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Oracle® Real-Time Decisions Installation and Administration Guide

Part Number E13856-02
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2 Installing the Real-Time Decision Server

The Real-Time Decision Server must be installed on the computer where your chosen application server is resident.This chapter contains the following topics:

2.1 Installing Oracle Real-Time Decisions Files

Real-Time Decision Server can run on either Windows or UNIX. The Oracle RTD client tools, such as Decision Studio, Load Generator, and SDDBTool, can only run on Windows.

This section contains the following topics:

2.1.1 Installing Oracle RTD on a Single Windows Computer

To install all Oracle RTD components on a single Windows computer, follow these steps:

  1. Unzip the appropriate Oracle RTD archive file into the directory where you want to install the Oracle RTD files. Be sure to choose the correct archive file for your operating system and application server type.

    On the Oracle RTD installation DVD, the Oracle RTD archive files have different names, depending on operating system platform and application server type. For example, the Oracle RTD archive file for WebLogic on Windows is named

    After you extract the files, a directory called OracleBI\RTD is created that contains all the Oracle RTD files. This directory is your RTD_HOME.

  2. If you are using WebLogic, the .ear file for the Oracle RTD application must be expanded before it can be deployed on the WebLogic application server. To do this, follow these steps:

    1. Go to RTD_HOME\package and create a directory called expanded to hold the contents of the RTD.ear file.

    2. Use WinZip to extract the RTD_HOME\package\RTD.ear file into the RTD_HOME\package\expanded directory.

2.1.2 Installing Real-Time Decision Server on UNIX

To install Real-Time Decision Server on a UNIX computer, and install the Oracle RTD client tools on a Windows computer, follow these steps:

  1. To install Real-Time Decision Server on UNIX, use cpio to extract the appropriate archive file into the directory on the UNIX computer where you want to install the Real-Time Decision Server files. Be sure to choose the correct archive file for your operating system and application server type.

    On the Oracle RTD installation DVD, the Oracle RTD archive files have different names, depending on operating system platform and application server type. For example, the Oracle RTD archive file for WebSphere on UNIX is named rtd_3.0.0_WAS_unix.cpio.

    After you extract the files, a directory called OracleBI/RTD is created that contains all the Real-Time Decision Server files. This directory is your RTD_HOME on the UNIX computer.

  2. If you are using WebLogic, the .ear file for the Oracle RTD application must be expanded before it can be deployed on the WebLogic application server. To do this, follow these steps:

    1. Go to RTD_HOME/package and create a directory called expanded to hold the contents of the RTD.ear file.

    2. Use the jar utility to extract the RTD_HOME/package/RTD.ear file into the RTD_HOME/package/expanded directory.

  3. To install the Oracle RTD client tools on Windows, unzip the appropriate Oracle RTD archive file into the directory where you want to install the Oracle RTD client tools. Be sure to choose the correct archive file for your operating system and application server type.

    On the Oracle RTD installation DVD, the Oracle RTD archive files have different names, depending on operating system platform and application server type. For example, the Oracle RTD archive file for OC4J (and Oracle Application Server) on Windows is named

    After you extract the files, a directory called OracleBI\RTD is created that contains all the Oracle RTD files. This directory is your RTD_HOME on the Windows computer.

2.1.3 About the Oracle RTD Run-Time Environment

In this document, RTD_HOME refers to the directory where the Oracle RTD files were installed. Because a directory structure is created when you extract the Oracle RTD files, the last part of the path will always be OracleBI/RTD. For example, if you extracted the Oracle RTD files to C:\ on Windows, the RTD_HOME is C:\OracleBI\RTD.

Some Oracle RTD management tasks, such as viewing Oracle RTD logs, require you to locate the RTD_RUNTIME_HOME. The location of RTD_RUNTIME_HOME depends on the application server you are using:

  • If you are using standalone OC4J, RTD_RUNTIME_HOME is OC4J_HOME/j2ee/home/applications/OracleRTD.

  • If you are using Oracle Application Server, RTD_RUNTIME_HOME is ORACLE_AS_HOME/j2ee/oc4j_instance/applications/OracleRTD.


    The value oc4j_instance refers to the particular instance of OC4J where Oracle RTD has been deployed. For example, if Oracle RTD was deployed to the default OC4J instance, the path is: ORACLE_AS_HOME/j2ee/home/applications/OracleRTD.
  • If you are using WebSphere, RTD_RUNTIME_HOME is WEBSPHERE_HOME/AppServer/profiles/profile_name/installedApps/cell_name/OracleRTD.ear.

  • If you are using WebLogic, RTD_RUNTIME_HOME is the directory where the expanded RTD.ear folder is deployed. For example, MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/domain_name/servers/server_name/stage/OracleRTD/.

  • If you are using JBoss, RTD_RUNTIME_HOME is JBOSS_HOME/jboss-as/server/default/tmp/deploy/tmp<...>RTD.ear-contents, where <...> is a random number. Note that the runtime files server.log and log ds_perf.cvs are in RTD_HOME.

