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WebLogic Server Command Reference

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Causes the Administration Server to re-establish administrative control over Managed Servers.

If the Administration Server fails while Managed Servers continue to run, or if you shut down the Administration Server while Managed Servers continue to run, you lose the ability to change the configuration or deploy modules to any server in the domain. To regain this administrative ability, you must restart the Administration Server. By default, an Administration Server finds the last known set of Managed Servers and re-establishes a connection.

If the Administration Server is unable to automatically re-establish a connection to one or more Managed Servers during its startup cycle, you can use this command to re-establish administrative control.

For example, you might have started a Managed Server in the STANDBY state and did not resume the Managed Server before restarting the Administration Server. The Administration Server discovers only Managed Servers that are in the RUNNING state.

Other factors can prevent the Administration Server from finding and re-connecting to Managed Servers, and you can use this command any time you need to re-establish a connection.


java [ SSL Arguments ] weblogic.Admin 
[ -url [protocol://]listen-address:listen-port ]
[ User Credentials Arguments ]
DISCOVERMANAGEDSERVER [-serverName targetServer
[-listenAddress listenaddress] [-listenPort listenport]



-url [protocol://]listen-address:listen-port

You must specify the listen address and listen port of the Administration Server.

If you specify a secure listen port, you must also specify a secure protocol.

If you do not specify a value, the command assumes t3://localhost:7001.

For more information, refer to the -url entry in Table 1-3 on page 11 and Protocol Support.


Specifies a Managed Server that is currently running.

If you do not specify a server, the Administration Server will discover and re-establish control over all the Managed Servers that are known to be running but disconnected from administrative services.


Specifies the listen address of the Managed Server that you name with the -serverName argument.

If you do not specify this argument, the command uses the listen address that is configured in the domain's config.xml file.


Specifies the listen port of the Managed Server that you name with the -serverName argument.

If you do not specify this argument, the command uses the listen port that is configured in the domain's config.xml file.


Forces the Administration Server to use a secure protocol. Without this option, the Administration Server uses the t3 protocol. If you disable a Managed Server's non-SSL listen port, you must specify this option.



The following command instructs the Administration Server to re-connect to MedRecManagedServer:

java weblogic.Admin -url AdminHost:7001 -username weblogic 
-serverName MedRecManagedServer

For more information about the environment in which this example runs, refer to Example Environment.

In the following example, a Managed Server is configured to listen on port 7021, but you used the -Dweblogic.ListenPort startup option to temporarily change the listen port to 8201. The following command instructs the Administration Server to re-connect to MedRecManagedServer, which is listening on port 8201:

java weblogic.Admin -url AdminHost:7001 -username weblogic 
-serverName MedRecManagedServer -listenPort 8201


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