@jws:wsdl Annotation

Specifies a WSDL file that is implemented by a web service.

Note: The @jc:wsdl annotation appears in Web Service controls with the .jcx extension. Web Service controls with the .ctrl extension, which were created in a previous version of WebLogic Workshop, use the @jws:wsdl annotation. Controls with the .ctrl extension continue to be supported in WebLogic Workshop.

Note: The Web Service control uses the @jc:wsdl annotation instead of the @jws:wsdl annotation. The functionality is the same.






Required. Specifies the name of a WSDL file. fileName may begin with the # character, in which case the referenced WSDL file is expected to be found inline in the current file as the value of a @common:define annotation with name and value attributes. This arrangement is illustrated in the following example:

import com.bea.control.ServiceControl;
 * @jws:location http-url="creditreport/IRS.jws" jms-url="creditreport/IRS.jws"
 * @jws:wsdl file="#IRSWsdl"
public interface IRSControl extends ServiceControl
 @common:define name="IRSWsdl" value::
      <?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?>
      <definitions ...>
        ...remainder of WSDL here...


The following rules apply to this annotation's use:

Related Topics

Web Service Control

WSDL Files: Web Service Descriptions

@common:define Annotation