<render:pageUrl> Tag

This tag lets you create links to switch to a page or a book based on labels. Such links could be placed anywhere, even on JSPs or HTML pages outside the portal.

You can use the <render:param> tag to append a query to the URL.

Note: If you use this tag in a JSP that is used in a struts or Java Page Flow application, in order for the URL to resolve correctly, Java Page Flow support must be enabled in the portal Web project's WEB-INF/netuix-config.xml file, as shown in the following example. Notice the <enable> element is set to true.

<!-- Enable or disable Pageflow support -->


<tagName attribute="value" />



Optional (String) - The variable that will contain the value of the URL.


Optional (String) - This attribute has three primary variations:

PAGE SCOPE - (This is the default) The named reference remains available in this PageContext until the return from the current Servlet.service() invocation.

REQUEST SCOPE - The named reference remains available from the ServletRequest associated with the Servlet that until the current request is completed.

SESSION SCOPE - (Valid only if this page participates in a session). The named reference remains available from the HttpSession (if any) associated with the Servlet until the HttpSession is invalidated.


Optional (String) - The protocol for the URL. Should be "http" or "https". If you do not use this attribute, the protocol used to make the current request is used.


Optional (String) - Sets the domain of the server to access, such as www.bea.com. If you do not use this attribute, the domain that was used to make the current request is used.


Optional (String) - Sets the server port to use for the domain. If you do not use this attribute, the port that was used to make the current request is used.


Optional (String) - Sets the prefix to the path.


Optional (boolean) - Enables URL rewriting for enconding a session ID in the URL. If the value is set to "false," the URL is not encoded with the session ID. If you do not use this attribute, the default value is "true."


Required (String) - Sets the page label to link to.


Use the template defined within url-template-config.xml when outputting the url for this tag.


This example creates a URL to a page, stores it as a variable, and uses the variable in the link.

<%@ page import="com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.page.PagePresentationContext,
<%@ taglib uri="render.tld" prefix="render" %>
<render:pageUrl var="pageUrl" pageLabel="home" />
<a href="<%=pageContext.getAttribute("pageUrl")%>">Home</a>      

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Creating URLs to Portal Resources

<render:windowUrl> Tag

<render:jspContentUrl> Tag

<render:toggleButtonUrl> Tag

<render:param> Tag