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The der2pem utility converts an X509 certificate from DER format to PEM format. The .pem file is written in the same directory and has the same filename as the source .der file.


$ java utils.der2pem derFile [headerFile] [footerFile]




The name of the file to convert. The filename must end with a .der extension, and must contain a valid certificate in .der format.


The header to place in the PEM file. The default header is "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----".

Use a header file if the DER file being converted is a private key file, and create the header file containing one of the following:

  • "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" for an unencrypted private key.

  • "-----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----" for an encrypted private key.

Note: There must be a new line at the end of the header line in the file.


The header to place in the PEM file. The default header is "-----END CERTIFICATE-----".

Use a footer file if the DER file being converted is a private key file, and create the footer file containing one of the following in the header:

  • "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" for an unencrypted private key.

  • "-----END ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----" for an encrypted private key.

Note: There must be a new line at the end of the header line in the file.



$ java utils.der2pem graceland_org.der


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