 31868: Fixed a problem in the ClassLoader where we were encountering a ConcurrencyModificationException
  • CR 32037: Fixed a problem with JSPs to enhance security
  • CR 32100: Fixed a problem in Server where an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds was being thrown due to incorrectly computing message size when the size field falls on a Chunk boundary
  • CR 32105: Fixed a problem in EJB with stateful session bean handles in a cluster

    Service Pack 12

  • CR 27890:With an extremely large number of active durable subscribers the server was hanging. There was a problem with the server running out of execute threads.
  • CR 29085: JDBC drivers need to workaround new synchronization in DriverManager.
  • CR 29575: We added versioning to cookies for faster failover.
  • CR 29968: Timed out transactions were not returning connections to the connection pool.
  • CR 30023: This fixed a problem in JMS where setting "weblogic.jms.tableNamePrefix" in the properties file was resulting in all destID's equaling zero.
  • CR 30334: EJB method calls were incorrectly throwing TransactionRolledbackExceptions when RequiresNew methods were called with a rolledback transaction.
  • CR 30441: Japanese messages that jsp output were not being read correctly. This has been fixed.
  • CR 30485 Fixed a race condition in JMSMessageConsumer. There was a problem with the server hanging when sending PTP messages.
  • CR 30527: Fixed weblogic.rmi.NoSuchObjectException: RemoteInvokable while using JMS.
  • CR 30648: Now we can associate a character set to a mimetype. (additional details)
  • CR 30683: Fixed AssertionError in ejbPassivate for statefullSession, which has a reference to statelessSession bean's Home and Object. The EJBHome reference will be set to null after ejbActive() since we do not have to serialize EJBHome references in EJB 1.0.
  • CR 30700: getEJBObject was returning null. Now it returns a valid EJBObject. For stateless session bean, create a reference in the context to the object, so that getEJBObject() will return a reference to the object.
  • CR 31269: There is a new parameter MaxPostSize for all plug-ins. The default value is -1 (unlimited). If the content-length exceeds MaxPostSize, the plug-in returns an error message back to the browser and breaks the connection. Note: If the client has not finished sending the POST data it doesn't receive the error message from WebLogic. Instead it gets Connection Aborted error. Plugins will be able to handle this broken pipe and will send meaningful message to the browser.
  • CR 31315: WebLogic now supports proxying by path for IIS.
  • CR 31358: Fixed stickToFirstServer parameter for rmic.
  • CR 31389: Fixed a problem with the iisproxy.dll not finding the location of the iisproxy.ini in the registry.
  • CR 31719: Fixed a problem with NSAPI failing on large uploads.
  • CR 31843: Added error checking to Durable Subscribers in JMS.
  • CR 31943: Selector's with compound expressions (specifically with long values) were not working. For Example: String selector = 'DateProp >= 963464400000 AND DateProp <= 963550799999'. This has been fixed.
  • CR 32092: If the Request-URI is greater than the buffer size (2048) the plug-in will return back 414 HTTP status code. Which means, "The server is refusing to service the request because the Request-URI is longer than the server is willing to interpret."
  • CR 32133: There is a new parameter, defaultfilename, for all plug-ins. (see additional details)
  • CR 32174: Added locationKeys, pathTrimTable, and pathPaprendTable in ConfigInfo structure to handle more than one location tag used in virtual hosting.
  • CR 32195: Fixed a problem using IBM Visual Builder to generate some servlets.
  • CR 32204: All calls to the method DriverManager.getConnection() were removed. The method that is currently used is Driver.connect(). This was done to enhance performance.
  • CR 32258: Added translation time expression capabilities for plugin applet-parameters.
  • CR 32501: JSPC's package argument points to jhtml files instead of jsp's. This has been fixed.
  • CR 32614: The Apache plugin will return the following error with simple POSTS: Cannot read -1 bytes of postData from tmp file '/tmp/_wl_proxy/_post_0. This has been fixed.
  • CR 32615: Fixed a problem with ConnectTimeoutSecs in Apache.
  • CR 32634: Dealt with some minor JMS DataBase improvements to reduce an extra hit on the DataBase for every 16 messages message id's.7
  • CR 32806: There was a problem with the log rotation feature and its handling of dates that has been fixed.
  • CR 32952: We now avoid sending out the transaction context as part of the remote call to create, update or remove secondaries used by the replication machinery. Not doing so was leading to a potential deadlock while deserializing the transaction context.
  • CR 32576: Until the buffer fills up it was using 8859-1 codeset. After the buffer overflows it is using UTF8. Now it uses the 8859-1 codeset before and after filling up.
  • CR 33244: Messages processed by server session pools were not being acknowledged properly causing messages to reappear even though the they had already been acknowledged. This bug only affected server session pools receiving messages from queues.
  • CR 33289: When the server had been running for some time, it was running out of file descriptors. There was a problem with the JarLoader loading multiple beans from a jar. Certain client jars were being opened multiple times and consuming all the file descriptors. This has now been fixed.
  • CR 33320: HTTP Tunneling has been added. By default tunnelling is disabled.
  • CR 33343: Load balancing has been improved with WebLogic plug-in's support of multiple clusters. Maintaining a static variable "lastIndex" was breaking load balancing. This has been fixed.
  • CR 33600: As of recent service packs, if page contentType is specified for a page and the page has any RequestDispatcher calls to other JSPs, then the content from the invoked JSP's is getting displayed first. For example, if page1.jsp has contentEncoding defined on the pageContext, then page2.jsp is getting generated first in the final html. This has been fixed.
  • CR 33794: A bug allowed all TxContext objects (ie, all transactions on a particular server) to be serviced by a single static coordinator. All transactions bottleneck around one transaction coordinator. In a situation where a client needs to start multiple transactions on multiple servers (not clustered or different clusters), this wasn't safely possible because the static coordinator could be overwritten by the lookup to the second server. So, you could do a lookup of User Transaction on server1, do a begin xact, then lookup UserTransaction on server2 and call commit, commit the transaction on server1, and not get an exception thrown. This fix now allows one coordinator per UserTransaction per server.
  • CR 33846: When using jsp:param with jsp:forward, the values are not passed to the forwarded page. This has been fixed.
  • CR 33866: Now, every time a PeerGone message is created and sent over the wire, it is logged in. This makes it possible to tell why a peer gone has been declared without using debug.
  • CR 33909: URLEncoding now works with iisforward.dll.
  • CR 33910: This fix makes certain that the pool driver will implement the OracleCallable statement, so you can cast for it.
  • CR 33914: If you changed the WebLogicSession cookie to some invalid value, such as 1, a NullPointerException was thrown. Now we do a minimal check of the session cookie before using it.
  • CR 34021: When JTS defers the call to the T3 JDBC driver for a distributed transaction, it expects a non-null properties object.
  • CR 34251: ClassCastException is thrown when EJB handle is retrived from HttpSession
  • CR 34554: Fixed a bug with ejbc generating incorrect code for CMP entity beans when the field name did not match the database column name.
  • CR 34596: There was a segmentation fault with SSL modules for Apache on Solaris. When a browser makes an https request and the user completes the certificate dialog the user sees a "document contains no data" dialog box in the browser and Apache has a segmentation fault error. This has been fixed.
  • CR 34733: Fixed a potential deadlock involving problems with the native io.
  • CR 34833: Now the Apache plug-in supports multiple MatchExpression entries.
  • CR 34899: Users with an applet client making t3s connections to the server (under heavy loads) may have some of the clients hang in getInitialContext call. We now have the capability to specify timeout for getInitialContext.
  • CR 35012: Now the build date/time is shown for the native socket muxer libraries if weblogic.system.nativeIO.enable=true. Note: To have the native socket muxer load for NT, you must copy the bin/wlntio.dll included in this Service Pack to your weblogic/bin directory.
  • CR 35240: The apache proxy module appends a question mark to the URL that is sent to Weblogic Server. This was normally not a problem unless the URL specifies a web application mount point. This is now fixed to account for that possibility.
  • CR 35328: When there were more servlet requests than the number of execute threads, all the requests were waiting for a message in the response queue which never arrived because there are no threads to process the message from the JMS client. This has been fixed.
  • CR 35426: Permissions to individual JNDI objects was having problems as of WebLogic Server 4.5.1 with service pack 11. This has been fixed.
  • CR 36361: Fixed potential crashes in IIS under teh following conditions: c:\tmp does not exists, WlForwardPath is empty in iisproxy.ini, i.e. "WlForwardPath=", IIS Admin Service is terminated from the control panel.
  • CR 36455: Fixed a problem running JSP's by ensuring that the destination of a JVMID of the ConnectionManager is valid.
  • CR 36505: Fixed the deadlock with dispatch-in-thread pattern by using a new ExecuteThreadQueue.
  • CR 36507: Improvements were made to prevent multicast buffer overflow.
  • CR 36509: The config timer was changed to incorrectly start 2 resend triggers. Fixed by ensuring only one is started.
  • CR 36510: Now we make sure that the non-blocking execute thread queue will be initialized on clients.
  • CR 36511: Now we use a non-blocking execute queue for SlidingWindow acks.
  • CR 36513: Fixed a bug in calculating the time of the remote server to which this server is connected to. There was a bug in our implementation of SNTP and it was fixed.
  • CR 36514: Revised JMS indices for performance improvements to the JMS store.
  • CR 36515: We now print a more descriptive error message for errors that occur in the native poll system call in the POSIX muxer.
  • CR 36916: The apache plugin returns a 200 status code when it cannot connect to the WebLogic Server. This is incorrect. Now it returns a 500 Status Code.
  • CR 36994: If the connection to the socket fails we used to try to reconnect irregardless. Now we throw an exception and terminate unnecessary initialization.

    Service Pack 13

  • CR 26207: A SocketException error was occurring with the PosixSocketMuxer when connections were closed. This was due to the server trying to read from and close the socket at the same time. We have added synchronization to avoid this.
  • CR 29512: The simultaneous deployment of a jar in two servers on the same file system creates an assertion error. This has been fixed.
  • CR 31399: Fixed a problem with the libproxy.so for AIX with the NSAPI plug-in.
  • CR 31721: Added a timeout property, weblogic.system.idleTimeout timer, to disconnect RMI clients from the server.
  • CR 34045: NES 3.6 with SSL enabled on HPUX 11 was freezing on startup. This problem with the NSAPI plug-in has been fixed.
  • CR 36295: If a stateless session EJB calling a second stateless session EJB within the same transaction throws an exception, then in certain instances the second EJB is not returned to the free pool.
  • CR 37291: The encoding option, such as -encoding UTF8, was not working correctly with jspc. This has been fixed.
  • CR 37568: A new property, weblogic.system.maxConcurrentSends, introduced in Service Pack 12, broke the security of Applets running inside a sandbox. This has been fixed.
  • CR 37692: Service Pack 12 was treating all servlets as a SingleThreadModel. This has been fixed.
  • CR 37815: Fixed an OutofMemory error that was occurring occasionally while loading libproxy.sl on HPUX11 during the startup of NES.

    Service Pack 14

  • CR 26806: Fixed a problem with the server dying when the clustering license had expired or was invalid.
  • CR 27920: A log message, "tried to renew lease for lost reference," was flooding the log files. Now we only report this error when debugging is turned on.
  • CR 28881: When the server is out of execute threads, SessionState.close can deadlock as it puts a message to the messagesPublished queue.
  • CR 29639: We added an appropriate error message when the server stops because of an invalid cluster license.
  • CR 30001: Fixed session ID length problem so that it may be modified by a new property, weblogic.httpd.session.sessionIDLengthURL. This can be set anywhere from 10 to Integer.MAX_VALUE. WAP dependent devices were having difficulty accessing some URLs due to increased URL length after rewriting. This property addresses a particular problem with the session id, which is lengthy and often appended in the rewrite of the URL.
  • CR 30298: Introduced a new property to signal which encoding to use for the input stream. The property is weblogic.httpd.inputCharset and it allows users to specify charset for the post parameter. It can be set to different character sets. See additional details
  • CR 30351:If JMS was used indirectly through an EJB, the JMS connection will close itself down after the caller that invoked the EJB first shuts down. This is because the peer gone detection in the connection object does not know that the connection was created by the bean rather than the client who called the bean.
  • CR 30470: Fixed a problem with JDBC incorrectly trying to create statements with the DBMS connection.
  • CR 30826: A new property "weblogic.system.maxExecuteThreadCount" has been added to configure the maximum number of the threads the weblogic will support. This is essentially the maximum the property "weblogic.system.executeThreadCount" will take. This property is configurable both from client and server.
  • CR 31721: Added new property, weblogic.system.idleTimeout. This acts as a timer that can be set to the maximum idle period (in milliseconds) to wait before tearingdown an RJVM. A value of 0 means no timeout.
  • CR 31786: Added a new property: weblogic.login.logAllReadTimeouts. By default it is set to true, if you set it to false the server doesn't log a message when a read on login times out.
  • CR 34041: You can now rotate your jdbc log. We only allow you to do this based on date. You can specify how often we should rotate the log file and when we should begin that rotation. (See additional information)
  • CR 35328: Fixed a problem when there were more servlet requests than the number of execute threads. All the requests were waiting for a message in the response queue which never arrived because there were no threads left to process the message from the JMS client.
  • CR 36008: EJB's passing an array of a user defined object causes errors in JDK 1.1.7. The 1.17. JVM differed in the way it loads class arrays from the 1.2.2 JVM.
  • CR 36076: Fixed a problem getting thread dumps using Solaris with the JDK 1.2.1_04. Users were getting the following output in the dump file instead of a thread dump: Problem loading native lib. Can't dump threads.
  • CR 36269: Fixed a problem in JDBC with BigDecimals. Now we fully implement a getBigDecimal jdbc2.0 call.
  • CR 37336: Fixed an assertion error that was occuring with Service Pack 13 when the heap sizes reaches the maximum.
  • CR 37789: Sockets on the server were opened by the web server and then closed. But they still were stuck in the CLOSE_WAIT state on the server. Eventually all these sockets took up all the file descriptors available and the server hanged-- unable to answer requests. This has been fixed.
  • CR 38353: Fixed JDBC Session Persistence for reading broken serialized data.
  • CR 39411: Made improvements to the NSAPI plug-in to prevent segmentation faults and crashes.
  • CR 39503: Fixed a problem with CGI requests. Sent requests being handled one by one were not being processed in the desired time intervals.
  • CR 39959: JMS Sessions were remaining unclosed incorrectly in the console
  • CR 40092: Fixed a problem with JSP where the JSP compiler was generating repetitive java statements on compilation.
  • CR 40134: Fixed a problem with servlets. Using getHeader was returning the last element when there were multiple headers with the same name. Now, following the 2.2 spec, the server brings back the first.
  • CR 40790: When using keepAliveSecs sockets reopen unnecessarily. To avoid this use ServletOutput.
  • CR 40872: When a startup class took a long period of time to complete (~2 minutes), and the session timeout parameter was relatively short (1 minute), the session invalidation trigger fires only once. This meant that sessions were never automatically invalidated.
  • CR 41161: Fixed a problem with buffer overflow in JSP/Servlets.

    Service Pack 15

  • CR 28698: Fixed a problem with classes failing to load over a network when in a cluster environment.
  • CR 30864: Fixed a problem with Applets using java plugin122. When refreshing a page that was using an applet with plug-ins, the ThreadDeath occurred.
  • CR 31210: Fixed an EJB problem. In certain instances, an UnexpectedException was being thrown instead of a DuplicateKeyException.
  • CR 37452: Fixed a problem with threads remaining in a client's JVM and not being garbage collected. This fix is only for clients running Java 1.2 and higher. Use weak-references when running under a 1.2 or 1.3 JVM to allow non-WebLogic threads to be garbage collected when no longer in use.
  • CR 39171: Fixed an exception that was being thrown for MaxMessageSizeExceeded. (See additional information)
  • CR 39238: Fixed a JDBC problem. A pool that failed to test and/or regenerate a broken connection was not always releasing the connection back into the pool.
  • CR 40305: Fixed a JDBC problem. If Security.getCurrentUser() returned null, a call from the jts driver to reserve a pool connection could have resulted in a NullPointerException.
  • CR 41793: The JDBC connection pool reset was failing after the database was down and started up again and if there were some database accesses during the time the database was shut down. This has been fixed.
  • CR 42275: After maxInactiveInterval expired, HttpRequest.getSession (true) was returning an existing, invalidated session and an IllegalStateException was being thrown. This has been fixed.
  • CR 42518: Added a property called weblogic.cluster.interfaceAddress for machines with multiple NIC cards. This property specifies network interface for multicast.
  • CR 42529: Fixed a problem with the PosixSockerMuxer hanging under load.
  • CR 42730: Fixed a problem when using CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE with transactions. In a transacted session when receiving messages with CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE, the acknowledge mode was not being ignored and the messages were getting redelivered.
  • CR 43371: HttpClusterServlet and HttpProxyServlet will now send the client's IP address to the servers.
  • CR 43379: The removeSession method was throwing a NullPointerException when it should not have. This has been fixed.
  • CR 43569: In service pack 13, class loading using HTTPS was resulting in an erroneous java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError. This has been fixed.
  • CR 44282: The method, weblogic/security/SSL/SSLSocket.toString(), was causing reverse DNS lookup. This has been fixed.
  • CR 44772: After applying service pack 14, random JMS NullPointerExceptions were being thrown. This has been fixed.
  • CR 45414: Fixed a problem when using clusters, HttpClusterServlet and in-memory session replication. When turning in-memory session replication off, a lot of java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero were being thrown.
  • CR 45620: It is now possible to run WebLogic Server 4.5.1 as an NT service with JDK 1.3. (See additional information)
  • CR 45746: The getValue( ) method was returning null for a SessionData under stress testing. This has been fixed.
  • CR 46042: Corrected the property name in the weblogic.log. The correct property name is weblogic.login.logAllReadTimeouts instead of weblogic.login.logReadTimeoutsProp.
  • CR 46045: Fixed a problem with the JTS driver. The JTS driver was not passing properties to the JDBC pool driver.
  • CR 46076: Fixed a problem with sending persistent messages from an EJB on one WebLogic Server to the JMS queue on another WebLogic Server.
  • CR 46092: Fixed the JSP showcode problem.
  • CR 46234: Fixed a problem with the server crashing when getCanonicalPath ( ) was called with a file path greater than 256 characters.
  • CR 46377: Fixed a JDBC problem. Messages in utilities no longer advise use of DriverManager.getConnection.
  • CR 49902: If a java client was trying to tunnel a connection over SSL(HTTPS) and the proxy server required a username/password (Basic Authentication), the java client was failing to connect to the WebLogic Server. This has been fixed.
  • CR 50044: In the WebLogic 4.5.1 NTSocketMuxer, the Win32 Error Code for ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE was being erroneously mapped to a non-existent exception class called weblogic.socket.SocketClosedException. This has been fixed. Now the error code maps to java.socket.SocketException.
  • CR 50240: Added a system property to configure the backoff time for listen socket error.
  • CR 51208: Fixed a JSP problem involving that occurred when pageCheckSeconds was set to -1. Changed JSPs were not being recompiled when the server was restarted.
  • CR 53106: Fixed a problem with HTTP tunneling in a cluster environment. The client connecting through a proxy to a cluster with two nodes was failing.

