Worklist Controls


WebLogic Integration Worklist provides the capability to direct the flow of work and manage the routing of tasks to the people in an enterprise. Integral to the flow of work are actions such as receiving, approving, modifying, and routing documents. The documents that accompany work activities provide the information necessary for people to perform and complete tasks. The Worklist enables people to collaborate in business processes including assigning tasks, tracking the status of tasks, handling approvals, and other activities required to manage workflow.

To support the Worklist functionality, WebLogic Integration provides two controls in WebLogic Workshop, the Task control and the Task Manager control. These controls expose Java interfaces that can be invoked directly from your business processes. The Task control enables a business process to create a single Task instance, manage its state and data, and provide callback methods that report status. The Task Worker control allows specified users to acquire ownership of Tasks, work on them, and complete them. It also provides administrative privileges, such as starting, stopping, deleting, and assigning. Access to the Task Worker control can be done with a business process or through a user interface (UI).

Topics Included in This Section

Related Topics

TaskControl Interface

TaskWorkerControl Interface

Worklist Control Annotations

Using the Worklist at

Tutorial: Building a Worklist Application at

Worklist Administration in Managing WebLogic Integration Solutions at

Using Built-In Java Controls

BEA WebLogic Integration Javadoc at

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