WebLogic Workshop Security Overview

The following overview sets out the aims of security and the security technologies available in WebLogic Workshop.

Security Goals

All security technologies are designed to achieve three basic goals.

  1. Authentication of participants

    When a participant is authenticated it means that there is some assurance that the participant really is who they say they are. Different scenarios call for different levels of authentication. In some cases, only the web resource needs to be authenticated, while the client can remain anonymous. For example, if your web resource takes customer credit card numbers, you want your customers to have peace of mind that they are providing their card numbers to you, and not some malicious third party. But your customers may remain anonymous. In other cases, the web resource will want proof of identity from its clients. For example, if a bank provided online access to its customer's checking accounts, the bank should require some form of client authentication from those parties who want to access the online accounts.
  2. Confidential communication

    Data transmission is confidential when only the intended recipient can read the data.
  3. Integrity of transmitted data

    Data integrity means that the data has not been altered in the process of transmission. (When using transport security, there is generally no need to take special measures to ensure data integrity. This is because the encryption processes used by SSL ensures data integrity.)

The topics below provide detailed information to help you implement a security strategy for your WebLogic Workshop application.

WebLogic Workshop Security Technologies

WebLogic Workshop offers three main areas of security technology:

Transport security refers to the mechanisms used to enable the http protocol to operate over a secure transport connection. Transport security lets you secure your web resources through SSL, username/password authentication, and client digital certificates.

An advantage of transport security is that is well known and relatively easy to implement. A disadvantage is that data is secured only while it is in transport over the wire. The transport security mechanisms no longer apply once the data has reached the recipient, so if the data is logged on the recipient's machine, its confidentiality may be at risk. This is not the case with Web service security, where the security mechanisms are applied to the data itself.

For detailed information on implementing SSL and client certificates see Transport Security. For detailed information on implementing username/password authentication see Username/Password Authentication.

Web service security provides message-level security for web services through an implementation of the Oasis Web Service Security standard. Web service security, often referred to as "WS-Security" or simply "WSSE", lets you secure the SOAP messages that pass between web services with security tokens (username and password), digital signatures, and encryption.

An advantage of WS-Security is that the security mechanisms are applied to the SOAP messages that pass between web services. So WS-Security security mechanisms apply both while the SOAP message is in transit and once the message has arrived at the recipient's machine.
The disadvantages of WS-Security are that it is not a widely used form of security and it is relatively more difficult to implement than the analogous transport security technologies. For example, users must be familiar with some of the inner workings of the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) to effectively use WS-Security's encryption and digital signature technologies.

For detailed information on implementing see Web Service Security.

Role-based security lets you secure a web resource by restricting access to only those users who have been granted a particular security role. For detailed information on see Role-Based Security.

Topics Included in This Section


The following samples illustrate WebLogic Workshop's security technologies.

Transport Security Samples

BasicAuthentication.jws Sample

HelloWorldSecureClient.jws Sample

ClientCert Sample

Web Service Security Samples

WS-Security Callback Sample

WS-Security ReqResp Sample

WS-Security UserToken Sample

Role-Based Security Samples

VeriCheck.jws Sample

EJB Security Sample

Login Samples

Login Samples