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Oracle® Beehive Administrator's Guide
Release 1 (1.4)

Part Number E13797-02
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7 Managing Oracle Beehive Mobility Services

This module describes how to perform administration tasks relating to Oracle Beehive Mobility Services. The module contains the following topics:

Administrative tasks described in this module involve using the beectl command-line tool. The instructions assume that the beectl shell is being used.

See Also:

For more information using the beectl shell, see "Oracle Beehive Command-Line Utility" in Module 2 of the Oracle Beehive Administrator's Reference Guide.


Oracle Beehive Mobility Services are available for use by end-users immediately following Oracle Beehive installation. Although additional configuration is not required for users to retrieve their e-mail, and synchronize their calendar data, Oracle Beehive administrators may want to control certain actions, impose restrictions, or update applications.

This module explains how to perform administrative tasks for Oracle Beehive Mobility Services. Topics are organized by service, and then further detailed by task.

Before performing the administrative tasks described in this module, Oracle recommends the following reading:

Managing the Device Management Service

Oracle Beehive allows you to create new mobile device profiles, configure certain Device Management Service properties, and manage available applications. This section explains how to manage the Device Management Service using beectl commands, and contains the following topics:

Uploading a Device Profile File

Occasionally, you may need to upload a new device profile file to accommodate new device types that are available in the mobile market, or apply changes after updating an existing device profile file. Device profile files contain device identification information, and various configuration parameters specific to a device or device family.

To upload a device profile file to the Device Management Service:

  1. Save the device profile XML file in a directory accessible by the Oracle user.

  2. Execute the following command to upload the new device profile:

    beectl> upload_device_profiles --file <file>

    Where <file> represents the full path and file name of the device profile file saved in Step 1.


New Oracle Beehive device profiles will be made available periodically by Oracle in subsequent patches.

Customizing Device Profile Defaults

Device profile files are located in the $ORACLE_HOME/beehive/seed/oma directory of your Oracle Beehive deployment. Oracle Beehive administrators can customize the default values in these files to accommodate the needs of the users.

To customize the device profile defaults:

  1. Open the $ORACLE_HOME/beehive/seed/oma/<deviceprofile>.xml file with a text editor.

    Where <deviceprofile> represents the name of the device profile file that you want to configure.

  2. Locate the <Configuration> section of the file. Within this section various <PreferenceSet> sections exist. Each configurable attribute is defined in an <AttributeDefinitionName> XML tag.

    See Also:

    For a list of configurable attributes in the <Configuration> section of the device profile file, refer to Table 7-1, "<Configuration> Attributes in a Device Profile File".
  3. To change the value of an attribute, modify the value surrounded by the <DefaultValue> XML tag within the appropriate <AttributeDefinitionName> section.

  4. Repeat Step 3 for any configurable attribute that you want to customize.

  5. Save and exit the device profile file.

Table 7-1 <Configuration> Attributes in a Device Profile File

Preference Set Attribute Description Accepted Values



Maximum object size allowed in bytes.

Positive integer



Maximum message size allowed in bytes.

Positive integer



Specify number of days in the past that should be synchronized.

See Also: sync_range_forward, del_out_of_range.

Positive integer



Specify number of days in the future that should be synchronized.

See Also: sync_range_back, del_out_of_range.

Positive integer



Delete events on the mobile device that appear outside of the boundaries of the sync_range_back and sync_range_forward attributes.

See Also: sync_range_back, sync_range_forward.

true, false



Allow refused events to be synchronized with your mobile device.

true, false



Assign the default alarm to events.

See Also: default_alarm.

true, false



The time before an event begins, in minutes, when an alarm should be triggered.

See Also: want_default_alarms.

Positive integer



Specify the what entry should take precedence if two entries have been modified between a synchronization.

When set to SERVER, the entry on Oracle Beehive will take precedence over the entry on the device.




Specify number of days in the past that should be synchronized.

See Also: sync_range_forward, del_out_of_range.

Positive integer



Specify number of days in the future that should be synchronized.

See Also: sync_range_back, del_out_of_range.

Positive integer



Delete tasks on the mobile device that appear outside of the boundaries of the sync_range_back and sync_range_forward attributes.

See Also: sync_range_back, sync_range_forward.

true, false



Allow refused tasks to be synchronized with your mobile device.

true, false



Assign the default alarm to tasks.