    Additional details on new plugin parameters:

    The following parameters have been added and are available for the specified plugins.

    Parameter Name Defaults Pertains To Description
    DefaultFileName filename All Plug-ins If the URI is "/" then the default filename will be appended to the URI. This prevents redirects from the WebLogic Server. The DefaultFileName should be set to the default welcome page of the WebLogic Server. If the DefaultFileName is set to welcome.html, a http request like "http://somehost/weblogic" will become "http://somehost/weblogic/welcome.html". For this parameter to function, the same file must be specified in the weblogic properties file. For example, in this case, the weblogic properties file must be set to weblogic.httpd.initArgs.file=defaultfilename=welcome.html.
    DynamicServerList ON/OFF (Default: ON) ISAPI only It will be "ON" by default. If set to "OFF" then the dynamic list returned by WebLogic with the response will be ignored by the plugin. There will be some shortcomings if the users go for this architecture. First, they cannot add new servers in the cluster as the plugin will try to connect only to the servers in it's static list. Second, if they add a new server to the list and it becomes the secondary, then the plugin will not failover (because of isServerInList) hence sessions will be lost. Finally, if any server goes down the plugin will hit that dead server again and again. This may affect the performance.
    HungServerRecoverSecs 10:300:600 for min:default:max All plugins You should set this to a very large value. If it is less than the time the servlets take to process, then you will see unexpected results. So if you think that your servlets are going to take more than 30 secs to process, don't reply on the default value and change it. There is a known problem about the usage of this parameter. If all servers in the cluster are hung or if a servlet request takes more than "HungServerRecoverSecs" for all the servers in the cluster, the plugin will hang. So please be advised to use this parameter very carefully. The bottom line is that if you don't care about hung server recovery then set this to a very high value (600 secs).
    Idempotent ON/OFF (Default: ON) All plugins This is a URL level flag. By default it will be "ON" so if the servers do not respond within HungServerRecoverSecs, the plugins will failover. If set to "OFF" the plugins will not failover. It can be set differently for different URL's or Mime types.
    MaxPostSize Default=-1 All plug-ins If the content-length exceeds MaxPostSize, the plug-in returns an error message. If set to -1 the size of POST data is not checked. This is useful for preventing denial-of-service attacks that attempt to overload the server with POST data. If set to zero, the size of the Post data is unlimited. The default value is -1.
    MaxSkips 5:10:1000 for min:default:max ISAPI only Currently if a server goes down the plugin marks it as bad and skips it for the next ten requests for that server. Ten skips doesn't mean ten requests but ten calls to getNextServer(). This happens when the request comes without the cookie, and the PRIMARY and SECONDARY are down. By using this parameter the user can change the MAX_SKIPS for dead servers.

    Additional details on CRs 5670 & 6602:
    International character set encoding (multibyte charsets)

    International character set encoding (multibyte charsets) is now supported in servlets, including HTTP, JSP and JHTML

    Using multi-byte character sets
    In order to properly read and transmit multibyte JSP files, the JSP servlet needs to know which charset converter to use for a particular file. There are two ways to specify this:

    • Specifying an 'encoding' initArg to the JSP servlet in the weblogic.properties file:

      In this case, the encoding should specify a standard JDK charset converter. A list of standard JDK charsets is available at http://java.sun.com/products/jdk/1.1/docs/guide/intl/encoding.doc.html.

    • Specifying a contentType JSP page directive:
      <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=SJIS" %>


      <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=Big5" %>
      When the JSP servlet parser sees the contentType JSP page directive, it will start using the specified charset to read the page, as outlined in the JSP specification.

