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Programming WebLogic JMS



Introduction to WebLogic JMS

What Is JMS?

WebLogic JMS Features

WebLogic JMS Architecture

Major Components

Clustering Features

WebLogic JMS Extensions


WebLogic JMS Fundamentals

Messaging Models

Point-to-Point Messaging

Publish/Subscribe Messaging

Message Persistence

WebLogic JMS Classes




Non-transacted Session

Transacted Session


MessageProducer and MessageConsumer


Message Header Fields

Message Property Fields

Message Body






Managing WebLogic JMS

Configuring WebLogic JMS

Configuring WebLogic JMS Clustering

How JMS Clustering Works

Monitoring WebLogic JMS

Recovering from a WebLogic Server Failure


Developing a WebLogic JMS Application

Application Development Flow

Importing Required Packages

Setting Up a JMS Application

Step 1: Look Up a Connection Factory in JNDI

Step 2: Create a Connection Using the Connection Factory

Step 3: Create a Session Using the Connection

Step 4: Look Up a Destination (Queue or Topic)

Step 5: Create Message Producers and Message Consumers Using the Session and Destinations

Step 6a: Create the Message Object (Message Producers)

Step 6b: Optionally Register an Asynchronous Message Listener (Message Consumers)

Step 7: Start the Connection

Example: Setting Up a PTP Application

Example: Setting Up a Pub/Sub Application

Sending Messages

Step 1: Create a Message Object

Step 2: Define a Message

Step 3: Send the Message to a Destination

Dynamically Configuring Message Producer Configuration Attributes

Example: Sending Messages Within a PTP Application

Example: Sending Messages Within a Pub/Sub Application

Receiving Messages

Receiving Messages Asynchronously

Receiving Messages Synchronously

Recovering Received Messages

Acknowledging Received Messages

Releasing Object Resources

Managing Rolled Back, Recovered, or Expired Messages

Setting a Redelivery Delay for Messages

Setting a Redelivery Limit for Messages

Passive Message Expiration Policy

Setting Message Delivery Times

Setting a Delivery Time on Producers

Setting a Delivery Time on Messages

Overriding a Delivery Time

Interaction with the Time-to-Live Value

Managing Connections

Defining a Connection Exception Listener

Accessing Connection Metadata

Starting, Stopping, and Closing a Connection

Managing Sessions

Defining a Session Exception Listener

Closing a Session

Creating Destinations Dynamically

Using the JMSHelper Class Methods

Using Temporary Destinations

Setting Up Durable Subscriptions

Defining the Client ID

Creating Subscribers for a Durable Subscription

Deleting Durable Subscriptions

Modifying Durable Subscriptions

Setting and Browsing Message Header and Property Fields

Setting Message Header Fields

Setting Message Property Fields

Browsing Header and Property Fields

Filtering Messages

Defining Message Selectors Using SQL Statements

Defining XML Message Selectors Using XML Selector Method

Displaying Message Selectors

Indexing Topic Subscriber Message Selectors To Optimize Performance

Defining Server Session Pools

Step 1: Look Up Server Session Pool Factory in JNDI

Step 2: Create a Server Session Pool Using the Server Session Pool Factory

Step 3: Create a Connection Consumer

Example: Setting Up a PTP Client Server Session Pool

Example: Setting Up a Pub/Sub Client Server Session Pool

Using Multicasting

Step 1: Set Up the JMS Application, Creating Multicast Session and Topic Subscriber

Step 2: Set Up the Message Listener

Dynamically Configuring Multicasting Configuration Attributes

Example: Multicast TTL


Using Transactions with WebLogic JMS

Overview of Transactions

Using JMS Transacted Sessions

Step 1: Set Up JMS Application, Creating Transacted Session

Step 2: Perform Desired Operations

Step 3: Commit or Roll Back the JMS Transacted Session

Using JTA User Transactions

Step 1: Set Up JMS Application, Creating Non-Transacted Session

Step 2: Look Up User Transaction in JNDI

Step 3: Start the JTA User Transaction

Step 4: Perform Desired Operations

Step 5: Commit or Roll Back the JTA User Transaction

Asynchronous Messaging Within JTA User Transactions Using Message Driven Beans

Example: JMS and EJB in a JTA User Transaction


Migrating WebLogic JMS Applications

Existing Feature Functionality Changes

Migrating Existing Applications

Before You Begin

Migration Steps for 4.5 and 5.1 Applications to 6.x

Migration Steps for 6.0 Applications to 6.1

Deleting JDBC Database Stores


Configuration Checklists

Server Clusters

JTA User Transactions

JMS Transactions

Message Delivery

Asynchronous Message Delivery

Persistent Messages

Concurrent Message Processing


Durable Subscriptions

Destination Sort Order

Temporary Destinations

Thresholds and Quotas


JDBC Database Utility


About JMS Stores

Regenerating JDBC Stores


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