Running and Debugging Applications

The Workshop family of products supports debugging (local and remote) and deployment on a variety of popular application servers, including WebLogic Server, Tomcat, JBoss and others.

Workshop supports deployment to the following versions of WebLogic Server:

    • WebLogic Server 8.1
    • WebLogic Server 9.0/9.1
    • WebLogic Server 9.2
    • WebLogic Server 10.x

The following application servers are also supported:

    • Tomcat
    • JBoss
    • IBM WebSphere
    • Caucho Resin
    • Mort Bay Jetty

The following tasks are supported on all servers:

  • Definition of server launch configurations to manage application deployment
  • Easy server management with the Servers view
  • Local and remote debugging
  • Extended debugger supports JSP debugging
  • Hot deployment of JSPs and other artifacts like Struts actions (except Jetty). If you update a JSP, the changes are automatically picked up by the server when you click the Refresh button. Other changes, like editing a Struts configuration file, require a restart of the web application. Workshop can automatically detect the change and deploy and restart the application as necessary.
Current Release Information
Other Resources

Topics Included in This Section

Setting Up Servers for Use Within the IDE

How to define a server and manage applications on a server

Running Applications

How to run an applcation on a server

Debugging Applications

How to configure a server for debugging and debug an applcation

Supported Servers

Provides detailed information on configuring the following servers:

WebLogic Server
Caucho Resin
Mort Bay Jetty
Creating a Workshop-Enabled WebLogic Server Domain

How to configure WebLogic Server to support Workshop applications

Deploying Applications to WebLogic Server

How to deploy Workshop applications to WebLogic Server

Enabling Runtime (Server) Patches

Explains how to update the patch profile for WebLogic Server



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