    The charset specified may be:

    Since the IANA charset names may be different than the JDK charset names, we have introduced a way to alias the names. Specifying the following property in the weblogic.properties file

    will map an IANA name -- used in a JSP file -- to a JDK name.

    For example, since Internet Explorer 5 recognizes 'Shift-JS' as the 'SJIS' charset, put an alias for 'Shift-JIS' to the JDK charset name 'SJIS'in your weblogic.properties file as follows:

    A JSP file containing
      <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=x-sjis" %>
    will be parsed using the JDK's SJIS converter for a page in charset x-sjis.

    For HTTP servlets, you can use

      ServletResponse.setContentType("text/html; charset=FooBar");
    and the PrintWriter for that response will be initialized to the FooBar character set, as outlined in the Servlet 2.1 specification.

    Additional details on CR 7526:
    A method for specifying either JMS tablenames or a prefix

    We now provide a method for specifying either JMS tablenames or a prefix (with database name) in JMS.

    In your weblogic.properties file, specify the property weblogic.jms.tableNamePrefix with the prefix you want to use:

    This makes JMS reference master.dbo.JMSMessages rather than simpley JMSMessages. Note that the trailing dot is necessary and that the form of the prefix must be such that it generates a valid tablename.

    This prefix could also be used to separate JMS tables used by two different WebLogic servers. For example, server A could use:

    and server B could use:
    Then, server A's JMS would reference AJMSMessages and server B's JMS would reference BJMSMessages.

    Additional details on CR 7599:
    Fixed a problem with large IIS proxy uploads

    In order to allow for large uploads, we introduced weblogic.httpd.postTimeoutSecs, a new parameter to set the HTTP POST timeout value. This parameter needs to be set in the weblogic.properties file. For example, to time out after 25 seconds, you would set it as:


    The default value is 30 seconds. The maximum value is 120 seconds, and the minimum value is 10 seconds. If the POST data is large, the value should be increased.

    Additional details on CR 8322:
    Fixed a problem with the RDBMS security example and dynamic recognition of changes to groups

    In order to successfully utilize the fix pertaining to CR 8322, the following changes must be made:

    1. In the weblogic.properties file

  • Make sure the following line exists:
    2. In weblogic.realm_ddl file

  • Add "system" to the users table. The WebLogic server will not start without this entry in users table. You will get the following error java.lang.SecurityException:

    Authentication for user system denied in realm weblogic

  • Add "everyone" group to the groupmembers table. The WebLogic server will be started with an ACL status error without this entry

    3. In the weblogic.realm_properties file

  • The default value for updateInterval is 300. You can adjust it for a faster or slower database refresh.

    Finally, although database changes will show immediately on T3AdminRealm, you still need to wait for "updateInterval" seconds (in weblogic.realm_properties file) before a new user will be permitted.

    Additional details on CR 30648:

    If you set mimeType as the following:


    It will be stored as:


    So that when you do a context.getMimeType("foo.hdml") it will return: "text/x-hdml;charset=Shift_JIS"

    weblogic.httpd.inputCharset.<Dir name>=<charset name> (CR 30298)

    A new property can be used to specify charset for the getParameter() and getParameterValues().

    Using GET/POST requests from a Client or Browser, the servlet container determines charset of the string using the request URI of the HTTP request.

    To specify encoding for the string of GET or POST request, the following properties need to be set in the weblogic.properties file:

    weblogic.httpd.inputCharset.<Dir name>=<charset name>

    <Dir name> is for the resource path used in the request URI. <charset name> is IANA character set name.

