JSP Tags Reference

WebLogic Workshop provides JSP tags in the following tag libraries. These JSP tags are designed for use with page flow web projects.

<netui:...> Tags

<netui-data:...> Tags

<netui-template:...> Tags

<netui:...> Tags

Tag Rendered As Summary
<netui:anchor> <a> Generates a URL-encoded hyperlink to a specified URI.
<netui:attribute> An arbitrary attribute in an HTML tag. Adds an attribute and value to the parent tag.
<netui:base> <base/> Provides the base for every URL on this page.
<netui:bindingUpdateErrors> Outputs an error message. A development-time aide that displays messages for data binding update errors that occurred when a form was posted. The messages are displayed on the command window. By default, this tag is disabled when the server is running in Production mode.
<netui:button> <button> Create a button on your JSP page. Place this tag in a <netui:form> ... </netui:form> tag set.
<netui:checkBox> <input type="checkbox"> Generates a checkbox that binds to a form bean property or databound expression.
<netui:checkBoxGroup> A series of <input type="checkbox"> tags. Groups a collection of CheckBoxOptions, and handles data binding of their values.
<netui:checkBoxOption> A single <input type="checkbox"> tags within a series. A checkbox whose state is determined by its enclosing CheckBoxGroup.
<netui:content> Outputs unescaped text . Used to display text or the result of an expression to the page.
<netui:error> Outputs an error message. Renders an error message with a given error key value.
<netui:errors> Outputs a group of error messages. Used to report multiple validation errors.
<netui:exceptions> Outputs exception messages. Displays formatted exception messages.
<netui:fileUpload> <input type="file" /> Uploads a file from the client to the server.
<netui:form> <form> Represents an input form, associated with a bean whose properties correspond to the various fields of the form.
<netui:formatDate> Outputs formatted java.util.Date type. A formatter used to format dates.
<netui:formatNumber> Outputs formatted number data. A formatter used to format numbers.
<netui:formatString> Outputs formatted String data. A formatter used to format strings.
<netui:getNetuiTagName> Renders the value of tadId attribute for a given tag. Returns the value of a specified tagId attribute.
<netui:hidden> <hidden> Generates a hidden tag with a given value.
<netui:html> <html> Generates the html element and performs error handling within its body.
<netui:image> <img> Places an image file type on your page.


Combines the functionality of the netui:image and netui:anchor tags.
<netui:imageButton> <input type="image"/> Combines the functionality of the netui:image and netui:button tags.
<netui:label> Outputs escaped text. Places formatted or dynamically generated text on the page.
<netui:node> Renders a clickable image and clickable text. Instantiates a TreeNode object that will get added to the parent tag (either a Tree or another Node).
<netui:parameter>   Writes a URL parameter to a URL on its parent tag.
<netui:parameterMap>   Provides a read-only data binding expression that points to a map of parameters. Each entry in the map provides a URL parameter that will be added to the parent tag's URL.
<netui:radioButtonGroup>   Defines a group of netui:radioButtonOption elements.
<netui:radioButtonOption>   A radio button whose state is determined by its enclosing netui:RadioButtonGroup.
<netui:rewriteName>   Allows the URL Rewriter to rewrite the name attribute before it is output into the HTML stream
<netui:rewriteURL>   Allows the URL Rewriter to rewrite the url attribute before it is output into the HTML stream
<netui:scriptContainer>   Each scriptContainer will collect all the JavaScript defined for other tags that are embedded with the <netui:scriptContainer> ... </netui:scriptContainer> tag set, and output all the JavaScript in a single <script>. Also each scriptContainer provides optional scoping of its tagID, which allows you to set the scope of the JavaScript's methods.
<netui:select>   Defines a multiple-choice menu or drop-down list within a netui:form element.
<netui:selectOption>   An option whose state is determined by its enclosing netui:selectOption.
<netui:textArea>   Renders a databound TextArea with the given attributes.
<netui:textBox>   Renders a databound TextBox with the given attributes.
<netui:tree>   Renders a tree control represented by a set of TreeNode objects.

<netui-data:...> Tags

Tag Summary
<netui-data:anchorColumn> Renders an HTML anchor into each data cell in the column.
<netui-data:basicColumn> Renders data from the data set into the page.
<netui-data:callControl> Used to call a method on a control.
<netui-data:callMethod> Used to call a method on an object.
<netui-data:callPageFlow> Used to call a method on the current page flow controller.
<netui-data:cellRepeater> A repeating, databound tag that renders its body into each cell of a table of the specified dimensions.
<netui-data:choice> When nested in a netui-data:repeaterItem tag, allows its body to be rendered conditionally.
<netui-data:choiceMethod> Used to choose a particular netui-data:choice tag whose body should be rendered for the current data item in the Repeater.
<netui-data:columns> Provides a container for the columns that will render the header, data, and footer for each column in a netui-data:grid.
<netui-data:declareBundle> Declare a resource bundle that is available in the bundle data binding context.
<netui-data:declareControl> Declare a control that is stored in the pageContext attribute map.
<netui-data:declarePageInput> Lets you specify what data this JSP page expects an action to forward. In the JSP Designer, you can later drag elements of the specified data onto the page's canvas for display.
<netui-data:expressionColumn> A column that can use data binding expressions in addition to formatters to format the value of a data cell.
<netui-data:getData> Evaluates an expression and places the result in the JSP's Page Context. Can be used to evaluate objects from forms, page flows, and other objects that can be databound. You can then write a scriplet to access the data by using the getAttribute method of javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext.
<netui-data:grid> The containing tag of a tag set that renders regular data with the ability to page, sort, and filter the data set.
<netui-data:gridStyle> Allows parameterization of the style components of the HTML table that a Grid renders.
<netui-data:imageColumn> In a grid, renders an image into a column.
<netui-data:message> Allows you to format messages according to any sequence you want, using one or more values from arguments defined in <netui-data:messageArg> tag(s). The results are available to the page context.
<netui-data:messageArg> Allows you to set values that are used as arguments to the <netui-data:message> tag. The formatted message results are available to the page context.
<netui-data:methodParameter> Used to add an argument to a method that will be called on some object.
<netui-data:pad> Affects the number of items that are rendered in a Repeater.
<netui-data:pager> Allows the grid to render a subset of data on each page and renders the navigation links for moving between grid pages.
<netui-data:repeater> A markup-generic tag that repeats over a data set, and renders the data onto the page.
<netui-data:repeaterFooter> Used to render the footer of a Repeater.
<netui-data:repeaterHeader> Used to render the header of a Repeater.
<netui-data:repeaterItem> Used to render each item in the data set.

<netui-template:...> Tags

Tag Summary
<netui-template:attribute> Use the netui-template:attribute element by (1) placing it in a tempate file and (2) setting its value with the netui-template:setAttribute tag. (The netui-template:setAttribute tag is placed on the page that invokes the template file.
<netui-template:includeSection> Include a netui-template:includeSection element in a template file to mark out content to be used in another JSP page.
<netui-template:section> Used to mark out content to replace a netui-template:includeSection within a template file.
<netui-template:setAttribute> Used to set the value of an netui-template:attribute element in a template file.
<netui-template:template> Used to associate a JSP page with a particular template file.
<netui-template:visible> Used to turns on or off display of the body content based upon the visible state of the tag.

Related Topics

Guide to Building Page Flows

Using Data Binding in Page Flows

Presenting Complex Data Sets in JSPs