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WebLogic Server Command Reference

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Deletes MBeans. If you delete an Administration MBean, WebLogic Server removes the corresponding entry from the domain's config.xml file.

If the command is successful, it returns OK.

Note: When you delete an Administration MBean, a WebLogic Server instance does not delete the corresponding Configuration MBean until you restart the server instance.


java [ SSL Arguments ] weblogic.Admin 
[ {-url URL} |
[ User Credentials Arguments ]
DELETE {-type mbeanType|-mbean objectName}



{-url [protocol://]listen-address:listen-port}


{-adminurl [protocol://]Admin-Server-listen-address:listen-port}

To delete Administration MBeans, use -url to specify the Administration Server's listen address and listen port.

To delete Runtime MBeans or Local Configuration MBeans, use one of the following:

  • -url to specify the listen address and listen port of the server instance on which you want to delete MBeans.

  • -adminurl to delete instances of a Runtime or Local Configuration MBean type from all server instances in the domain.

For more information, refer to the -url and -adminurl entries in Table 1-3 on page 11 and Protocol Support.

-type mbeanType

Deletes all MBeans of the specified type. For more information, refer to Specifying MBean Types.

-mbean objectName

Fully qualified object name of an MBean in the WebLogicObjectName format. For example:

For more information, refer to the Javadoc for WebLogicObjectName.



The following example deletes the JDBCConnectionPool Administration MBean named myPool:

java weblogic.Admin -url AdminHost:7001 -username weblogic 
-password weblogic DELETE -mbean

For more information about the environment in which this example runs, refer to Example Environment.

If the command succeeds, it prints the following to standard out:


The following example deletes the JDBCConnectionPool Local Configuration MBean named myPool on a server instance named MedRecManagedServer:

java weblogic.Admin -url ManagedHost:8001 -username weblogic 
-password weblogic DELETE -mbean

The following example deletes all JDBCConnectionPool Local Configuration MBeans for all server instances in the domain:

java weblogic.Admin -adminurl AdminHost:7001 -username weblogic 
-password weblogic DELETE -type JDBCConnectionPoolConfig

The following example deletes all JDBCConnectionPool Local Configuration MBeans on a server instance named MedRecManagedServer:

java weblogic.Admin -url ManagedHost:8001 -username weblogic 
-password weblogic DELETE -type JDBCConnectionPoolConfig


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