Interface ExternalCallbackTarget

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface ExternalCallbackTarget

The ExternalCallbackTarget interface is a marker interface that should be placed on any control implementation (JCS) class that can be the target of an asynchronous external callback. An external callback is an event generated from outside the Workshop runtime. An example of this type of callback is an asynchronous callback on a web service proxy.

Declaring the interface indicates that the control expects to receive these events, and will also cause a top-level policy hook to be placed on any containing components so security for these callbacks can be configured.

Note: The ExternalCallbackTarget interface is part of the WebLogic Workshop Control Development Kit. The Control Development Kit is for users who are creating advanced controls. It is available in your BEA installation in the following directory: BEA_HOME\weblogic81\samples\workshop\ControlDevKit\

Nested Class Summary
static interface ExternalCallbackTarget.CallbackSecurity
          The CallbackSecurity annotation is used on event handlers for controls to specify which roles are allowed to use a particular the event.
static interface ExternalCallbackTarget.ExternalCallbackEvent
          The ExternalCallbackEvent annotation is used on the events of an event set that recieve callbacks from an external source.