See Also: default_alarm.

Positive integer



The time before a task is due, in minutes, when an alarm should be triggered.

See Also: want_default_alarms.

Positive integer



Specify what entry should take precedence if two entries have been modified between a synchronization.

When set to SERVER, the task on Oracle Beehive will take precedence over the task on the device.




Specify number of days in the past that should be synchronized.

Positive integer



The limit, in bytes, of e-mail that can be synchronized.

Positive integer



Allow synchronization of attachments.

true, false



Specify the contact categories that should be synchronized.

When a asterisk (*) is specified, all categories are synchronized.

To specify a single category or multiple categories, the values must be surrounded by quotes, and separated by commas. For example, if only the business and corporate type categories should be synchronized the argument for this attribute should be "business, corporate".

*, Category names separated by commas (,) surrounded by quotes ("")



Specify what entry should take precedence if two entries have been modified between a synchronization.

When set to SERVER, the contact on Oracle Beehive will take precedence over the contact on the device.


Adding a New Device Type to a Profile

A device type is a specific model in a family of devices, and is defined in a device profile file. For example, a new model of a mobile phone that a particular vendor has recently released.

By default, Oracle Beehive does not allow uncertified devices to access the Mobility Services; however, it is possible to add a new device to a device profile file.


As an alternative to manually adding new device types to a profile, Oracle recommends uploading new device profiles made available through certified Oracle Beehive patches. For more information about uploading new device profiles see the section -"Uploading a Device Profile File".

To add a new device to a device profile file:

  1. Temporarily allow uncertified devices to access Oracle Beehive Mobility Services by executing the following command:

    beectl> modify_property --component _DeviceManagementService --name UncertifiedDeviceAllowed --value true
  2. Temporarily enable SyncML logging to discover the device information by executing the following command:

    beectl> modify_property --component _OmaService --name SyncmlLogRequired --value true
  3. Run the following command to activate the configuration changes applied in Steps 1 and 2:

    beectl> activate_configuration


    Oracle recommends waiting a few minutes before proceeding to the following step to ensure that the changes have been applied.
  4. Synchronize the new device with Oracle Beehive. To ease the retrieval of device information in Step 7, take note of the time the synchronization was initiated.

  5. Retrieve recent the SyncML log messages using the following command:

    beectl> download_syncml_messages --directory <path> --date <YYYY-MM-DD>

    Where <path> represents the path to the directory where the SyncML messages will be stored, and <YYYY-MM-DD> represents the current date.

  6. Open the SyncML messages file downloaded in Step 5. The file will be located in the --directory <path> argument specified in Step 5

  7. Locate the device SyncML message in the file by looking for the time at which the synchronization attempt was initiated. The device information will be presented in a way similar to the following example:

              <![CDATA[<DevInf><VerDTD>1.2</VerDTD><Man>MySync Client</Man><Mod>MySync Client 123</Mod><OEM>Synthesis AG</OEM><FwV>5.1.195</FwV><SwV></SwV>.....</DevInf>]]>
  8. Take note of the values associated with the following XML tags: <VerDTD>, <Man> <Mod>, and <SwV>.

  9. Exit the SyncML message file.

  10. Open the $ORACLE_HOME/beehive/seed/oma/<deviceprofile>.xml file with a text editor.

    Where <deviceprofile> represents the name of the device profile file of the family of the device that you are adding.

  11. Within the <DeviceTypes> section of the file, add a new <DeviceType> section, including the information noted in Step 7.

    For example, using the information gathered in Step 7, the following entry could be added to the <DeviceTypes> section:

                            <Name>MySync Client</Name>
                            <Model>MySync Client 123</Model>
                            <Manufacturer>MySync Client<</Manufacturer>
  12. Save and exit the device profile file.

  13. Disallow uncertified devices from access Oracle Beehive Mobility Services by executing the following command:

    beectl> modify_property --component _DeviceManagementService --name UncertifiedDeviceAllowed --value false
  14. Disable SyncML logging by executing the following command:

    beectl> modify_property --component _OmaService --name SyncmlLogRequired --value false
  15. Run the following command to activate the configuration changes applied in Steps 13 and 14:

    beectl> activate_configuration
  16. Upload the device profile file saved in Step 12. For more information about uploading a device profile file, refer to the instructions in "Uploading a Device Profile File".

Uploading and Provisioning a New Application

Occasionally, Oracle Beehive administrators may want to upload and provision new applications to allow users access to more recent versions. New mobile software, for example, is periodically made available by third-party vendors and can be uploaded to Oracle Beehive to allow users to retrieve the software.

To upload new applications to Oracle Beehive:

  1. Create a new application zip archive in an Oracle Beehive directory accessible by the Oracle user.

    The application zip file must contain the following items:

    • The application

    • A metadata.xml file describing the application


    For a sample xml file, view the metadata.xml file supplied within an existing zip file in the $ORACLE_HOME/beehive/seed/dm directory. The file should only be used as a guideline. The values within the xml file should be replaced with appropriate values pertaining the application that you want to upload.
  2. Execute the following command to upload the new application software:

    beectl> upload_client_application --file <file>

    Where <file> represents the full path and file name of the new application software saved in Step 1.

  3. Using the list_enterprises beectl command, determine the identifier of the Oracle Beehive enterprise:

    beectl> list_enterprises
  4. Take note of the identifier of the enterprise to which the application will be provisioned.

  5. Using the add_client_application_provisioning beectl command, provision the application to the enterprise:

    beectl> add_client_application_provisioning --community <id> --all

    Where <id> represents the enterprise identifier noted in Step 4.

After completing the steps above, the application will be available to all users on the enterprise.

Managing the Mobile Data Sync Service

Oracle Beehive allows you to configure certain Mobile Data Sync Service properties. This section explains how to modify Data Sync properties using beectl commands, and contains the following topics:

Listing Mobile Data Sync Service Configurable Properties

To list the Mobile Data Sync Service configurable properties, the component identifier is required. To obtain the component identifier, use the list_components command with the --type option. The component type for the Mobile Data Sync Service is OmaService.

To list the Mobile Data Sync Service configurable properties:

  1. Determine the component identifier by running the following command:

    beectl> list_components --type OmaService
    | Component Type       | Component Identifier |
    | OmaService           | _OmaService          |
  2. Using the component identifier determined in Step 1, list the configurable properties for the Mobile Data Sync Service by running the following command:

    beectl> list_properties --component _OmaService

    The command will return a list of properties in a tabular format, similar to the following:

    beectl> list_properties --component _OmaService
    Property name         | Property value                                       
    Alias                 | _OmaService                                          
    CalendarSyncEnabled   | true                                                 
    ContactsSyncEnabled   | true                                                 
    DbLogKeepDays         | 7                                                    
    EmailNumberLimit      | 1000                                                 
    EmailSyncEnabled      | true                                                 
    LogSyncmlForUsers     |                                                      
    MaxConcurrentRequests | 100                                                  
    MaxMessageSize        | 60000                                                
    MaxObjectSize         | 5000000                                              
    MaxSyncRangeBack      | 365                                                  
    Md5Required           | false                                                
    Md5Supported          | false                                                
    NotesSyncEnabled      | true                                                 
    OmaDsEnabled          | true                                                 
    ResumeEnabled         | true                                                 
    ServiceApplication    | svcapp_oma-service                                   
    ServiceInstances      |    
    SessionLogRequired    | true                                                 
    SessionTimeOut        | 600                                                  
    Site                  | _CURRENT_SITE                                        
    Status                | ENABLED                                              
    SyncmlLogRequired     | true                                                 

Controlling Sychronized Data Types

Oracle Beehive administrators can control the type of data that users are allowed to synchronize. By default users are allowed to synchronize e-mail, calendar (including events and tasks), and contacts.

The items listed in Table 7-2 represent data type properties that can be modified using the modify_property command with the --component, --name, and --value options.

Table 7-2 Data Type Properties

Data Type Properties Accepted Values



Enables event and task synchronization.


Disables event and task synchronization.



Enables contact synchronization.


Disables contact synchronization.



Enables e-mail synchronization.


Disables e-mail synchronization.

To enable or disable synchronization of data types:

  1. Enable or disable the synchronization of data types using the following command:

    beectl> modify_property --component _OmaService --name <DataTypeProperty> --value <value>

    Where <DataTypeProperty> represents a data type property listed in Table 7-2, and <value> represents either true (to enable) or false (to disable).

  2. Activate the proposed property changes by executing the following command:

    beectl> activate_configuration

Example 7-1 displays how to disable the contacts synchronization data type property. The resulting output of the command is also displayed.

Example 7-1 Disabling the Contacts Synchronization Data Type

beectl> modify_property --component _OmaService --name ContactsSyncEnabled --value false
Changes to configuration repository are not activated.
Successfully stored the property for component id 1e54ba56-7448-4849-b987-8dda59d26f4d.


The activate_configuration command must be executed after modifying a property.

Controlling MD5 Authentication

The Mobile Data Sync service supports MD5 and basic authentication. Basic authentication is clear text-based authentication whereas MD5 authentication is more secure. By default, basic authentication is used with Mobile Data Sync.

Many devices support MD5 authentication; however, by default, the Mobile Data Sync service does not allow MD5 authentication. The Mobile Data Sync service can be configured, globally or per device profile, to accept MD5 authentication requests.

This section contains the following topics:


The Oracle Beehive Authentication service may not be able to support MD5 when configured with certain third-party LDAP servers.

If it is not supported the Mobile Data Sync service Md5Supported property should be set to false.

Controlling MD5 Authentication for all Devices

There are two service properties that control authentication requirements at the Mobile Data Sync service-level: Md5Supported and Md5Required.

See Also:

For a complete list of properties specific to the Mobile Data Sync service, see "Listing Mobile DataSync Service Configurable Properties".

The Md5Supported property controls whether MD5 authentication is allowed. The Md5Required property, when set to true, enforces MD5 authentication for all devices.

To enforce MD5 Authentication for all devices using the Mobile Data Sync service:

  1. Allow MD5 authentication using following command:

    beectl> modify_property --component _OmaService --name Md5Supported --value true
  2. Force all devices to use MD5 authentication using following command:

    beectl> modify_property --component _OmaService --name Md5Required --value true
  3. Activate he proposed property changes by executing the following command:

    beectl> activate_configuration


When using the above settings, if a device does not support MD5, it will not be able to authenticate with the Oracle Beehive Mobile Data Sync service.

To allow MD5 and basic authentication, omit Step 2.

Controlling MD5 Authentication for a Specific Device Profile

To control MD5 authentication requests at the device profile level:

  1. Open a device profile file with a text editor. Device profile files are located in the $ORACLE_HOME/beehive/seed/oma directory.

  2. Locate the section of the file with the following text:

  3. Modify the argument of the <Value> XML tag located in Step 2 to true or false, depending on the desired outcome.


    When this tag is set to true, devices are forced to use MD5 authentication. They will only be forced to use MD5 authentication if the Mobile Data Sync service Md5Supported property is set to true.
  4. Save and exit the device profile file.

  5. Upload the device profile file to Oracle Beehive. For information about uploading the device profile, see Uploading a Device Profile File.

Controlling Synchronization Ranges

Oracle Beehive administrators can control the maximum number of days, in the past or the future, that users are allowed to synchronize. By default the synchronization range depends on the type of device a user is using. Each device profile contains a default range appropriately adjusted to the capabilities of the device. Administrators can change the default range for a particular device type by editing the range within the profile. Users can request a larger range by specifying a range within the Mobile Data Sync URI. By default the maximum range allowed is 365 days in the past, and 365 days in the future.


The synchronization range discussed in this section controls the range limits, and do not affect default values.

To modify the maximum date range allowed for data synchronization:

  1. Modify the synchronization range using the following command:

    beectl> modify_property --component _OmaService --name <PropertyName> --value <value>

    Where <PropertyName> represents a MaxSyncRangeBack (for the maximum number of days in the past) or MaxSyncRangeForward (for the maximum number of days in the future), and <value> represents a positive integer indicating the number of days.

  2. Activate the proposed property changes by executing the following command:

    beectl> activate_configuration

Example 7-2 displays how to enforce a data synchronization limit of four weeks in the past. The resulting output of the command is also displayed.

Example 7-2 Enforcing a Four Week Data Synchronization Limit

beectl> modify_property --component _OmaService --name MaxSyncRangeBack --value 28
Changes to configuration repository are not activated.
Successfully stored the property for component id 1e54ba56-7448-4849-b987-8dda59d26f4d.


The activate_configuration command must be executed after modifying a property.

Managing the Mobile Mail Service

Oracle Beehive allows you to configure certain Mobile Mail Service properties.


When changing Mobile Mail service properties, you will be modifying the absolute maximum values. Users will still have the option to change these values on their mobile devices, but will be limited by the Mobile Mail service absolute maximum.

