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Financial Services Connector for IFX XML Integration Components

Notice the following features of the integration components:

  • Aggregate and elements are treated the same as map to integration components.
  • SiebelFINSIXMLContainer is always the root integration component.
  • The property Parent Integration Component and the property Cardinality are used to preserve the hierarchy and cardinality information.
  • Integration component name mimics the xml tag except:
    • The dot in the xml tag is replaced with an underscore.
    • Numbers are attached to resolve naming conflicts.
  • If the integration component represents an element that can have a value, it will have at least one Integration Component Field child object, which is the PCDATA.
  • If the integration component represents an aggregate that cannot have a value, it will have no Integration Component Field child object.

Notice the following features of the integration objects user properties:

  • Property IFX Service Name is used to provide information about what IFX Service this message belongs to. It is a required user property.
  • Property Ignore Undefined XML Tags is for internal use only and is a required user property.

DTE Changes

Note that if the underlying DTD changes, it is necessary to revise your integration object definition accordingly. Be careful of changes to commonly used aggregates, as any change will force you to regenerate external integration objects for many messages.

If you change the DTD and update your external integration objects, it is important to review your DTE maps to make sure that they are still valid and mapping the correct fields.

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