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Oracle® Beehive Concepts
Release 1 (1.4)

Part Number E13794-02
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9 Oracle Beehive Platform Development Concepts

Oracle Beehive enables developers to build and integrate applications with the platform through its Web services interface, Oracle Beehive Web Services. This module provides high-level details on Oracle Beehive Web Services, and includes the following topics:

Overview of Oracle Beehive Web Services

Oracle Beehive Web Services provides an abstract representation of Oracle Beehive data and metadata. It provides Web Services Description Language (WSDL) files, enabling developers to invoke its services from custom applications through open standards such as Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.2 and Web Services Security (WS-Security), which is based on SOAP and includes Security Assertions Markup Language (SAML).

With Oracle Beehive Web Services, developers can build and integrate Web applications with Oracle Beehive in any environment that can generate a proxy implementation from WSDLs, including non-OC4J environments such as Microsoft .NET. To build such applications, developers can user whatever development tools that suit their needs, such as Oracle JDeveloper, Eclipse IDE, and Microsoft Visual Studio.

Benefits of Oracle Beehive Web Services

Oracle Beehive Web Services provides the following benefits:

Building Custom Solutions with Oracle Beehive Web Services

With Oracle Beehive Web Services, developers can build a variety of custom solutions on the Oracle Beehive platform. These solutions can leverage the full range of the platform's collaborative offerings including its entities (users, groups, artifacts, workspaces, and so forth) and functionality (time management, e-mail, content management, instant messaging, notification, presence, and so forth).

Examples of custom solutions that can be implemented with Oracle Beehive Web Services include: