@jws:location Annotation

Specifies the URL at which a web service accepts requests for each supported protocol.

Note: The @jc:location annotation appears in controls with the .jcx extension. Controls with the .ctrl extension, which were created in a previous version of WebLogic Workshop, use the @jws:location annotation. Controls with the .ctrl extension continue to be supported in WebLogic Workshop.

Note: The Web Service control uses the @jc:location annotation instead of the @jws:location annotation. The functionality is the same.







Optional on control files; prohibited on JWS files. The URL of the target service's HTTP end point. The value may be an empty string represented by "".


Optional on control files; prohibited on JWS files. The URL of the target service's JMS end point.


The following rules apply to this annotation's use:

When optionally applied to an interface in a control file:

Values for this annotation's attributes are typically computed automatically when the web service is compiled or deployed. The values are derived from the deployment environment of the web service.

You may wish to change the attribute values if a web service or Web Service control is moved to a different file system location or host.

Related Topics

@jws:protocol Annotation

Web Service Control