Configuring Siebel Business Applications > Configuring Multi-Value Group, Association, and Shuttle Applets >

About Shuttle Applets

A shuttle applet is a type of applet that allows the user to associate child records with a parent record and to create new records. Siebel CRM displays a shuttle applet in high interactivity in the following situation:

  1. The user clicks the MVG button.
  2. The business component of the underlying multi-value group applet includes a many-to-many relationship with the parent business component.

A shuttle applet uses the same underlying object architecture as an association applet. For more information, see How Siebel CRM Creates an Association Applet It Calls from a Multi-Value Group Applet.

A shuttle applet gets the following items from the association applet:

  • Applet header. For example, New, Query, Find, and Starting With.
  • Available label.
  • List body that Siebel CRM displays on the left side of the shuttle applet.

A shuttle applet gets the following items from the multi-value group applet:

  • Selected label
  • List body that Siebel CRM displays on the right side of the shuttle applet
  • OK button
  • Add, Add All, Remove, and Remove All buttons

You cannot call a popup applet from a shuttle applet.

For more information, see About Standard Interactivity and High Interactivity and Siebel Release Notes on My Oracle Support.

How the Shuttle Applet Uses Web Templates

Siebel CRM uses the following specialized web templates to display a shuttle applet:

  • CCPopupListAssoc.swt
  • CCPopupListMVG.swt

For more information, see Caution About Using Specialized Classes.

The Mode property of the applet web template item identifies the applets where Siebel CRM displays the controls:

  • If Mode is not defined, then Siebel CRM displays the control in shuttle and nonshuttle applets.
  • If Mode is DefaultOnly, then Siebel CRM displays the control only in an applet that is not a shuttle applet. For example, it might display the OK and the Cancel button on the association applet.
  • If Mode is More, then Siebel CRM displays the control only in the shuttle applet. For example, it might display Add, Add All, Remove, or Remove All.

    For more information, see Properties of the Applet Web Template Item.

Viewing an Example of a Shuttle Applet

You can view an example of a shuttle applet.

To view an example of a shuttle applet

  1. In the Siebel client, click the Contacts screen tab, and then the Contacts List link.
  2. Click a link in the Last Name column.
  3. In the form, click the MVG button for the Account field.

    Siebel CRM displays the Accounts shuttle applet.

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