    For Example: If you want to use EUC-JP charset as a default, Shift_JIS for under /i and iso-8859-1 for under /en, such as:

    public_html ---- products
    (EUC-JP)         (EUC-JP)
                ---- about
                ---- download
                ---- i
                ---- en
    In this case, then the following properties need to be set:

    weblogic.httpd.inputCharset./*=EUC-JP weblogic.httpd.inputCharset./i/*=Shift_JIS weblogic.httpd.inputCharset./en/*=iso-8859-1

    Additional Notes:

     1) Mapping IANA charset and JAVA encoding
     You can specify mapping between IANA charset and JAVA encoding as follows:
     weblogic.httpd.charsets.<IANA charset>=<Java encoding>
    The following makes mapping from a IANA EUC-JP charset to Java EUCJIS encoding.
     2) Default Mapping
     WebLogic Server has a default mapping table between IANA charset and Java encoding. Normally, you don't have to specify 
     particular mapping specification.
     3) Default charset
     If you don't specify inputCharset, then WebLogicServer handles charset the same as the Server's VM default encoding.
    For example, getParameter works on MS932 on Japanese NT without specification of inputCharset.

    Additional details on CR34041

    You can now rotate your jdbc log. We only allow you to do this based on date. You can specify how often we should rotate the log file and when we should begin that rotation. For example, rotate every 6 hours and start the first rotation at 4pm today.

    If rotation is enabled we will automatically append a date/time stamp to the end of the log file, you can control the format of this timestamp with the property weblogic.jdbc.logFileNameFormat. The reason we have to do this is that we do not control the output stream of the jdbc.log, this is handling in java.sql.DriverManager, so we cannot lock the file, move it to a backup and then restart the log file with the same name. Thus the current jdbc.log file is the file that has the most recent date timestamp at the end of the file name.

    Added properties:


    Whether or not to rotate jdbc log file. This is false by default.


    Defines the period in minutes when the jdbc log will be rotated. 24 hours is 1440 minutes. One week is 10080 minutes


    Defines the date when the first rotation of jdbc log will begin. The format follows java.text.SimpleDateFormat, MM-dd-yyyy-k:mm:ss see the javadocs for more details. For example: 11-24-2000-12:30:00 Note: If not set, the next rotation is the next weblogic.jdbc.logRotationPeriodMins. If the date has already past, then the DAY_OF_WEEK, HOUR_OF_DAY, MINUTE and SECOND are used with the current date to recalculate.


    Defines the format of the date string that is appended to the jdbc log when rotation is turned on. The format follows java.text.SimpleDateFormat, and defaults to: dd_MMM_yyyy__HH_mm_ss see the javadocs for more details.

    Additional details on CR39171

    Added a new property:


    This property allows a maximum length for the first line of an HTTP request to be set. It throws an exception and closes the offending socket when an HTTP request exceeds the maximum length.

    It defaults to 4096 (4k). The maximum value is 16k and the minimum value is 1k.

    Additional details on CR45620

    The following files were added to Service Pack 15:

    • \bin\win32_12\WLService.exe
    • \bin\win32_12\install.exe
    • \bin\win32_12\remove.exe
    • \bin\win32_12\t3config.exe
    • \bin\win32_12\t3server.exe
    • \bin\win32_12\wlstartup.dll

    These utilities are for starting WebLogic Server as an NT service on 1.2 and above JVMs. To install them:

    1. Ensure that %WL_HOME% is pointing to a WebLogic 4.5.1 installation.
    2. Create a directory called %WL_HOME%/bin/win32_12.
    3. Copy the above-mentioned files to that directory.
    4. Create a registry by typing: t3config -installdir %WL_HOME%
      These utilities require that the following registry be populated with installation information:
      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BEA Systems\WebLogic\4.5.1
    5. If JAVA_HOME is not set properly, set it by typing: t3config -JAVAHOME <java_home dir>
    6. To install a service, use the install.exe binary.
    7. To remove a service, use the remove.exe binary.

    Known Issues

  • There are no known issues at this time.


    General files included with every service pack:
    • utils/version.class

    This file will update the message returned when you use the version utility to show that you're using "Service Pack 15".

    Note: If you are using an NT platform, in order for the native socket muxer to load, you must copy the bin/wlntio.dll included in this Service Pack to your weblogic/bin directory.

    Copyright © 2001 by BEA Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

    Last updated 08/15/2001