Developing a JAX-WS Web Service

This topic will get you started developing a JAX-WS web service.

Note that JAX-WS web services require the WebLogic Server version 10.3 runtime. Earlier runtime versions do not support JAX-WS.

The Web Service Design View is not supported for JAX-WS web services.

Create a JAX-WS Web Service Project

Before you create a JAX-WS web service, you must first create a web service project with the required JAX-WS facets (or add the facets to an already existing project).

To create a web service project, select File > New > Project > Web Services > Web Service Project. Click Next.

In the New Web Service Project dialog, in the dropdown menu labeled Configurations, select Annotated Web Service Facets JAX-WS (Recommended). Click Finish.

This creates a new project that supports JAX-WS web services.

Create a JAX-WS Web Service

To create a JAX-WS web service, select File > New > WebLogic Web Service.

In the New Web Service dialog, browse to the directory where the web service file will reside. (Note that a web service cannot reside in the Java default package (the /src directory). You can create a new package by entering a directory path in the field Enter or select the parent folder.)

Enter a File name and click Finish.

Using WebLogic Server Web Service Annotations

Workshop only supports the following WLS-specific annotations for JAX-WS development:

The annotation @WLHttpTransport is not supported, but to get similar functionality use the WLHttpTransport ant task child element or modify the deployment descriptor.

Related Topics

New Web Service Dialog

New Web Service Project Dialog

Using JAX-WS and JAXB with WebLogic Server 10: JAX-WS Customization Binding on

Java documentation: JAX-WS web site

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