Configuring Siebel Business Applications > Configuring the Customer Dashboard > Options to Update the Customer Dashboard >

Using Personalization to Update the Customer Dashboard

The Personalization engine can personalize the Call Center application according to the agent profile and the customer profile. Siebel CRM loads the agent profile when the agent logs into Siebel CRM. It loads the customer profile when it enters values for customer information in the Customer Dashboard. This allows the agent to view customer information according to personalization rules that your Siebel administrator creates.

For example, you can display a different applet or view to the agent according to the customer profile. You can display a Recommended Products applet that only displays products for this customer according to products that the customer previously purchased.

To access the profile information, you create personalization rules. The following attributes allow you to access different types of information:

  • Me attribute. Provides access to agent profile information.
  • You attribute. Provides access to customer profile information.

The following are examples of these commands.

  • GetProfileAttr("You.Last Name")
  • GetProfileAttr("Me.Last Name")

For more information, see Siebel Personalization Administration Guide.

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