BEA WebLogic Server 9.1 Domain Configuration Schema Reference
complexType web-app-containerType


name?, notes?, relogin-enabled?, allow-all-roles?, filter-dispatched-requests-enabled?, overload-protection-enabled?, x-powered-by-header-level?, mime-mapping-file?, optimistic-serialization?, retain-original-url?, servlet-authentication-form-url?, rtexprvalue-jsp-param-name?, client-cert-proxy-enabled?, http-trace-support-enabled?, weblogic-plugin-enabled?, auth-cookie-enabled?, wap-enabled?, post-timeout-secs?, max-post-time-secs?, max-post-size?, work-context-propagation-enabled?, p3p-header-value?, jsp-compiler-backwards-compatible?
Prohibited substitutions (block)
none (extensions and restrictions are allowed)
Derived types: none
Components using this type: none

This MBean is used to specify domain-wide defaults for the WebApp container. In general, these properties can be overridden at the cluster level (in ClusterMBean, if the same property is present there), the server level (in ServerMBean, if the same property is present there) or for a specific Web application (in weblogic.xml).

MBean: WebAppContainerMBean

Nested Element Summary
annonymous type derived from stringname optional
stringnotes optional

Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

booleanrelogin-enabled optional

This MBean is used to specify domain-wide defaults for the WebApp container.

booleanallow-all-roles optional
booleanfilter-dispatched-requests-enabled optional
booleanoverload-protection-enabled optional

This MBean is used to specify domain-wide defaults for the WebApp container.

annonymous type derived from stringx-powered-by-header-level optional

WebLogic Server uses the X-Powered-By HTTP header, as recommended by the Servlet 2.

stringmime-mapping-file optional
booleanoptimistic-serialization optional

This MBean is used to specify domain-wide defaults for the WebApp container.

booleanretain-original-url optional

This MBean is used to specify domain-wide defaults for the WebApp container.

booleanservlet-authentication-form-url optional

This MBean is used to specify domain-wide defaults for the WebApp container.

booleanrtexprvalue-jsp-param-name optional

This MBean is used to specify domain-wide defaults for the WebApp container.

booleanclient-cert-proxy-enabled optional

This MBean is used to specify domain-wide defaults for the WebApp container.

booleanhttp-trace-support-enabled optional

This MBean is used to specify domain-wide defaults for the WebApp container.

booleanweblogic-plugin-enabled optional

This MBean is used to specify domain-wide defaults for the WebApp container.

booleanauth-cookie-enabled optional

This MBean is used to specify domain-wide defaults for the WebApp container.

booleanwap-enabled optional

This MBean is used to specify domain-wide defaults for the WebApp container.

annonymous type derived from intpost-timeout-secs optional

The amount of time this server waits between receiving chunks of data in an HTTP POST data before it times out.

intmax-post-time-secs optional

Max Post Time (in seconds) for reading HTTP POST data in a servlet request.

intmax-post-size optional

The maximum post size this server allows for reading HTTP POST data in a servlet request.

booleanwork-context-propagation-enabled optional

This MBean is used to specify domain-wide defaults for the WebApp container.

stringp3p-header-value optional
booleanjsp-compiler-backwards-compatible optional

This MBean is used to specify domain-wide defaults for the WebApp container.


BEA WebLogic Server 9.1 Domain Configuration Schema Reference

Version: 9.1