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Files in the ui Directory

The ui directory contains files that define the appearance of the application at its outermost level. Definitions in these files apply to the application in general and not to any specific pagesets that appear inside it.

This section lists the image and HTML files that are common to all applications. The ui directory of your own application may contain additional files that define various user interface components unique to your own application.

about.htm (example only)

The about.htm file contains generic content about applications that you can edit to address the specifics of your own application.

Use the ShowAbout function to link to the About file.

help*.gif (example only)

These are default images used inside the files that load into the Help file, helpset.htm.

help_*.htm (example only)

These files contain default help text and images that load into the frames defined by the Help file, helpset.htm.

helpset.htm (example only)

The helpset.htm file defines a frameset into which files containing generic help content, help_*.htm, load. You can edit the text of these files to address the specifics of your own application.

Use the ShowHelp function to link to the Help file.


This file defines a blank frame. To define a blank frame, use:

<frame src="javascript:''">

ol_fly.htm (example only)

This file provides an example of how the Advisor APIs can be used to load the Contents List, Help file, and About file. The Flyover frame appears at the top of the browser window and persists throughout the entire application, regardless of which pageset is active.


This file is also known as the Application UI Definition file. It defines the HTML frameset layout of the application. Each application contains a single Application UI Definition file.

The HTML frameset layout defined in the Application UI Definition file represents what a user sees when the application first loads, as well as the static areas surrounding the display pages as a user continues to interact with the application.

One of the frames defined in the Application UI Definition file usually outlines the area, called mainArea in the Advisor templates, into which all the display pages in your application load. You must use the RegisterUI function to indicate which frame defines this pageset display page area. The nested frameset structure of this single area is managed by a Pageset UI Definition file.

Use the RegisterContentsListFrame function to identify which frame defined in the Application UI Definition file displays the contents list. You can also use the SetContentsListFrame function inside a Pageset UI Definition file to display the Contents List inside the frameset of a pageset.

The Application UI Definition file must reference the header.js file from inside the <HEAD> tags, as in:

<HEAD><SCRIPT src="../jd/header.js"></SCRIPT></HEAD>

You must include a call to the RegisterUI function inside the onLoad event handler of the main frameset definition in the Application UI Definition file. The RegisterUI function identifies which of the frames defined in this file contains the nested pageset framesets defined in Pageset UI Definition files.


This is an image that creates transparent vertical and horizontal space. Use width and height attributes within the Image tag to specify the size.


This is a file that the application templates display inside the pageset UI definition area, called mainArea in the templates, when the application first loads.

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