Portal JSP Tags

The WebLogic Workshop Portal extensions provide the following JSP tags.

User/Group Management

Content Management

Interaction Management

Property Sets

Internationalization and Localization

Portal Rendering

Portlet Preferences





User/Group Management

The following JSP tags are contained in ugm_taglib.jar and profile_taglib.jar.

ugm:addGroupToGroup Adds a group to a group.
ugm:addUserToGroup Adds a user to a group.
ugm:createGroup Creates a group.
ugm:createUser Creates a user.
ugm:getChildGroupNames Gets the names of a group's child groups.
ugm:getGroupNamesForUser Gets the names of groups to which a user belongs.
ugm:getParentGroupName Gets the name of a group's parent group.
ugm:getTopLevelGroups Gets the names of all top-level groups.
ugm:getUserNames Gets user names based on a search expression.
ugm:getUserNamesForGroup Gets user names within a specific group based on a search expression.
ugm:login Evaluates the username and password in the HTTP request to provide authentication and sets the authenticated user as the current WebLogic user.
ugm:logout Ends the current user's WebLogic Server session.
ugm:removeGroup Deletes a group.
ugm:removeGroupFromGroup Removes a group from its parent group. Does not delete the group.
ugm:removeUser Deletes a user from the system.
ugm:removeUserFromGroup Removes a user from a specified group. Does not delete the user.
ugm:setPassword Updates a user's password.
profile:createProfile Creates a profile for a user or group.
profile:getProfile Gets a specific user or group profile.
profile:getProperty Gets the value of a property as an Object.
profile:getPropertyAsString Gets the value of a property as a String.
profile:removeProperty Removes the specified property from the current session's profile or from the Anonymous User Profile.
profile:setProperty Updates a property value for either the session's current profile or for the Anonymous User Profile.

Content Management

The following JSP tags are contained in content.jar.

cm:getNode Retrieves a content node based on an explicit path and stores the node in a variable.
cm:getProperty Retrieves a property value from a content node and stores it as a variable or prints it in the JSP.
cm:search Searches for and retrieves content nodes based on a supplied query and stores the results in a variable.

Interaction Management

The following JSP tags are contained in ad_taglib.jar, ph_taglib.jar, pz_taglib.jar, and tracking_taglib.jar.

ad:adTarget Uses the Ad Service to send an ad query to the content management system.
ad:render Renders a content node from the Virtual Content Repository in the current JSP.
ph:placeholder Implements a placeholder defined with the WebLogic Workshop Portal Extensions. Displays personalized Web content in a JSP based on placeholder and Campaign rules and queries defined with the WebLogic Workshop Portal Extensions.
pz:contentQuery Performs a content attribute search in a content management system and returns an array of content objects.
pz:contentSelector Implements a Content Selector defined with the WebLogic Workshop Portal Extensions. Displays personalized Web content in a JSP based on Content Selector rules and queries defined with the WebLogic Workshop Portal Extensions.
pz:div Allows a piece of in-line content to be shown if a user belongs to the specific User Segment defined with the WebLogic Workshop Portal Extensions.
BehaviorTracking:clickContentEvent Generate a behavior event when a user has clicked an image or link. This tag will return a URL query string containing event parameters, which is then used to form the complete URL that hyperlinks the content.
BehaviorTracking:displayContentEvent Generates a behavior event when a user has received (viewed) any HTML content, such as images, text, PDF files, and Web-compatible multimedia content.

Property Sets

The following JSP tags are contained in ps_taglib.jar.

ps:getPropertyNames Gets a list of property names in a property set.
ps:getPropertySetNames Gets a list of property sets for a property set type.
ps:getRestrictedPropertyValues Gets the pick list of a property's restricted values.

Internationalization and Localization

The following JSP tags are contained in i18n_taglib.jar and l10n_taglib.jar.

i18n:getMessage Retrieves and displays localized static text or messages from a JspMessageBundle.
i18n:localize Defines the language, country, variant, and base bundle name to be used throughout a page when accessing resource bundles with the i18n:getmessage tag.
l10n:include Includes a localized version of a page.
l10n:forward Forwards to a localized version of a page.
l10n:resolve Resolves to a localized version of a page.

