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Support for Externalizable objects

You may want to be able to use your own objects in your WebLogic application to store and fetch your own objects to and from WebLogic Workspaces. In order to pass objects -- which may be complex structures, and may be made up of other objects, even graphs of objects -- between T3Client and WebLogic Server, you must serialize them. Serialization is necessary whenever you want to pass a Java object from one VM to another. An object must be serialized before it is shipped over the wire, and must be reconstituted at the other end of the wire for use in another VM.

WebLogic supports the handling of Externalizable objects within its serialization, without implementing WLSerializable. You can implement Externalizable instead of WLSerializable and still take advantage of WebLogic's serialization.

Here is an example:

public class Example implements Externalizable {
  private Date[] dates;

  public Example() {
    dates = new Date[30];

  public void writeObject(ObjectOutput out) 
    throw IOException, ClassNotFoundException
    if (out instanceof WLObjectOutput) {
      // Use special serialization interface when possible
    else {
      // Use standard interface

  public void readObject(ObjectInput in) 
    throw IOException
    if (out instanceof WLObjectInput) {
      // Use special serialization interface when possible
    dates = 
    else {
      // Use standard interface
      dates = (Date[])in.readObject();

Serializing objects in WebLogic


In addition to using Externalizable, there are two more ways to serialize objects. You can use the interface or you can use WebLogic's serialization by implementing the weblogic.common.WLSerializable interface, which extends the standard interface. There are advantages and disadvantages to using either approach: can be used for all Serialization. However, if you are serializing complex objects in which there are circular or many-to-one relationships among objects you must use to accurately serialize these objects.

weblogic.common.WLSerializable is a faster and more efficient way to serialize objects than is but it cannot be used on objects with many-to-one or circular relationship. Additionally, you must write your own implementation of the the writeObject and readObject methods in your code, as described below. If these implementations are not written carefully, serious data corruption could result.

The WLSerializable interface contains two methods that you must implement:

  • writeObject(WLObjectOutput out) throws IOException
  • readObject(WLObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException

In addition, note that your WLSerializable class must have a default constructor, which is defined as a constructor that takes no arguments. Here is an example:

  public MySerializableObject() {

The default constructor provides a means of constructing the object on the other side of the wire, after your object has been serialized and shipped across.

You use the methods in the weblogic.common interfaces WLObjectOutput and WLObjectInput to read and write the attributes for the object. Here is an example of serializing a very simple SalesRep object that has two attributes, name and address:

  public void readObject(WLObjectInput in)
    throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
  {    = in.readString();
    this.address = in.readString();

  public void writeObject(WLObjectOutput out)
    throws IOException

Let's examine a more complex example. Suppose we have a SalesOffice object that is made up of a graph of SalesRep objects, plus some general information about the SalesOffice. Here is how we would serialize the SalesOffice object.

  public void readObject(WLObjectInput in)
    throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
    this.managerName        = in.readString();
    this.salesOfficeAddress = in.readString();
    Object[] objs           = in.readArrayOfObjects();
    if (objs != null) {
      int numberOfElements  = objs.length;
      this.salesReps        = new SalesRep[numberOfElements];
      for (int i = 0; i < numberOfElements; i++) {
        this.salesReps[i]   = (SalesRep)objs[i];
    else {
      this.salesReps = null;

  public void writeObject(WLObjectOutput out)
    throws IOException

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Last updated 01/13/1999