This section explains how to modify Mobile Mail Service properties using beectl commands, and contains the following topics:

Listing Mobile Mail Service Configurable Properties

To list the Mobile Mail Service configurable properties, the component identifier is required. To obtain the component identifier, use the list_components command with the --type option. The component type for the Mobile Mail Service is PushMailService.

To list the Mobile Mail Service configurable properties:

  1. Determine the component identifier by running the following command:

    beectl> list_components --type PushMailService
    | Component Type       | Component Identifier |
    | PushMailService      | _PushMailService     |
  2. Using the component identifier determined in Step 1, list the configurable properties for the Mobile Mail Service by running the following command:

    beectl> list_properties --component _PushMailService 

    The command will return a list of properties in a tabular format, similar to the following:

    beectl> list_properties --component _PushMailService
    Property name      | Property value                                          
    Alias              | _PushMailService                                        
    HeartbeatInterval  | 300                                                     
    IMAPConnLiveTime   | 720                                                     
    MaxConcurrentUsers | 2000                                                    
    MaxInboxMessages   | 200                                                     
    MaxMessageSize     | 50                                                      
    NumberDaysPast     | 7                                                       
    ServiceApplication | svcapp_pushmail-service                                 
    ServiceInstances   |  
    Site               | _CURRENT_SITE                                           
    Status             | ENABLED                                                 

Controlling Maximum Number of E-mails Pushed to a Device

Oracle Beehive administrators can control the maximum number of e-mails that can be pushed to a device at one time. By default 200 e-mail messages can be pushed.

To modify number of e-mails that can be pushed to a device:

  1. Modify the number of e-mails that can be pushed to a device using the following command:

    beectl> modify_property --component _PushMailService --name MaxInboxMessages  --value <value>

    Where <value> represents an integer that is greater than 200.

  2. Activate the proposed property changes by executing the following command:

    beectl> activate_configuration

Example 7-3 displays how to change the maximum number of e-mails that can be pushed to a device to 500. The resulting output of the command is also displayed.

Example 7-3 Enforce a Maximum Number of E-Mails to Push to a Device

beectl> modify_property --component _PushMailService --name MaxInboxMessages  --value 500
Changes to configuration repository are not activated.
Successfully stored the property for component id ae373546-48e3-442d-8177-ae7e8f02e31e.


The activate_configuration command must be executed after modifying a property.

Controlling the Maximum Message Size

Oracle Beehive administrators can restrict e-mail messages of a certain size from being pushed to a device at one time. By default the maximum e-mail message size that can be pushed to a device is 50 KB.

To the modify maximum e-mail message size that can be pushed to a device:

  1. Modify the maximum e-mail message size using the following command:

    beectl> modify_property --component _PushMailService --name MaxMessageSize  --value <value>

    Where <value> represents a positive integer.

  2. Activate the proposed property changes by executing the following command:

    beectl> activate_configuration

Example 7-4 displays how to modify the maximum e-mail message size to 100. The resulting output of the command is also displayed.

Example 7-4 Modify the Maximum Message Size

beectl> modify_property --component _PushMailService --name MaxMessageSize  --value 100
Changes to configuration repository are not activated.
Successfully stored the property for component id ae373546-48e3-442d-8177-ae7e8f02e31e.


The activate_configuration command must be executed after modifying a property.

Controlling Past E-mail Push

Oracle Beehive administrators can control the maximum number of days in the past of e-mail to push to a device at one time. By default the maximum number of days in the past is seven.

To modify the maximum number of days in the past of e-mail that can be pushed to a device:

  1. Modify the maximum number of days in the past using the following command:

    beectl> modify_property --component _PushMailService --name NumberDaysPast  --value <value>

    Where <value> represents a positive integer, greater than 7.

  2. Activate the proposed property changes by executing the following command:

    beectl> activate_configuration

Example 7-5 displays how to modify the maximum number of days in the past of e-mail that can be pushed to a device to 14. The resulting output of the command is also displayed.

Example 7-5 Modify Past E-mail Push

beectl> modify_property --component _PushMailService --name NumberDaysPast --value 14
Changes to configuration repository are not activated.
Successfully stored the property for component id ae373546-48e3-442d-8177-ae7e8f02e31e.


The activate_configuration command must be executed after modifying a property.