2.2 Creating and Initializing the Oracle RTD Database

After you have installed the Oracle RTD files, you must create and initialize the Oracle RTD Database. Oracle RTD requires two database users: an administrative user, and a run-time user. The administrative user needs to be able to create tables and stored procedures, and is only used when the database is being initialized during initial Oracle RTD configuration. The administrative user is never used during Oracle RTD run time. The run-time database user is used by Oracle RTD during run time to access information in the database.

There are two ways to initialize the Oracle RTD Database. You can either run SDDBTool, an Oracle RTD Windows client application, or you can run command line scripts provided by Oracle RTD.

This section contains the following topics:

2.2.1 Creating a Database: Microsoft SQL Server

After installing SQL Server, use the SQL Server Enterprise Manager to create a new database.

To use SQL Server as your Oracle RTD Database, you must assign two database users to this database: an administration user and a run-time user. The administration user must have the server role System Administrator. The run-time user must have the database roles db_ddladmin, db_reader, and db_writer. Refer to the Microsoft SQL Server documentation for information about creating the database and assigning users.

You must install SQL Server Client Tools on the computer where you plan to run SDDBTool. See Section 2.2.4, "Initializing the Oracle RTD Database Using SDDBTool" for more information about SDDBTool.

2.2.2 Creating a Database: Oracle Database

To use Oracle Database as your Oracle RTD Database, you must provide the net service name and a valid user name and password. Refer to your Oracle Database documentation for information about how to set up net services.

For Oracle Database, the administration user and the run-time user must be the same user. This user needs to have the database roles Connect and Resource. The Resource role can be revoked after the database has been initialized. If you do revoke the Resource role, set the quota for the tablespace of the run-time user to an appropriate level, or to unlimited, depending on your database policies.

You must install Oracle Administrator Client on the computer where you plan to run SDDBTool. See Section 2.2.4, "Initializing the Oracle RTD Database Using SDDBTool" for more information about SDDBTool.

2.2.3 Creating a Database: IBM DB2

After installing DB2 Server, use DB2 Control Center to create a new database. The code set of this database must be set to UTF-8.

To use DB2 as your Oracle RTD Database, you must provide two database users: an administration user and a run-time user. The administration user must have the Database Administrator authority on the database you created. The run-time user must have the Connect to database authority.

Refer to the DB2 documentation for more information about creating the database and users.

You must install the DB2 Administrative Client on the computer where you plan to run SDDBTool. See the following section for more information about SDDBTool.

2.2.4 Initializing the Oracle RTD Database Using SDDBTool

You can initialize the Oracle RTD Database using SDDBTool, an Oracle RTD Windows client application. Before using SDDBTool to initialize the database, make sure that Real-Time Decision Server is not running.

To initialize the Oracle RTD Database using SDDBTool:

  1. Ensure that your database server is running.

  2. If you are using Oracle Database as your Oracle RTD Database, edit the file RTD_HOME\scripts\sql\Oracle\SDTablespaceMap.txt on the computer where you installed the Oracle RTD client tools. This file allows you to control the allocation of Real-Time Decision Server tables to your Oracle tablespaces. Read the instructions in the file for more information. After you edit the file, save and close the file.

  3. Open SDDBTool by running RTD_HOME\scripts\SDDBTool.cmd on the computer where you installed the Oracle RTD client tools. Then, choose your database type.

  4. Enter your database settings, as follows:

    • Database Host


      If you installed your Oracle RTD Database on a SQL Server named instance, specify Database Host\instance_name.
    • Database Port

    • Database Name (for Oracle Database, enter the SID instead of the Database Name)

    • Database Runtime User

    • Database Administrative User

    • Database Administrative User Password


    The database administrative user you provide must have rights to create tables and stored procedures on the database. The run-time user is used to access system data at run time.

    For Oracle Database, the Database Runtime User and the Database Administrative User are the same user.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Choose Initialize or Upgrade. Initialize creates the data and data source needed to run Oracle RTD. Upgrade will upgrade from a previous version to the current version.

If you do not plan to use the example CrossSell Inline Service, and you are using Oracle Database for your Oracle RTD Database, you can revoke the Resource role from the database user after you complete database initialization. See Section 2.3, "Populating the CrossSell Example Data (Optional)" for more information about the example CrossSell Inline Service.

2.2.5 Initializing the Oracle RTD Database Using Command Line Scripts

You can initialize the Oracle RTD Database using command line scripts. Before using the scripts to initialize the database, make sure that Real-Time Decision Server is not running.

Under the directory RTD_HOME\scripts\sql, there are three directories, DB2Static, OracleStatic, SQLServerStatic.

Each directory contains a readme.txt file, which contains instructions on how to use the other files provided in the directory.

Follow the instructions in the appropriate readme.txt file.


The OracleStatic directory does not contain an initialize.sql file. The OracleStatic readme.txt file contains instructions on how to generate the sql to initialize the database from the initalize.template file.

