Siebel Field Service Guide > Business Service Methods in Siebel Field Service > Business Service Methods for the Dispatch Board >

CalculateFromToAddresses Method

CalculateFromToAddresses determines the location of the activity and the location of each of the employees, and forwards the results to CalculateDistanceVals. CalculateFromToAddresses is the first method that GetCalculatedDistanceVals calls. For more information, see GetCalculatedDistanceVals Method.

The default method behavior identifies the location of an activity as the personal address for the activity. If the location is not available, then this method checks the business address for the activity. This method then retrieves the activity previous to the activity to schedule. If no previous activity exists in the schedule for the engineer, then this method sets the value for the From Address to the address in the employee profile for the engineer. The originating address for the engineer is set using the Start Shift Location Field Name business service user property. By default, this value is the Start Home Address ID for the engineer. The Start Home Address section in the Service Details view in the Employees view of the Administration - User screen designates this value.

This method searches the addresses of each activity, in accordance with the order that the From Address Id Props and To Address Id Props business service user properties indicate. Each of these properties specifies the business component ID and address type of the address to check. If the address type is TRUE, then the address is a personal address. If the address type is FALSE, then the address is a business address.

If the business address business component is not the same as the default, then you can set this business component by adding a Business Address CUT business service user property. Then you can specify the business address business component in this new user property. The originating address of the field service engineer is determined by the Start Shift Location Field Name business service user property. The default value for this user property is Start Home Address ID.

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