BEA Systems, Inc.

Package weblogic.jws

Interface Summary
AsyncFailure This annotation is used on a method within JWS to indicate that the method will handle asynchronous failures resulting from an asynchronous web services invocation.
AsyncResponse This annotation is used on a method within JWS to indicate that the method will handle asynchronous responses resulting from an asynchronous web services invocation.
Binding Annotation to specify type of Binding on a JWS
BufferQueue Annotation to configure queues used for message buffering.
Callback This annotation marks a variable as a callback such that it can be used to send callback events back to the calling side
Context Specifies that the given field should be injected with the jws execution context at runtime.
Conversation Specifies that a method annotatated with the can be invoked as part of a conversation between two WebLogic Web Services.
Conversational Annotation to configure additional information for a conversational service.
MessageBuffer This annotation specifies that the particular operation or service will use message buffering.
Policies Annotation to specify multiple Policy annotations User: jlee Date: Jul 22, 2004 Time: 1:46:55 PM
Policy Annotation of specifying policy
ReliabilityBuffer This annotation specifies the buffer attribute for reliable services.
ReliabilityErrorHandler This annotation is used on a method within a JWS to indicate that the method will handle reliability failures resulting from an reliable web services invocation on a given stub.
ServiceClient This is an annotation that you can place on a stub that's used within a JWS.
StreamAttachments Annotation to enable all methods in this service to have streaming attachments
Transactional Annotation to change the transactional behavior of a web method.
WildcardBinding This annotation specifies how to bind a wildcard class.
WildcardBindings This annotation is used to specify how to bind wildcard classes.
WLHttpsTransport Deprecated.  
WLHttpTransport Specifies the context path and service URI sections of the URL used to invoke the Web Service over the HTTP transport, as well as the name of the port in the generated WSDL.
WLJmsTransport Specifies the context path and service URI sections of the URL used to invoke the Web Service over the JMS transport, as well as the name of the port in the generated WSDL.
WSDL Specifies whether to expose the WSDL of a deployed WebLogic Web Service.

Class Summary
Conversation.Phase Conversation Phases allowed on Operation
Policy.Direction when to apply the policy
WildcardParticle Enumeration that refers to wildcard particles.

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2006 BEA Systems Inc.