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Advanced Web Services Tutorial: Step 1: Import the Tutorial Workspace

In this step, you will import an existing set of projects that contains the initial components of your application.

The tasks in this step are:

To Start Workshop and Create the Tutorial Workspace

If you haven't started Workshop for WebLogic yet, use these steps to do so

... on Microsoft Windows

If you are using a Windows operating system, follow these instructions.

...on Linux

If you are using a Linux operating system, follow these instructions.


To Import the Tutorial Projects into Your Workspace

Workshop for WebLogic keeps track internally of the project structure within a workspace. Simply copying folders into the workspace directory does not cause them to appear as projects inside Workshop for WebLogic. The tutorial projects are stored in a .ZIP archive file. There is no need to unzip the files, Workshop for WebLogic will import the .ZIP file directly.

To import these projects and their files:

Click File > Import

Choose Existing Projects into Workspace from the dialog. Click Next.

Click the radio button for Select archive file.

Click Browse.

Navigate to the location of the tutorial sample files, packaged as a ZIP file. This should be


Click Open.

Click Finish to continue. The import process will take few moments, because several projects and their contents must be imported.


To Review the Contents of Your Workspace

The import process brought two applications into your workspace:

The LoanApprovalEAR application contains the project LoanApp which contains controls to provide loan approvals. Inside of the LoanApp project, there are two controls (inside LoanApp/src/controls/):

The CreditScoreEAR application contains the single project CreditScoreWS. Open the web service at CreditScoreWS/src/services/ by double-clicking on the Java file.

When you open a web service in Workshop for WebLogic, it is displayed in Design View by default. Design View gives a graphical view of a web service. The Design View for the web service shows that it has a single method called getCreditScore.

Click the link text Source View at the bottom of Design View to view the source code for the web service.

The getCreditScore method checks credit ratings for the individual, based on their Social Security Number (SSN), the most common identification number used in the United States. The SSN is a 9-digit number. The credit scoring system used in this example assigns a 3-digit valuation to individuals where higher values are better (e.g., 700 is a good credit rating and 500 is not as good).

Test the Web Service

  1. Note if this is you second time through the tutorial, you should remove previous versions of the CreditScoreEAR and LoanApprovalEAR projects from the server before deploying the current versions. For instructions on removing previous deployed projects see Adding and Removing Projects from the Server.

  2. Test the web service by right clicking on the file name in the Package Explorer view and clicking Run As > Run on Server.

  3. Click Next to proceed. From the next screen, use the pulldown to choose the default samples domain (BEA_HOME/weblogic92/samples/domains/workshop). Click Finish.

    Wait for the server to start and the application to deploy.

    A window will open displaying the Test Client, a special application that allows you to interact with your web service.

  4. You can enter values into the ssn parameter field and click on the getCreditScore button to send a value to the web service and get a response. For example, entering the value 123456789 returns a credit score of 500 as shown below.

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