Getting Started with WebLogic Workshop

The quickest way to get started with WebLogic Workshop is to work through the tutorials and experiment with the samples. The following sections point you in the right direction.

IDE Quick Tour

For a quick tour of the WebLogic Workshop Integrated Development Environment (IDE), see IDE Quick Tour.

The Getting Started Tutorials

The Getting Started tutorials offer a basic step-by-step introduction to the core J2EE components and how you can develop these components with WebLogic Workshop. Each tutorial is self-contained, and can be run independently of any of the other tutorials. You can do any or all of these tutorials in any order you want.

Getting Started: Web Services

Getting Started: Web Applications

Getting Started: Java Controls

Getting Started: Enterprise JavaBeans

Getting Started: Portals


These tutorials are designed to help the new user get up and running quickly, but provide more depth than the Getting Started Tutorials. Each tutorial helps you to build a working application. Each tutorial step is self-contained, so that after completing a step you have a working application. At each step you can continue working through the tutorial to build a progressively more sophisticated application, or stop and adapt what you've learned to your own needs.

Get started with the following tutorials:


The samples are working applications that you can explore to learn more about building applications with WebLogic Workshop. They range from simple to complex, and are designed to demonstrate the features you'll want to know about while building your own applications.

The SamplesApp application contains sample Page Flows and Web Services. To view the SamplesApp project, start WebLogic Workshop. From the File menu, choose Open-->Application. Navigate to the BEA_HOME/bea/weblogic81/samples/workshop directory and select the file.

Learn more about the samples in the following topics: