Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide > Setting Up Application Services Interfaces for Siebel PRM > About Setting Up ASIs for Siebel PRM >

General Setup for ASIs for Siebel PRM

To set up either opportunity transfer or shopping cart transfer, in addition to the tasks described previously, you must also perform the tasks in this topic:

  • Activate workflows
  • Assign D-U-N-S numbers

Activate Workflows

For either opportunity transfer or shopping cart transfer, you must activate the workflow processes used for real-time integration. Activate all workflows where the Group field has the value PRM ASI.

NOTE:  For testing, you must perform this task on the second system as well.

You activate workflows in Siebel Tools. For more information, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide.

Assigning D-U-N-S Numbers

For either opportunity transfer or shopping cart transfer, you must enter a D-U-N-S number for your own company and for all partner companies that use ASIs. The ASIs use the D-U-N-S number to uniquely identify the companies that are sending and receiving information.

Though it is recommended that you use the D-U-N-S number, you can use any unique identification number that you and your partners agree on.

You must also assign D-U-N-S numbers for Accounts that you transfer back and forth to make sure both systems are referring to the same account. Alternatively, you can change the inbound workflows to search for the Account Name instead of the D-U-N-S number when checking to see if the Account already exists.

To set D-U-N-S numbers

  1. Set the D-U-N-S number for your own company as follows:
    1. Navigate to the Administration screen, then the System Preferences view.
    2. Search for a preference named Internal DUNS Number and enter its value.
  2. Set the D-U-N-S number for all partner companies that use ASIs as follows:
    1. Navigate to the Partners screen, then the Partner List view.
    2. In the Partners list, select the record for the partner company.
    3. In the More Info form, enter the value in the DUNS# field.

NOTE:  The D-U-N-S numbers that your partners use must match the D-U-N-S numbers you use. The D-U-N-S number you enter for a partner in your system must match the D-U-N-S number that partner uses for itself in its system. The D-U-N-S number you enter for your own company in your own system must match the number the partner uses for your company in its system.

You do not need to modify these workflows, but you can modify them to suit your business model.

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