If you do not plan to use the example CrossSell Inline Service, and you are using Oracle Database for your Oracle RTD Database, you can revoke the Resource role from the database user after you complete database initialization. See Section 2.3, "Populating the CrossSell Example Data (Optional)" for more information about the example CrossSell Inline Service.

2.3 Populating the CrossSell Example Data (Optional)

An example Inline Service, called CrossSell, is included with Oracle RTD. To use this sample inline service, you must create and populate three tables, CrossSellCustomers, CrossSellResponses, and CrossSellBestOffer in the Oracle RTD Database. To do this, run the script InitAppDB on the Windows computer where you installed the Oracle RTD client tools.

InitAppDB is located with the example Inline Service. Using a command prompt, run the script appropriate for your database type:

This script takes the following parameters:

InitAppDB RTD_HOME db_host db_port db_name db_runtime_user db_admin_user db_admin_password

Table 2-1 describes the parameters for the InitAppDB script.

Table 2-1 Parameters for InitAppDB Script

Parameter Description


The full path of the directory where the Oracle RTD files are installed.


The name of the computer hosting the database server.

If you installed your Oracle RTD Database on a SQL Server named instance, specify db_host\instance_name.


The database port number.


The name of the database, or for Oracle Database, the SID.

db_runtime_userFoot 1 

The user name of the run-time user for the system.


The name of a user that has rights to create tables and stored procedures on the database.


The password of the administrative user.

Footnote 1 For Oracle Database, the db_runtime_user and db_admin_user are the same user.

If you are using Oracle Database for your Oracle RTD Database, you can revoke the Resource role from the database user after you run the InitAppDB script.

2.4 Populating the DC_Demo Example Data (Optional)

Another example Inline Service, called DC_Demo, is included with Oracle RTD, to demonstrate dynamic choices and external rules. To use this sample inline service, you must first create and populate a sample database table WebOffers.

To do this, run the script InitAppDB on the Windows computer where you installed the Oracle RTD client tools.

InitAppDB is located with the example Inline Service. Using a command prompt, run the script appropriate for your database type:

This script takes the following parameters:

InitAppDB RTD_HOME db_host db_port db_name db_runtime_user db_admin_user db_admin_password

See Table 2-1 for the parameters for the InitAppDB script .

2.5 Quick Zip Installation

Oracle RTD Version provides a fast way to set up and configure the Oracle RTD system. Oracle RTD Version includes a zip file,, that includes all the components required (except the database) to install Oracle RTD on a computer running Microsoft Windows.

The zip file includes a fully documented set of instructions, which describes the steps required to perform the installation. Make sure that you do not install into a path that contains spaces.


Because the quick zip installation installs standalone OC4J, which cannot be clustered, it is not recommended for production systems.

2.6 Using SSL with Oracle Real-Time Decisions

If you want to use SSL for client connections to Oracle RTD (recommended), and if you want to use the Oracle RTD keystore and truststore, you must first change the passwords for the keystore and truststore. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Run the following keytool command to change the keystore password:

    JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool –storepasswd -new new_password –keystore RTD_HOME/etc/ssl/sdserver.keystore

    Make sure to replace RTD_HOME with the actual Oracle RTD installation path. For new_password, provide the new password you want to use for the Oracle RTD keystore.

    When the script prompts for the existing keystore password, enter tc-ssl.


    If you cut and paste the keytool command syntax from this document, the hyphen character (-) may be copied as a long hyphen rather than a short hyphen. If you receive an error, try re-typing the hyphen characters in the command.
  2. Run the following keytool command to change the truststore password:

    JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool –storepasswd –new new_password –keystore RTD_HOME/etc/ssl/

    Make sure to replace RTD_HOME with the actual Oracle RTD installation path. For new_password, provide the new password you want to use for the Oracle RTD truststore.

    When the script prompts for the existing truststore password, enter tc-ssl.

  3. Run the following keytool command to change the server private key password:

    JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -keypasswd -alias tc-ssl -keypass tc-ssl -new new_password -keystore RTD_HOME/etc/ssl/sdserver.keystore

    Make sure to replace RTD_HOME with the actual Oracle RTD installation path. For new_password, provide the password you want to use for the server private key.

    When the script prompts for the keystore password, enter the password you provided for the keystore in Step 1.

2.6.1 Additional Information for SSL-Only Configurations

For greater security, when setting up SSL, you should disable the regular HTTP port to ensure that all client connections are routed through the SSL port.

When Oracle RTD is deployed on an application server, you may need to perform the following additional steps when setting up an SSL-only configuration:

  1. Run the following keytool command to import the Oracle RTD certificate into the cacerts for your application server:

    keytool -import -file RTD_HOME/etc/ssl/sdserver.cer -keystore cacerts

    The file keytool.exe is located in the standard jdk/bin directory for the JDK used by the application server.

  2. When prompted, enter the keystore password for the application server's cacerts file.

    The default location of cacerts is in the standard jdk/jre/lib/security directory for the JDK used by the application server.

  3. When prompted to trust the certificate, enter yes.

This procedure is useful for test environments. For production systems, you should use your own certificate rather than the test certificate that ships with Oracle RTD.