Portal Rendering

The following JSP tags are contained in render_taglib.jar.

render:beginRender Used in the portal skeletons for rendering a portal resource. This tag defines the opening HTML tag for a resource.
render:endRender Used in the portal skeletons for rendering a portal resource. This tag defines the closing HTML tag for a resource.
render:renderChild Used in the portal skeletons for rendering a portal resource. This tag is used to render portlet titlebars, titlebar buttons, menus (navigation such as page tabs), and table cells within a layout.
render:jspContentUrl lets you create URLs to windows and set content of those windows.
render:pageUrl Lets you create links to switch to a page or a book based on labels.
render:standalonePortletUrl Lets you create URLs to floatable portlets. Use this tag to create links to submit requests to portlets hosted by an external portal, such as floating portlets.
render:postbackUrl Lets you create URLs to submit GET/POST requests to the portal framework. This tag is necessary because all portlet requests first need to go through the portal, before being delegated to the caller.
render:resourceUrl Represents a URL to a resource. Resource URLs are typically used for static/dynamic resources such as files or images. Resource URLs cannot be used to submit requests to the portal framework.
render:windowUrl Lets you create links to windows based on labels and switch a window to a mode, state, or both.
render:toggleButtonUrl Used in the portal skeletons for rendering a portal resource. This tag lets you build URLs for the toggle buttons in portlet titlebars.
render:param This tag lets you append query parameters to the URL tags.
render:jspUri Retrieves the location of the JSP in which this tag is used.
render:getJspUri Retrieves the location of the JSP in which the tag is used. This helps create correct relative URLs to resources such as images within a JSP. The URL omits the JSP filename.
render:createUri Creates a URI based on the application's configured skin path.
render:writeUri Writes the URI based on the application's configured skin path.
render:getSkinPath Returns the path of an image used in the current skin. Every Look & Feel can have a different directory structure as well as different client classifications and localization; this tag resolves the location based on just the file name.
render:createId Creates an ID for a rendered component.
render:writeId Writes an ID for a rendered component.
render:writeAttribute Used in the portal skeletons for rendering a portal resource. This tag sets HTML attributes for a tag.
render:encodeName Lets you encode names such as HTML form names and JavaScript function names to make them unique such that the encoded names are unique within the context of the a portal page.

Portlet Preferences

The following JSP tags are contained in prefs_taglib.jar.

pref:getPreference Gets the default value of a portlet preference or sets a default value.
pref:getPreferences Gets all the values of a given portlet preference or supplies default value.
pref:forEachPreference Iterates over all the preferences available for a portlet and stores the results in a variable.
pref:ifModifiable Includes the body of the tag if the given portlet preference is modifiable.
pref:else Includes the body of the tag if the given portlet preference is not modifiable.


The following JSP tags are contained in client_taglib.jar.

cscm:default Renders its contents only if the client's classification has been mapped to "default" or if the client is not recognized.
cscm:not-default Renders its content only if the client classification has been mapped to anything other than "default."
cscm:recognized Renders its content if the client has been mapped to any classification, even "default."
cscm:not-recognized Renders its content if the client has not been mapped to any classification.
cscm:when Renders its content for any client classification listed in this tag's "client" attribute that matches the client classification name in the HTTP request.
cscm:when-not Renders its content for any client classification not listed in this tag's "client" attribute. The client name comes from the HTTP request.


The following JSP tags are contained in auth_taglib.jar.

auth:isAccessAllowed Provides fine-grained entitlement-setting on application resources for which entitlements are not available by default.


The following JSP tags are contained in cat_taglib.jar, productTracking_taglib.jar, and eb_taglib.jar.

cat:catalogQuery Retrieves a set of catalog items based on keywords or a query expression.
cat:catalogSelector Retrieves a personalized set of catalog items based on a predefined content selector rule.
cat:getProperty Retrieves a property for display from either a ProductItem or Category.
cat:iterateThroughView Iterates through a view of one Catalog item at a time until the end of the View is reached.
cat:iterateViewIterator Iterates through a collection of Categories or ProductItems.
productTracking:clickProductEvent Generates a behavior event when a user has clicked (through) a product impression.
productTracking:displayProductEvent Generates a behavior event when a user has received (viewed) a product impression, typically an image.
eb:smnav Scrollable model navigation. For use with legacy applications that implement Webflow and run in a compatibility domain. Creates "Previous | 10-19 | Next" style navigation for pages with multiple results.


The following JSP tags are contained in es_taglib.jar.

es:convertSpecialChars Lets you display special characters as literal strings for display in a browser.
es:counter Performs Java for loop logic.
es:date Gets a date- and time-formatted String based on the user's time zone preference.
es:forEachInArray Iterates over an array of returned objects.
es:isNull Checks if a value is null. For String values, checks to see if the value is empty (zero length).
es:notNull Checks if a value is not null. For String values, checks to see if the value is greater than zero length.
es:transposeArray Transposes a standard [row][column] array to a [column][row] array.
es:uriContent Pulls content from a specified URL.

Related Topics

Using Portal JSP Tags

Creating a JSP Portlet